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Todoroki POV

As usual, I'm the first to get home from work. I take my shoes off and step into the apartment. I grab a snack from the kitchen and head to the library. I've been so focused on Kats and Ei that I've been neglecting my poor books. The library is rather large. It's got 6 rows, not to mention all the shelving units screwed into the walls. It also has both a couch and recliner for however I feel like reading. There's a small coffee/tea bar too. Just in case. It's raining today which is my favorite reading weather. I love the way the rain hits the large window. It's relaxing and peaceful. This right here is my true happy place. I could and would spend hours in here. I hear talking. I guess the boys are home. I open up the library door a little to listen better.

"Where's Sho?" I hear Kats.
"It's raining" Ei says back.
"No shit. Thanks for the weather forecast. What does that have to do with Sho?" Kats retorts.
I can't help but giggle a little bit.
"Where does he hibernate every time it rains?" Ei says again.
"Ugh. The library" Kats groans. "I'll go get him"
They know me so well at this point. I climb back on the couch and open the book before before Kats is able to walk in. The door opens. I look up to see Kats eyes meet with mine. He sits on the couch next to me and pulls my legs across him.

"You guys know me too well" I say not looking up from the page.
"Well that's what happens when you're friends with someone for a long time" he says back rubbing my leg.
"How was work?" I question, still reading.
"Some idiot pretended to have a quirk to rob a store. And the idiot shop owner fell for it." He says kind of laughing.
"Criminals are getting less and less creative these days" I respond.
"What about you? How was your day?" He questions.
"Meetings, meetings, and more meetings" I respond. "So busy. Which isn't unusual, but the meetings were mostly them talking about me. Some say I'm 'too unstable' to go back into fieldwork. Even with Trace and Dr. Sinclair's recommendation." There must've been a weird sadness in my voice because Kats suddenly pulled me into his lap. He wraps his arms around my waist and looks at me.
"You know you're not unstable, right?" He says as he pulls me down for a hug. "Honestly, all of us have seen some shit that would make any sane person go crazy. I was literally fucking kidnapped by villains. We were all fighting wars before we even graduated. They're full of shit if that's the reason they keep you from doing hero work again."
I look up at him ready to cry again. "Hey. Why are you crying? Did I say something wrong?" He questions, very concerned as he wipes away the falling tears.
"No. You didn't say anything wrong." I say and I lean in and kiss him. We pull away from the kiss a few seconds later.
"How long have you been standing behind the door" Kats questions as a blushing Ei walks in. "Sorry. You two are just so cute" he says sitting on the couch with us. I crawl into Ei's lap and put my legs across Kats.
"Mmm and how was work for you babe?"
"Kids are funny. It's like they're mean, but their meanness is actually kindness? Basically they're all little Kats" he laughs. "But it was good. We did some hero course drills with them today. It's fun watching them get stronger and become the next pro heroes." He finishes his sentence.

"Uhm. I actually had a question about that" I say looking at them and nervously drawing small circles with my finger on Ei's chest.
"Question about what?" Kats looks even more nervous than me.
"It's nothing bad... it's just... well... do you guys want kids? Because I thought I didn't but I also kind of might? I don't know yet. But I wanted to get your input on it..." I say. I can see how shocked they are by the question.
"I don't think I've thought about it" Kats says. "I've been too focused on trying to surpass Deku that it's never crossed my mind" he finishes and then I hear Ei's voice.
"I've thought about it. It would be kind of fun to raise the future generation of pro heroes."
"Would all three of us be the dad?" Kats questions obviously trying to figure out how kids in our situation would even work.
"I don't see why not. I mean family looks different for everyone. At least we know our kids would be loving and open to everyone around them" Ei says.
"We'd be adopting, wouldn't we?" Kats questions again.
"Well I don't think any of us can get pregnant" I laugh. "It would either be adopting or surrogacy." I talk before I even hear what I'm saying.
"Have you researched this already?" Kats questions.
"Yes" I say shyly. "I was trying to figure out if we could..." I say as I bury my embarrassed face into Ei's chest.
"You are so fucking cute" I hear Kats say.
"Aww imagine a little baby Sho" Ei says with a giggle.
I giggle too as I say "I don't want them anytime soon. So you both can think about it. I really just want to enjoy our relationship right now. But maybe by the time we're in our mid 30's we could revisit?" I question.
"Early 30s" Kats says surprising me.
"When we're in our early 30's, we'll revisit." He says again.
"Sounds good to me" Ei says.
"Oh. Another thing." I say to both of them as I get off them ready to make my exit.
"We're having dinner with my family tomorrow! Okay bye!" I say quickly as I run out of the library giggling.

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