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Todoroki POV

Last night and this morning were mostly uneventful. We ended up watching A LOT of Attack on Titan and went to bed late causing us to be almost late for work. I had more meetings today about reentering the field. They have approved it, thankfully, but as of right now it's only little missions. I sit at my desk and feel my phone vibrate. Of course it's the group chat.

K: I hate Deku
E: You always say that, but he's the only one allowed to call you "kaachan" so I don't think you do.
K: he just won't give up. Every time I rank up. He ranks right above me. It's pissing me off.
S: mmm breathe babe.
S: you two have always had the same goal of being #1. I know. You'll get there. At least you're not bottom of the ranks like me.
K: You're bottom for a lot of things ;)
K: sorry. I saw the opportunity and I took it
S: you both better be on your best behavior tonight.
E: we promise
S: by the way, thanks for making me think of last night. Now I have a boner at work.
K: you're welcome.
S: gotta go. See you both at home.

I put my phone away and try to focus on the work in front of me. I decided against telling them about getting back into the field. I figured that wasn't something I should say over text. I'll tell them before dinner though so they're not blindsided when I tell my family. I look at the clock. Only two more hours until I can go home. And four more hours until dinner. I'm excited to see Natsuo and Fuyumi and Mom. I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive my dad. But I'm able to have casual conversations with him now. Especially since he gives me distance unlike when I was still in school.

I finally get home and open the door to the apartment. Usually I'm the first one home, but our TVs on. I get a weird feeling so I quickly activate my quirk and sneak around the corner. I'm met with a spiky haired red head.

"JEEZ! I almost set you on fire! Don't scare me like that! Text me when you guys get home early!" I say to him as he turns around.
He laughs. "Sorry. We got off early to get ready for dinner!"
Kats walks down the hall in a towel and wet hair. "Damn. To think that there was almost a sparring match in our living room. I'd love to see that"
I roll my eyes. "I'd rather not destroy our place of living" I say back.
"Is there anything you'd like to tell us?" Ei says motioning towards the tv.
I sigh. "The news broke already didn't it"
Kats looks at me. "Yeah. It did."
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys first. I was going to but I didn't want it to be over text. And I didn't expect word to get out this fast. I just wanted to tell you guys in person and together and" Kats pulls me into a hug which makes me stop talking.
"Hey. Stop doing that weird mumbling thing Deku does." I laugh. "Fine" I say back. "We're not mad at you babe" Ei says behind me. "In fact. We're quite excited for you!" He hugs me too, kissing me on the head.
"Thanks guys. I have small missions right now. But something is better than nothing" I laugh. Ei and Kats look at each other and smile and then Ei walks to the fridge.
"Uhm. We got you something." Ei pulls out a cake that has "We're so proud of you" written on it.
"You guys are gonna make me cry" I say laughing.
"You do that a lot now" Kats laughs at me.
"Well it's kind of hard not to when I have two boyfriends who are this cute" I respond.
"Go get ready. We're gonna be late for dinner." Ei says. I quickly walk to my room to pick out a nice suit and change out of my hero one. I walk back into the living room to see both boys eating the cake with forks.
"You didn't even bother to cut it?" I question taking one of their forks.
"Why would we do that when we're the only ones eating it?" Kats says.
"Mm I guess you're right" I say as I swipe my finger in the frosting and swipe it on Kats nose.
"Oops" I giggle.
He looks unamused as he takes more frosting and swipes it down my face.
"You're gonna get it when we get home." He says.
I clean up the frosting off my face and clean up Kats as well. "Looking forward to it babe" I say as I give him a kiss. "Speaking of that... are we telling my family about this" I question.
"That, my dear boyfriend, is completely up to you" Ei says to me.
"Hm. Interesting. Alright" I say back.

"IM DRIVING!" Kats says as he rushes to his car. "Fine. But don't drive crazy like you usually do. Having a sports car doesn't mean you need to drive like you're in Fast and Furious or some shit" Ei says to him. "Fine fine fine" Kats says back.

Fuyumi is always so happy to see me. Same with Natsuo. Mom hugs me. Dad and I make eye contact but he doesn't touch me. I kinda like it better this way.

"How are you three?" Mom asks.
"We're good. I think we live together now" I say bluntly.
"You always did do better with roommates" Fuyumi laughs.
"I see you're back to doing pro hero work finally!" Natsuo says congratulating me.
"Yeah! I'm excited about that!"
Here comes the dreaded question. The question that always makes dinner go silent.
"How's therapy?" Mom always asks it. I know she's just being a mom but it always makes things awkward.
Ei and Kats both grab my hands under the table to let me know they're here for me as I start talking.
"It's good. I'm making a lot of good progress. Because of therapy, I'm actually in a relationship now..." I say without even thinking.
"Who's the lucky girl? Can we meet her?! I wanna meet her!!" Fuyumi says.
"About that..." I say back shyly.
"I guess it's a little complicated to explain" I nervously laugh.
Mom gives me a look.
"It's those two, isn't it?" She smiles as she points to Ei and Kats.
"Mmm maybe... possibly..." my voice sounding scared as I confirm.
"Shouto." I wince at the way my dad says my name. It's not on purpose. Just a trauma response as Trace called it.
"Please. Don't be scared to tell us anything. We just want you to be happy. Are you happy?" I look at him. And then I look at the two boys sitting next to me. "I'm very happy" I say back smiling. Natsuo and Fuyumi are both gleaming with happiness. Mom looks like she knew. Dads even smiling. I feel a weight lift off my shoulders. After dinner finishes, Ei helps mom and Fuyumi with the dishes. Kats talks to Natsuo. I see dad walking down the hallway.

"Hey dad" I say stopping him. "Thanks." I say for probably the first time ever. He turns around, his eyes tearing up. "Don't. Don't do that. You're an ugly crier" I say making myself laugh a little. "I just. I wanted to thank you. For accepting everything. I mean. I'm not sure who or what I am. But it means a lot that you and mom and Fuyumi and Natsuo are open towards it." I say as I turn around to walk away. "Shouto." He says. It's a different tone this time. A tone that doesn't make me wince. "You are my son. I know. I was horrible. I don't deserve your forgiveness. But listen to me when I say that the me standing before you now, is very different than who I used to be. The me standing here, will always accept whoever you choose to be or date. Your mother and I will always be here for you. Same with Fuyumi and Natsuo." I don't allow myself to turn around. I just say a small thanks and walk away. I did allow myself to smile a little bit. I'm glad he's owning up to what he did. I can't forgive him yet. But maybe, one day I'll be able to.

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