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I stared at the girl in the mirror. She wasnt me,it couldn't be me. The blouse she was wearing was too tight and revealing, its bright green colour so distasteful that princess Rajyashri would have never touched it, her lips painted in bright pink, face caked with make up.

"This would work" Nidhi mumbled to herself as she placed a golden choker around my neck.

All of a sudden it became difficult for me to breath as I rose on my feet and swiveled around "Please let me go, I—I can't... I can't do this"

"You're so weird" She asserted "I don't think anyone is going to select you"

I didn't even have the strength to cry but hot silent tears trailed down my face "I will be good, I will do whatever you'll say just please don't do this to me"

"You didn't even drink the juice I have brought for you" She rolled her eyes. I hurriedly took the glass and gulped the juice in one go, but the bitter taste of it made my stomach flip and I coughed to catch my breath, looking up at her I pleaded "Please let me go"

Her brown eyes softened "I'm no one to help you girl" She heaved a sigh before adding "Let's go"

"No, I'm not going anywhere" I persisted and sat on the couch, .

"You don't want to see Ranga in her worse"

"As a matter of fact, I do"

"No you don't" Grabbing my arm she made me stand up. Her brown eyes glistening with unshaded tears as he whispered "she will send men in your room and let them have their ways with you, she will made you strip in front of everyone and rest I don't even want to disclose"

The pain and hollowness in her voice sent chills down my spine and cold hands of fear and disgust engulfed my heart as she continued "At least as someone's personal slave no one else would ever be able to touch you"

Freeing myself she closed her eyes as if to get back her composer before she opened them and flashed me a forced smile "It's like a loveless marriage, just sex without love"

I didn't smile at her 'joke', my whole body was trembling violently. My head started feeling foggy and I tried to fight the numbness but in vain. Nidhi took my hand and led wherever she wanted.
"And this is Shri. 22 years old" Ranga introduced wrapping her arms around me. I tried to remove her hand off of me but I could barely lift my finger.

What the hell was in that drink?

"Well she looks too weak for my taste but since it's my brother in law's first stay in Aryanka, I'm letting him chose whoever he wants"

I lifted my eyes and with my blurry vision found a three men standing right in front of me, their eyes scrutinizing every pore of mine and a wave of disgust  swept over me.

One of them stepped even closer and the smell of liquor of smoke hit my nose as the man spoke "I think I like this one".

He raised a hand to touch my face before a deep familiar voice forced him to halt "She is mine"

Shifting my eyes from the floor I settled it on the man standing at the door. I blinked my eyes several times to get a clear view, the curly hair and glistening hazels told me who the voice belonged to.


Third Person

"What?" Dhruv barked, his brows narrowing in confusion as he watched Jay stepping in the room. Jay had never attended this slave-selection custom.

"Didn't know you were deaf, brother" Jay commented, his eyes fixed on the half conscious girl as he added "I said she is mine"

"Watch your mouth" Dhruv exploded as he took some steps closer to Jay "Just because you've won Visala doesn't mean you got the right to insult your crown prince"

"You're not my crown prince, you never was neither ever will" Jay asserted, looking straight into Dhruv's dark eyes.

Jay had the satisfaction of seeing Dhruv's fingers curling in a fist and the corner of his lips twitched. He shifted his eyes from Dhruv to his brother in law, Shivam.

"I've rescued her so I'm claiming her"

"I have already selected her" Shivam stated, face contorted with rage.

"As I've said I'm the one who brought her here so if anyone has any right on her it's me" Jay went closer to where Shri was held captivated by Ranga and ordered "I'll escort her to my room"

Ranga looked around, confusion clouding the old woman's mind. She didn't want to anger the crown prince but disobeying Prince Jay would be even more hazardous. He was, after all, the pillar of Aryanka's strength.

"As my prince wishes" She bowed and handed over Shri.

The moment Jay took Shri in his arms, the woman lost conscious and placed her head on his chest making Jay's heart twist painfully.

If it weren't for him—

Jay suck unto a deep breath pushing the unwanted thoughts. He looked at the other women, all of them seemed older than Shri and conscious. He really hoped none of them were forced like Shri, he would really have to talk to his father about it.

"Jay you're insulting King Shivam, I—" Dhruv stopped as Shivam placed a hand on his shoulder, indicating him to stop.

"All the best with the selection" With that Jay went away, with Shri in his arms.


Happy Ramnavami everyone. May he blesses you with everything that you need

Hope you enjoyed it

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