Chapter 3

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"Deep inside
Where nothings fine

I've lost my mind"

I could not look away. Away from the deepest shade of two black circles. The anger beneath those eyes was great. What did i do? Not once did his eyes show any other emotion. With alot of difficulty i averted my eyes to his face. His perfect jaw was clenched so tightly that i thought he would break it. His face was stubble free and his face was the perfect kind of tan. His short black hair matched his skin which made him look more manly and more intimidating. His nose was crooked which showed it had been broken. There was a small gash from his eye to his mid cheek. It wasn't that prominent but if any other person like me was checking him out like this they would definitely notice it. The white thin line seemed to add in to his sexiness. His black t-shirt clung to his muscular body and hugged his abs and muscular chest.. He was beautiful. I saw him holding my jacket to his side in his tight fist as his body was shaking. I looked at my jacket for a second before looking up again at the beautiful man in front of me. He inhaled deeply through his nose, closing his eyes for a second. I took that as a chance to look at everywhere but him. Everyone had horror struck faces, they were frozen in the same spot they were in. I wanted to speak but nothing came out of my mouth. What did i do? Why was everyone looking at me and him like that? Most importantly, was this guy looking at me like that? I was taken out of my thoughts when i heard heavy footsteps coming my way. I was about to turn my head when a hand grabbed my upper arm, tightly. I gasped when i felt the sparks shoot up my arm and goosebumps arose at the back of my neck. I looked up through my big green eyes at the gorgeous man in front of me. "Let go of her" uncle nelson warned calmly. I started squirming out of his grips to get away but failed. A deep growl came out of his throat which made me stop but had me whimpering. "I said let her GO" uncle nelson roared. "Im.not.letting.her.go." This strange yet beautiful man gritted out through his teeth. His deep husky voice sent a shiver down my back. "Do not disrespect me Nelson" He spat. I could see the fear in uncle nelson eyes as he registered his words. "She's not what you think, its not possible" Uncle spoke up. My upper arm was starting to hurt and my lower arm started to feeling the uncomfortable feeling. I hissed in pain trying to get out. "Your hurting me" i whispered up to the..jerk.
He looked down at me once before letting go slightly but still had his hands on me and turned to uncle. "Oh trust me she is" he replied. What were they talking about?! "She cant be its not possible!" Josephine cried. He averted his eyes towards her giving her a glare. "Whats going on" I spoke up. "Let her go Dominic" Jake step towards our direction. Dominic growled at him so loud it made jake stop in his tracks.
"Do not tell me what to do PUP" he seethed. Dominic suddenly released me and i was almost going to run to uncle when he grabbed my wrist. I whirled around to see his face which was turned into a deep scowl. He let out a deep growl and pushed me back to him. "What is wrong with you!" I screamed, pushing at him. "LET ME GO" I screamed again but my efforts were no good. He pushed me to him again. And turned me around so fast so my back was facing his front. "Dominic, lets take this to my office and we'll figure something out" uncle nelson spoke up. "Fine, but if you do anything stupid or funny you all are going to face the consequences" Uncle clenched his jaw at his words. Dominic released me and turned so that he was looking at me straight in the eyes. "Do not leave mate" he growled. His black eyes shining. Mate? What the hell? He turned his back to me and went off with uncle.


"Do you think they'll ever go" i said looking up at the two buff men standing a few feet away from us. Jake sighed. "I don't know" Me jake mike and Josephine were currently in my room where we all sat on the bed. "What did he want from me?" I whispered. The three siblings looked at each other confused. "We don't know" Josephine sighed. "Who is he" i shyly asked. "Dominic Dylan black" Mike answered. His name sent a shiver down my spine. I was about to reply when the door of my room flung open. I jumped up but relax when i saw it was only uncle. I ran up to him and hugged him, completely ignoring the two strangers in my room. "He'll be staying at a nearby motel till tomorrow and then he leaves. His eyes moved from mine to his kids, showing an emotion i didn't get. As he said that the two men walked out of my room. Phew. I thought to myself. "We are having a party tomorrow" uncle smiled down at me.
"What for?" I asked chewing on my bottom lip, completely forgetting the events that happened like an hour ago.
"Its her birthday tomorrow auror" Josephine came from behind me and smiled.


"Are you done with that?" Josephine asked, pointing at the curling iron as i slightly curled my hair. "Yeah" i smiled giving it to her. I applied my eyeliner and lipgloss. I watched as Josephine sectioned her hair to curl them properly. I got up and grabbed my white dress which was on the bed and put it on. It was sleeveless and hugged to body and ended on my knees. I puffed my hair to make it look more volume and teased it slightly. I put on my gold heels and matched it with my gold watch and clutch. I sprayed some perfume and was done. "You look great!" Josephine complimented slipping on her dress. "Yeah lets hope i don't leave a big red dot on my butt" i sighed. I just got my period in the morning. She laughed and straightened the skirt of her black dress. "Help me pick out jewellery!" She giggled.
After ten minutes of searching we found the perfect earrings and just then a knock interrupted us. Standing at my door was the blonde hair green eyed man. "Hey beautiful" he winked at Josephine and made my way towards her. He kissed her slightly on the lips before enveloping her petite frame in a hug. "You look beautiful" He whispered but i did hear i mean they were right here.. "Hey aurora" he smiled and leaned in for a hug. I hugged him back. "Hey gabriel" i smiled as Josephine grabbed her shoes. "You look great" he complimented and i thanked him.
"Lets go everybody" Josephine pushed us out.

"I miss her" He laughed. "I miss her ALOT" Uncle looked down at his glass.
But yeah um, time heals everything" He sighed and got off stage. I looked at my lap, it was all coming again. I sighed and went to get a drink. I made my way to the stall when i phone started ringing. I took it out of my clutch to see an unknown i.d "Hello?" I pressed it to my ear but heard muffled replies and then lost signals. I groaned and made my way to the exit, hoping for a signal. I shivered because of the cold. I was getting the searching signal when i heard footsteps behind me.

"Mine" some one growled.

Hii :) This is my first book ever so please VOTE AND COMMENT. Also, english is NOT my first language so excuse my mistakes :)

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