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Rajyashri's POV

"Rise and Shine!" An unfamiliar voice chriped making me groan in annoyance.

"Go away Ridhi" I managed to mumble burying my head into the pillow as I started drifting off to a deep slumber.

"Ridhi? Oh no, this is me Sudha! "


I flickered my eyes open and slowly examined my surrounding. I wasn't on my soft king sized bed, neither was it my beloved room.

And then it hit me

I was in Aryanka.

"I hope you're feeling better now" Sudha came forward looking fresh and beautiful in her orange lehenga, and a tight bright pink blouse showing her perfect curves. Her hair was done in a tight bun while some of her straight black locks fell on her face making it look even more adorable.

"Yes, thank you" I forced a smile on my face beg adding "You look beautiful by the way"

"And you look awful"

I couldn't help but cracked up, not just because her comment was amusing but to cover up the embarrassment it had caused me.

"Why thank you Sudha" I replied while getting up, I went in front of the small mirror.

It was still dark outside so the oil lamps were still on. In that deem light my reflection looked unusually pale and white, my dark grey eyes were surrounded with dark circles and the wound on my forehead still looked fresh. My black curly hair was hanging lose, it never looked this frizzy and untamed ever.

"I do look awful" I peered through my shoulder and saw Sudha smiling.

"Don't worry, I've arranged for your bath and here" She handed me a simple royal blue lehenga and added "change into this"

"I-I want to... I want to get out of here Sudha, help" I pleaded swallowing the lump painfully while a lone tear escaped my eye.

"I'm sorry Shri, I wish I could help you" Sudha expressed her concern by hugging me.

Removing herself she said in her usual jovial tone "Look there's no point of sulking over something that can't happen, what about you go fresh yourself up and we do something fun? Like I can show you around the palace, although I will be extremely busy our Princess has came with her husband for the first time after marriage so it's going to be hect—"

"Okay! I got it" I shook my head in despair.

"Well yeah" Sudha laughed awkwardly "I sometimes talk too much. Don't mind me okay? I know I irritate people but that's not what I want, No matter what--"

"And you're doing it again" I smiled while tying my hair in a lose bun. Sudha covered her mouth with her hands.

"Let me show you our bathroom, follow my lead"

The distance between the bathroom and the room I had stayed last night was unexpectedly long.

"Shouldn't the bathroom be nearer? I mean.. "

"That's our common bathroom duh! Only royal and rich people have their personal bathrooms which is attached to their rooms" She said as we entered in the small bathroom. Well, smaller than my bathroom.

"Oh! yeah right!"

"I will be waiting outside, no need to hurry take your time" She smiled squeezing my hand softly and left.

After getting rid of that dirty lehenga, I found it hard to unhook my blouse

I bleated in frustration.

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