Chapter 6

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"As i flow through your life
A thousand oceans i have flown
And cold spirits of ice
All my life
I am the echo of your past"

I was pretty sure that a few minutes has gone by while i looked at his face in confusion. He stood, unmoving his black eyes staring intently in my direction.By now i was pretty sure that this guy was crazy or something. The tension in the air was getting thick, i just had to say something. The deep glare that he was giving me made it harder to form words as i stood there.

'This is getting awkward..' i told my self. I mentally sighed and cleared my throat. I made sure to look everywhere but his eyes as i was speaking so i fixated my eyes on my feet. "Look, I don't know who you are or what you want or what a mate is, if you let me go home, i wont tell anybody about this and keep my mouth shut forever" i laid special emphasis on 'anybody' I looked up from my feet to see his reaction and the breath knocked out of me.

You know these moments where guys do small stuff that raise their hotness level from 10-100 in a second like folding their sleeves and all? There he was standing with his hands in his pockets, showing of the muscles of his arms and chest. He slowly descended the luxurious staircase, all the way looking into my eyes. He took the last step and stepped towards me. I tried to keep my face as neutral as i could trying to hide my fear. I was aware of how close he was to me now, his height towering over mine as i looked up to look at him. He smiled. He actually smiled. This smile now actually knocked me breathless. Before i knew it the smile had turned into a glare. "That was cute, but i need you to shut that thing up before you regret it" He glared down at me, anger and annoyance flashing through his black eyes.

Before i had time to reply, he grabbed my upper arm, yes again, and started dragging me to the back side of the house. I tried pushing and shoving him away, but sadly it was of no use. I stumbled from my heels, trying to catch up with his pace but again it was of no use. He abruptly stopped and let go of my arm, only to capture my wrist in his tight grasp. I was panting like a pig by this time, cursing myself for not joining the gym or going on regular jogs in the morning with Josephine. Once my breathing was back to normal, i assessed my location. It was a large field, my heels were digging into the grass with each step i took. Where this field ended, the forest began. The view of the forest had me shivering as i tried to look in to the darkness. I had no idea where i was and it was cold. My hands automatically went up my arms, rubbing them to get some warmth. I was tired by now, exhausted. I wanted answers and i needed them fast.

Sighing out loudly, i faced the demon.
He was looking straight at me. His eyes burning with emotions I couldn't understand. Before i even had a chance to say something, he beat me to it.

"I'm going to show you what i truly am"
Fear settled in me, i was sure that he would kill me at this point. Almost as if he was reading my thoughts or my face he replied "I'm not going to hurt you Aurora" I almost sighed in relief. At least I wasn't gonna die. Unfortunately, my happiness was short lived as he continued. "But if you run i will catch you"

With that he stared taking steps away from me. My heart was pounding so hard i was sure he could hear it. Not moving eye contact, his hands went to the button of his jeans and popped it open along with his belt. The sound of the belt being undone sent a shiver down my spine. 'Why was i acting like a horny pervert?' I dropped my eyes as he dropped his jeans, my face getting hotter by the second. I looked down at the grass and my feet, not knowing what to do. The sickening cracking if bones had my heart beating rapidly as i snapped my head up to meet golden pair of eyes, claws extending out of his hands. Black fur started growing on his arms and fangs appeared in his mouth.

By now i was shaking. A human was transforming into a beast in front of my very eyes. My whole life has been a lie. Fearing my life i closed my eyes and stepped back. A low deep growl had me jumping and i opened my eyes in fright. There in front of me standing elegantly, was a very huge wolf. Its black fur looked beautiful as the moon light shone off it. Its calm stature made it look a little less scary. I was freaking out by now. A short gasp left my lips as i stumbled back again, only to fall on my butt. The wolf cocked his head to the side, assessing my every move. I was panting like crazy, my chest heaving up and down and my heart beat going crazy. The wolf took a step towards me and i almost screamed.

"No! Stay away from me!" I screamed. I was freaking out by this time. I pushed my self up kicking my heels away from my feet and got up, making a run for it.
I ran as fast as i could without looking back. The fact that i heard no footsteps behind me had me pushing forward till i reached the forest. I stopped in my tracks at the creepy forest view. There was no way i could go in there. I was really really afraid of the dark.

"Afraid of the dark are we?" A deep voice chucked behind me. I whimpered and a tear flew out of my right eye. By seeing this, the monsters eyes softened a bit. He was in regular clothing and his hair all messed up. "Get away fro-om me" i sobbed, taking steps back. I was pathetic.

Dark or not, i was getting the hell out of here. I turned and ran towards the forest, my heart beating so fast i could hear it on my ears. I ran and ran, my hair flowing behind me, branches of the trees cutting at my naked arms and i was pretty sure my feet were bleeding.
Not once did i stop, fearing for the animals in the forest. I did hear rustling near me but I didn't look back at it running for my life.

I was sure i had ran an hour or more when i saw a road. My stomach was hurting so were my feet. I stinked of forest crap and period blood. My hair was a mess and my legs were aching.
A sigh of relief left my lips as i felt the smooth surface of the road beneath my feet. I was panting so bad that i felt like i was dying. The road was quiet with a few cars. I waved my hand at the coming taxi and sighed in relief when it slowed down. The driver looked at my form with wide eyes but made no comment. I got in and told him the address. I blacked out almost instantly.

Hello everyone:) Unedited as always. Ramzan mubarak to all the muslims 💕 This beautiful cover made my AnonymousWriter-r 💕

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