Finally Found -Chapter 11

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"Cannot be happy enough, I have the perfect family" Olly updated his twitter with a snap of the smiling family altogether at the airport. There were lots of messages and congratulations from Olly's fans happy that he was so happy. "I couldn't be happier" Olly said driving back from the airport briefly looking at Lis' huge grin "me neither babe" she responded touching his hand that was on the gearstick. The boys fell asleep in the back of the car after the events that went on earlier in the day. It was a really calm on the journey home, just comfortable in their company. "I should really tell my family, I'm not going to Oz, well before they find out from someone else" she told Olly. He agreed so she text her mum saying that she had a chance of real happiness and that she couldn't let it go.

They were back at Olly's house, the children woke up to the news that they were getting a takeaway, they got out of the car "hey where are you going?" Olly shouted to Lis. "I'm getting the suitcases out of the car, you asked me to stay remember?" she joked. "No your not, come here" he lifted her up and put one hand round her neck and one supporting her legs "carrying you over the threshold ain't I?" he laughed, "don't you do that when your married, and as I recall we are not married yet" she laughed. The giggled like school children whilst he put her down in his hallway, "there you go, now go and put the kettle on, I'm gasping" he said cheeky. "Your very cheeky Olly, hmm maybe I made the wrong decision on staying with you" she said seriously. His face was a picture "no no I didn't mean...", "just joking babe" she playfully slapped his arm. The pizza come and they ate around the table together like what a proper family do, nothing could wipe the smiles off their faces, they were all happy.

The kids went to bed and Olly opened a bottle of red wine. "Sit down babe" Olly said pouring the red wine into the crystal cut glasses. He walked over handing her a glass and sat next to Lis, she cosied up to him and put her head in his lap. His spare hand stroked her hair "I'm loving this, just perfect" Lis said. Olly stopped stroking her hair and looked through his messages, "would have been nice to have been told that she was moving in", it was a message from his mum, he responded "sorry mum, day has just flown by". He didn't tell Lis that he got those text messages, a text arrived straight away "really happy for you son". He smiled, and Lis sat up "what are you smiling at?", "Oh nothing, just mum is very happy that you have stayed with me". "How did she know?" Lis queried. "Hang on how did she know, twitter?" he asked. He logged onto the internet to investigate. The story was already a highlighted story on the Daily Mirror site. "It's all official now babe, you can't ever go now" Olly said giving Lis a kiss on the cheek, "I should certainly hope so babe" she responded.

The next day was a whirlwind, Olly had the day off and was planning on spending the day with his new family. "Ring ring" Olly's mobile went off "Hi" Olly said, "Hi Olly, how are you? I see you've been a busy bunny, but there's a story that's going to come out tomorrow in the mirror from Lis' ex partner, can you both come in?" it was Sarah informing him of the news. "Ok, great" he said in a sarcastic voice. Olly informed Lis of what was going on, she couldn't believe it, he had been gone all those years and now what is he going to say "great, just like him wanting his 5 minutes of fame" Lis said in a foul mood. "Babe, it'll be ok, we'll get it sorted" Olly said reassuring her and grabbing her shoulders. They went to her mums and dads to drop the boys off and made their way to the office.

They walked into Olly's management office hand in hand, "Hi Sarah" Olly shouted across the room. Sarah got up from her chair and walked across the room to the new couple "hi guys, nice to see you, want to come in here?" she said whilst giving them a kiss on each cheek. Lis was nervous, she didn't know what to do, how to act, Olly grabbed her hand "It's ok" he said feeling her tension. Sarah came in with a pile of papers in her hand "so guys, you know why we are here, your ex - Michael is selling his story on when you were together and why you broke up exetera, it's due to go to press tomorrow" she said. She handed the report to Lisa and she read it through, "ha! that's the biggest load of shit to be quite honest, sorry I'm swearing but...". "Lisa, they are going to run it tomorrow, we need to make a comment". Olly was surprised what it said how she used to drink and left her baby for days before he left. Olly looked at Lis knowing what he was going to say "of course it's not true, it's the other way round more like, he was the one and left me holding a baby at 4 weeks old, he was the one who went out on weekends getting trollied..., look I didn't sign up for this, I fell in love is that such a problem" she was getting really upset. "Babe, it'll be ok I believe you, it's not going to affect us". "Unfortunately Lisa, if you don't have any proof, they will run it anyway". "But I have got proof, here is all the signed stuff he said he didn't want to have access to Tommy, here was his police reports when he got arrested countless of times, here's some other stuff too" she said passing the papers onto Sarah, Olly and Sarah looked at each other and Lis caught the glance of puzzled looks " as a parent and working in law you have to protect yourself and your family". "Of course Lisa, well that will definitely stop the bullshitter from earning his pretty penny" Sarah insisted. "Really, because if it went ahead, I would definitely sue, it wouldn't be pretty" Lis said confidently. "I'm really looking forward to working with you and your company" Sarah tried to change the subject, "Me too, is this all sorted now?" Lis asked. Sarah nodded. "Sorry, I get all emotional with this, as soon as I'm happy everyone always tries to burst my bubble" Lis cried a little. "It's ok babe, it's fine it's all sorted now will be out of life forever, come on come here" Olly said offering his arm for her to come into. "Yes Lisa, your certainly good for our Olly" Sarah interrupted coming over and giving Lisa a hug "and your a hit with the fans too". Lis perked up.

"I'm so proud of you babe" Olly said walking out the office. A crowd of paparazzi gathered outside the office, "oh bugger, someone must have seen us going in, wait I'll get the car to come round the back, they made their way to the back door and jumped into the car. Lis sighed "now that was a difficult day you know" she turned her head towards Olly "I don't wanna sell any stories, I want to protect our children, they can have the picture but I'm not the famous one... you are... I just fell in love with you". "Babe, it's the kind of industry I'm in unfortunately, we can protect the boys that's fine but because your with me you might be kinda... hounded, are you ok with that?" Olly asked concerned. "I don't particularly like that area of it to be honest" Lis replied. "You know if you want... I could give it all up", "oh god no, babe I would never ask you to do that, you have too much of a talent and your fans what would they think, oh god I would never jeopardise your career in anyway shape or form" Lis insisted. Olly smiled "you know I'm very lucky to have you in my life", "yes I know you are babe... and another thing you will get back to the US, I have thought of a way, you have too many fans out there for your talent to be ignored" she confidently spoke. Olly was excited.

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