Chapter 7

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Look at the stars
Don't they remind you of feeble we are?

I never knew opening my eyes would be so tough. I struggled with opening my eyes as exhaustion washed over me. I was met with the creamy ceiling of my room. I did a sigh of relief as i found myself in a familiar place. There was slight pounding in my head and my throat felt like it was on fire. Very uncomfortable, i decided to get up. My body cracked, like the feeling of getting up after sitting for hours. I ran a frustrated hand through my hair and took in my surroundings.

Two white pills lay on my bed side table with a glass of water next to it. Without thinking i chugged the damn pill down and relished the feeling of water, quenching my thirst. I decided i needed more water, so i got up. I groaned and fell back on the bed as i felt pain shoot up my legs from all the running.


My mind filled up with memories of the man transforming into a wolf. I gasped and shot up, trying to clear my head. I decided i would take a shower. I grabbed my white skinny jeans and a peach sleeveless top and fresh underwear from my drawers. I locked my window on the to the bathroom just in case. Turning on the hot water, i shook my head trying to divert my mind. I did my period business and jumped in the shower. The hot water relaxing my muscles and washing the dirt off me. I grabbed my loofah and scrubbed it all over my body along with my peach body wash. Wrapping a towel around, i shrugged into my panties and changed.

Walking down the stairs of my home, my stomach let out a inhuman growl. I decided to eat something before my mind came up with more questions.
Unfortunately, since no one seemed to be in the house i was to eat alone. I grabbed some cereal and sat down. While i ate, I thought. Should i tell everyone what happened? No one would believe me. They would probably think i was drunk off my ass and laugh it off. But I wasn't. I saw what happened and what that man really was. A shiver ran down my spine as i recalled his words "If you run i will catch you" My heart sped up just thinking about it. Would he come back for me? Suddenly feeling paranoid i looked at my surroundings. The house was completely silent. No one was here which i was glad for. I needed to think.

I was so deep in my thoughts when i heard the front door opened. A soft gasp left my lips and i jumped from my seat. Josephine kicked the front door closed with her foot as her hands were occupied with shopping bags as i sighed in relief. She set them down and pushed her expensive sunglasses on her head. I gave her a small smile as she assessed my face. Her eyes roamed my body and back to my face like she was checking to see if i was alright.

Silently, she walked up to me and engulfed me into a warm hug. I hugged her back. Josephine was my sister. She was my best friend. She never made me feel like an outsider. She pulled away from me looking at me in the eyes.

"I know your so confused Aroura but i promise everything will be alright" she smiled.  "What does he want from me?" I whispered, my voice cracking. A few emotions flickered through her eyes before she let out a sigh.

"You Aroura, he wants you"

I stared at reflection. My long brown hair fell in soft ways down my back. My skin was white not tan and gorgeous like all the other girls. My green eyes were big like a frog. I always felt like my eyes looked stupid. I always looked scared and confused. My arms were long, they weren't fat they weren't thin. My breasts weren't that big but again, they weren't that small. I had a bit of tummy fat my hips were big my thighs were thick my legs were long. What did he see in me? I wasn't ugly but I wasn't special.

I sighed turned away from the mirror, marching downstairs where i could hear masculine voices. Descending the stairs i could see uncle talking to Josephine with Jake and Mike. As I stepped down all their eyes snapped to me. I saw a few emotions running through uncles eyes. Confusion and relief? With a sigh he marched towards me and wrapped his arms around me. He pulled away a few seconds later, kissing my forehead. He was a mess. His tie hung loosely around his neck and his eyes look tired. "I've been so worried about you" he sighed again. I gave him a small smile in return. "Dad, lets just sit down she's had a long day"
I thanked Josephine with my eyes and turned to the lounge.

We all settled in as Josephine stepped out to make coffee. Jake and mike were giving me weird looks and uncle was just staring at my face like he was waiting for me to say something. The tension in the air was thick. Finally, uncle sighed and turned to me. "I know all of this is so much to take in" he started before i cut him off

"Why me?" I asked, looking down at my fingers in my lap. I heard jake get up and leave. Uncle sighed again. "He wants to you to be his bride"
My eyes widened as they snapped up towards uncles face. He looked helpless

I was about to reply when Jake came running in, evident panic on his face. Both our eyes snapped up to him.

"It's Alpha Dominic Black and he's not alone"

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