Chapter 1

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"Sometimes we build such high walls for protection that we forget that our enemy can grow from within"
Eishes chayil

I stroked the glass of the picture frame staring at the beautiful green eyes that stared back at me, happiness glinting in her wide eyes. The thunder roared outside, awakening me from daze. I sighed and put the picture frame back where it was on my nightstand.

A soft knock on my door had my attention diverted. Josephine stuck her head inside.

"Yo dinners ready" I gave her a small smile and told her i was coming.

Once she was gone i tied my brown hair in a high pony tail and went downstairs.

"Dude what the fuck thats mine" i heard Jakes heavy voice

"Back off i got it first" Mike cried in reply

I giggled as i almost reached the huge dining table where my cousins where fighting like three year old kids. I came in giggling finding my seat and putting my butt down.

"Aah your here Aurora" uncle nelson smiled at me from the end of the table.

I smiled back at him and started eating my food.

"Aurors" Jake pushed his hand forward for a bro fist.

"Aurors" Mike mimicked from his side which earned him a glared from his father, Nelson. Josephine was giggling at her seat.

I rolled my eyes at this crazy perfect family. I have lived with my uncle and his family for almost fifteen years.

My uncle was some type of leader of the whole town where we lived. Soon, jake his eldest son would take his position. I never knew what they all dealt with and i did not interfere. It was enough they gave me a house to live in.

After dinner me and Josephine decided to the dishes.

"When is Gabriel coming over?" I asked scrubbing the plate. I got her deep sigh in response.

"I don't know he didn't call" she said grabbing the plate i was scrubbing to dry it up.

"I thought you told him to NOT call you" i put special emphasis on 'not'

"I know but it was a 'I want you to call me and tell me your sorry'" Gabriel was her boyfriend of two years.

"Dont worry" i smiled at her. She smiled back at me.

"Ooh tomorrow shopping?" She jumped. She literally had the biggest smile on her face. I shrugged.

"I don't know i have assignments to do" "Come on auror" She pouted. "We'll buy a movie too mike and jack wont butt in because some pac- people are coming tomorrow for a meeting" She pleaded

"Okay maybe then" i giggled. She squealed and kissed my cheek.

"Who's coming by the way?" I asked. She shrugged her shoulders again.

"Some other leader from another  area" she replied while looking at her phone.

"oh" was my only response.

"Well i have stuff to do i'll be up in my room if you need me" i smiled at her


She beamed. "Dadyyyy!" I heard her in the background and rolled my eyes.

As i went to my room i got my books for my psychology assignment, I checked my phone and replied to the texts i had. After i was done i grabbed some pajama shorts and a V-neck shirt and went in the shower. I did my normal shower routine and hoped out.
My long brown thick hair were wet and glued to my skin like an octupus. I wrapped my hair around a towel and went to my room. I grabbed my lotion and massaged it all over my paper white skin. I let my hair air dry and worked on my assignment. After a whole long hour i rechecked my hard work and clipped it. I pushed everything off bed and got it the covers, switching off the lamp. "Goodnight mom" i whispered to the frame on my nightstand and went into a deep slumber.


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