Chapter 21

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Hope for the best
But prepare for the worst

Chapter 21

"What" Dominic growled and I gasped.

"She's not here her scent was the strongest in the woods" She broke down.

I immediately came forward and confronted her pulling her into a hug.

"Inform Aron and Roman i'll be there in a minute" Dominic order his eyes hard.

Alex nodded and pulled away from me heading back.

Dominic started walking upstairs and I followed.

"Wait can I please go with you?" I stood on the stairs and he turned towards me with his cold eyes.

"Go change" he nodded

I quickly passed him and reached my room I shrugged off the dress and changed in to some jeans and top with some sandals.

I hurried downstairs where Dominic was standing. He looked at me and nodded and pulled the door open.

The cold air hit my face as soon as I stepped outside. It seemed chiller somehow. Dominic walked beside me and I could feel he was tense.
I grabbed his hand again and the same comfortable feeling of sparks shot up my skin.

Dominic seemed to relax under my touch and gave my hand a tight squeeze. We walked in silence towards the woods and I started feeling uncomfortable because of the darkness that started engulfing us.

"Don't let go" Dominic spoke in a cold tone and i nodded.

"Where are going?" I tried to keep up with his pace shying away from the branches.

"To the border Alexandra is there with the rest it's where may's scent is the strongest" He helped me over a huge rock tightening his hold on my hand.

By the time we reached the border my stomach was knotting. I was really worried about May and Alexandra. I was able to identify five male broad figures not as broad as Dominic and a female figure which I immediately recognised as Alex and a small figure which was Bars.

Everyone alerted at our entrance and bowed their head. I frowned at the action but said nothing. The men had dropped their eyes and were staring at the floor. I shot my eyes to Alex, she looked horrible her blood shot eyes looked exhausted as she held on to her son.

I immediately made my way towards her but Dominic tugged me back. I looked back at his hard eyes and he let go. I quickly ran up and hugged Alex.

"Her scent is the strongest here its fading.Did anyone see her cross the border?" Dominic's deep voice seemed boomed as he directed his question to the men.

"It's not possible Alpha, May never gets out of my sight she doesn't even know the routes to the border if someone saw her they would've informed me" Alex had an edge in her voice.

"When did you realise she was gone?" Dominic started at her looking intimidating.

"I checked up on them at night like I always do. She wasn't there no broken mirror even Bars didn't notice, her scent was light so I immediately called Bryson to ask if he had taken her but he didn't" Her voice almost broke down at the end.

"Alpha Bryson is on his way and he's not alone" One of the men started up at Dominic.

Dominic growled his eyes shifting to their black colour.

"Inform the warriors to be here right now" Dominic clenched his jaw

"Aron search over the boundaries find anything you can" He addressed the blonde haired guy.

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