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By the time I was done with the dusting,it was almost midnight. Every pore of my body was hurting and I could barely stand on my own without support. I didn't have anything except the drugged milk from the past three days.

I took off my veil and threw the dupatta somewhere on floor but before I could throw myself on the bed a voice interjected

"Now that wasn't so hard, was it?"

I snapped my head to see the arrogant pathetically gorgeous prince standing at the door with his arms crossed over his perfectly sculpted bare chest. His curly hair appeared a little wet as they covered half of his forehead.

I remained silent not wishing to speak to this cold blooded human as I watched him taking steady steps toward me.

"How can I help you, My Prince?" I asked as he stood near me, I gulped as his spicy scent sailing through my body sending shivers down my spine.

Instead of answering he just clapped and I watched a maid coming in and placing a plate on the small table, I shifted my eyes from the plate to the Prince, waiting for him to explain.

"Your rewards" He clarified "food"

My lips lifted up in an insolent smile "I'm not really done with the cleaning yet, your highness. It would take me at least a week to clean your whole mansion so according to your 'rule' I cannot eat until then, can I?" I stopped and he opened his mouth to say something before my voice impeded him

"But you see, I do not give a whit about you or your rule. I started cleaning this mansion only because I don't want any free service from anyone, do not mistake this as my acceptance of slavery"

With my jaw clenched I kept my gaze implanted on the floor as an uncanny silence prevailed around. I expected him to burst out or giving me yet another stupid punishment, when neither of them came I looked up.

My breath hitched when I found him staring intently down at me, his usual cold eyes was ablaze  with something that was alien to me but it did made my heart careered and knees go weak.

His gaze dropped further and following that so did mine, as I looked down I realized I didn't have my dupatta on. Heat rushed into my cheeks, my eyes searched for my dupatta and I cursed myself when I found it laying on the floor near the door.

I brought my gaze back to him and almost as if noticing my discomfort his eyes darted from me to the food "You better finish this off, Shri"

Saying he stomped out of the room. I stared at the plate for a few seconds, I was starving but if I had this food it would be a huge blow on my self respect and that's literally all I had so I just threw myself on the bed and as soon as my body crashed against the mattress, sleep engulfed me completely.

Third Person

Jay didn't whether he was indignant or amazed at that tiny woman's gall. She was absolutely in no position to talk back to him like that. Hell, she could barely stand on her own.

Just the image of her pale face made hid heart drop. He didn't really want to torment her like that, he was never this cruel but then again no one had ever pushed his limits like her. Why did she have to be stubborn. He wondered whether she had ate the food.

"Hail Prince Jay"

Jay swiveled around and found one of his guards standing at the door


"You're to be present at the King's private chamber"

Jay nodded dismissing the guard who immediately went away. His brows joined in confusion as he checked the time,it was past midnight. His father barely ask for him unless he needed to discuss anything related to their army or upcoming war. He had already updated his father about their border security.

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