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"What are you doing?" I whispered eyeing our surrounding as the few maids that were there kept staring while Jay dragged me along with him but there was no response from the Prince.

He maintained his silence until we were in his private chamber and as soon as we entered the room he shut the door behind making me jump a little before turning to face me, his hand still grasping my elbow.

His mysterious hazels stared down at me intently  "Is this the first time or has he been harassing you all this time?"

"First time" I answered shortly still scrutinising his opulent visage which was flushed in resentment toward that bastard. I couldn't help but felt a sense of security that I hadn't felt in ages, while realisation sunk into my soul, realisation that I and my safety meant something to Jay.

The man who made my life a battle of survival was slowly becoming the source of my strength to win the battle that he created.

"Is this your way of taking revenge for the kiss?" His sudden remark made me come out of my stupor and I noticed the corner of his lips were curved into a sardonic smile, it was too faint for another person to notice yet nowadays I seemed to have started noticing things about this man that the world overlooked.

My blank expression made him clarify himself as he loomed his tall frame in, his large tall frame covering my much smaller one "By practically ravishing me through your eyes"

Heat rushed into my whole body while my breath shortened and I tried to move away but a strong arm on the wall trapped me between Jay and the wall behind and I had no choice but to stay where I was.

"You had slapped me after I kissed you" His deep masculine voice purred as he inched closer "What should you be punished with for this little mischievous act of yours?"

This time I lifted my eyes up and my throat closed up when I saw his hazel eyes had turned few shades darker almost turning brown as they kept darting from my lips to my eyes, finally settling them on the former part making my lips parted slightly in invitation while my instinct forced me to shut my eyes close in anticipation

But it never came instead I was attacked on my neck with a small bite which made a whimper escape my mouth but he kissed the small pain away before moving upward while his hand encircled my small back and pulled me closer making me take support of his broad shoulder as I felt weak in the knees

Jay kept nibbling and kissing every inch of my neck and jaw before stopping on the corner of my lips as I waited for him to continue with his 'punishment' but instead he removed his face off of me making my eyes open in confusion and the lope sided grin that hung at the corner of his lips told me what my punishment was.

"You're wicked" I panted, my neck and cheek flushed partially from the heat generating from his body and partially from his kisses and bites. Suddenly the Princess in me woke up and she was in no mood to be punished for something she didn't do and even though she couldn't tell Jay who she was, she surely could make him a little aware of her nature.

"But I would like to tell my Prince, Shri doesn't like to be punished for something that has no fault of her"

Drawling softly, I placed my feet on his and standing on my toe, slowly took his lower lip between my teeth giving it a small bite for punishing me and then exhibited my skill as taught by the youngest Prince of Aryanka and it didn't take even few seconds for him to withdraw his own punishment as he immediately started kissing me back.

His demand from the kiss was more intense as he deepened it by pushing his tongue more into my mouth pulling me even more closer making a muffled moan escape my mouth and I threw my hands on the back of his head.

The kiss had turned into a wild animal mating and we could barely get enough of each other. Jay's hand started travelling down my back until he lifted me up making my legs circle his waist while we continued with the kiss.

My mind was totally foggy and all I could feel were his soft tender lips, tongue and hands that kept travelling my back as he took me somewhere totally ignoring how our body kept colliding with various objects of the room

We finally parted away when the feeling of air was too strong to ignore. We both started breathing heavily, desperately gasping for some air. I found myself laying on his kingsized bed with Jay on top of me.

His hazel orbs had turned brown and heavy with desire and the fact this fierce desire was meant for me made my heart prickle.

"How is it possible that each pore of my soul and body missed you from the past five days?" His husky voice inquired, and it seemed a question to himself more than me.

"I don't know" Still dazed, I mumbled because I really did not.

"What have you done to me Shri" He mumbled burying his head in the crook of my neck making me inhale a sharp breath as I turned away.

A lone tear escaped my eye, tear from the intense unrecognisable emotions that my heart was going through. I was scared, so very scared of acknowledging those emotions for I knew once I did there was no going back

But then again did I really have a way of going back? My soul had already started worshiping Jay's, My body craved nothing more than his and my heart loved nothing more than his.


I immediately tired to sit up forgetting Jay was still on top of me fasting on my collarbone as he tried to kiss on my lips again I put my palm on his lips preventing him. Irritation flickered across his eyes as he took my hand and intertwined his fingers with mine before before keeping it aside and advanced to kiss but I turned sideway "Jay please, it's almost evening" My voice sounded too weak even for myself to believe it.

"And?" He asked making me want to pinch his nose

"Aren't you supposed to attend  to be there in the function that has been arranged" I replied trying to get my hand off of him.

"I would rather punish you than watching some strangers dance and sing" A fatal smirk lifted the corner of his lips and the almost drunk brown orbs told me he was in no mood to listen

"I thought you were punishing me by not kissing me" I smiled

"I've changed my way of punishing" He kissed the corner of my lips while his hand traveled my bare stomach until it clasped one of my breasts that were still covered with blouse and this became too overwhelming for me and closing my eyes I had to grab the bed-sheet to bare with the sensation.

"You're beautiful" His voice came out in a groan before slamming his lips on mine again.

just then a knock on the door took us out of our stupor making Jay groan in annoyance while I released a breath I had no idea I was holding in "All the freaking time" He grumbled under his breath and got off of me reluctantly. My body immediately started missing his weight on it and the warmth it provided as I sat up and got off of the bed before searching for my dupatta that had been thrown somewhere between the kiss by the Prince.

I found it laying near the flower vase and swiftly picking it up, I adjusted it properly and smoothed my hair making sure my braid and dupatta was covering my neck well that had probably been marked several places. Just the thought made my toes curled and my throat dry and I closed my eyes to compose my wild senses.

Only after I was ready did Jay open the door and my ears were greeted by a familiar female voice  "Pranipat Rajkumar Jay"



I thought I wouldn't update cause this was the last written chapter 😅but then I just changed my mind,  Im unbelievably unpredictable to my own self🥲

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