Chapter 26

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I shivered at the sound coming from the dark hallway. An arm wrapped around my waist helped my shivering to stop as i cuddled more into him.

I didn't miss the way some wolves moved away from their dungeons in fear as we passed them and how others clung on to the metal, growling in fury, wanting to be let out.

I was scared. I really was. I would never come down here without my mate in a billion years. There were dangerous people down here, vicious animals clawing for blood. The place smelled like death and blood. I could hear someone moaning in agony, begging for death to come.

The hair on my back was raised since the minute i stepped into this hell hole.

Even though i decided to come here, i couldn't wait to go back.

In my thoughts i didn't notice us passing a certain dungeon room. The prisoner launched it self forward, trying to get to me but it was held back by the rods. I screamed in obvious fear and i was immediately pushed back, an arm protecting me.

The prisoner screamed in agony as the steel of the dungeon rods gave off something i could not comprehend. He screamed bloody murder, his red bloodshot eyes looking at me in desperation.

"Please.." He croaked out.

I could hear my heart beating in my ears, i clung to my mates arm like my life depended on it.

"Please kill me" His message was directed to Dominic but he wouldn't look at him in the eyes.His knees gave out and he fell forward, i stared at his figure in shock tears forming in my eyes looking at his pathetic condition.

"Lets get moving" Dominic's deep voice made me snap out of it, his arm wrapped around me again, pushing me forward.

I tried to calm my racing heart but with every step we took i became more anxious. I wrapped Dominic's jacket that i was wearing around me tightly, his scent making me feel a little better.

"Where is he?" I managed to croak out, my voice was evidently filled with fear.

"This way" he pointed to the right turn and i immediately froze in my steps.

This hallway was creepier than ever. The small light bulb above it flickered off and on, adding to the dramatic eerie effect.

I was hesitant to go in but i needed answers. My mate picked that up.

"You don't have to do this love" He leaned down and whispered in my ear, the wolf in charge of this place, Nash as i had picked up was a few feet away from us. Giving us privacy and protection.

"I do, he's my father" i replied still staring down the hallway.

I heard a sigh and i felt him wrap and arm around my waist again as we began moving forward.

This was it. I was about to see my father.

To say i was nervous was an understatement. It was the uncertainty that had me shaking.

We finally reached the end and i peered into the room, seeing a figure of a man engulfed in darkness. I couldn't see his face or his body properly, just the ghost of his figure.

Nash kicked the door with such force that i gasped and pushed back, which resulted in a deep growl from my father.

His chains crinkled as he moved pointing that he was getting up. His light steps seemed to signify his weakness, finally stepping into view.

He was nothing like i had imagined. He stared at me with his tired looking emotionless eyes, his hair overgrown, he looked like a crazy man. I found myself backing up from his glare as he stared at me, hatred glistening in his eyes, but he smiled, showing his broken yellow tar filled teeth. I wanted to puke.

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