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Third Person-

"The royal celebration has been specially arranged for you. I think your presence is needed there" Ishan stated with a sigh knowing how the prince would react.

"You know better than anyone how much my presence is 'needed' there" Jay scoffed while making his beloved horse, Shweta gallop faster.

"But, your highness, it's actually important. Kings and princes from all over the world is going to attend it. You know it's not merely a celeb-"

"You think I don't know what happens in such celebrations?" Jay's lips curled into a faint smile.

He had fought and won enough wars to know what such 'celebrations' were all about.

After taking thousands of people's lives for a war he had nothing to do with, the last thing he wanted was to go back to the royal palace, greet some fake people and act like he was enjoying their presence.

And that was the reason he was wondering around, in this forest of Visala, he knew he would have to get back to his home, sooner or later.


Was it?

It never felt so. For Jay It was just a place he stayed.

"Your highness, I don't know if it would be a good idea to wander any further" Ishan didn't even bother to hide the frustration in his voice but the Prince was far too busy traversed this damn forest in such velvety darkness.

"Stop with this formality Ishan" Jay ordered with voice leaped with exasperation. They knew each other long enough for Ishan to address him by name.

Jay was about to add words to his sentence when something grabbed his attention, something odd. Jay forced his horse to slow down.

"What happened? " Ishan asked as he saw Jay dismounting his horse then his eyes followed Jay's.

Walking closer to the big pine tree what Jay saw left him flabbergasted. A small human body was laying there curling up in a ball, almost lifelessly.

Jay pulled the fragile body into his arms , placing her head on his chest to check if the she was still alive or not.

His heart skipped a bit as he noticed the girl was literally covered in blood. Her delicate face looked atypically pale, as he scrutinised her in the deem silvery light.

"Hey Mahadev! Is she dead? She looks so" Ishan sat beside Jay and continued "Poor girl probably was attacked by any wild animal, what she was even doing here? No one usually visits this part of the forest, as far as I know"

"I don't think she was attacked by any animal" Jay said removing the mass of her curly hair which was soaked in blood off of her forehead which was still bleeding and it couldn't be done by any animal.

"And she is still alive" Jay added and before he could ponder over, he found himself picking up the girl in his arms.

"What-you can't possibly " Ishan was interrupted by Jay

"Yes I'm bringing her to our Royal Palace, we can't just leave her here despite knowing we may save her life"

"Since when you were bothered by deaths? You literally destroyed five akshoini sena yesterday" Ishan's voice was dipped in mockery bringing an abrupt halt to Jay's action.

" I had to kill them" Jay's jaw clicked "It was a war Ishan. Either give your life or take lives, that's the deal. Besides I fought for my father not for me. Most importantly this is not a war and she is an innocent soul" Jay said as calmly as possible as he torn his upper garment to tie it around her forehead.

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