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The fear of making yet another 'mistake' and getting punished had gripped my heart a way that I didn't dare stepping out of Jay's room, hell I didn't even move from where Jay left me.

I waited for the prince to come back so I could apologize. The way I reacted this morning, the words I used—I closed my eyes flinching at my own behaviour. Yes I hated him for taking everything away from me but I also knew that's what my father and brothers would have done to Aryanka, had they won the war. It's just how things work.

But I could never repudiate the fact that it was him, who had saved my life that day and yesterday. He did deserve my hate but not those repulsive words I had used.

I knew better than anyone how powerful words were. How they could shatter one into pieces and work like ointment to one's wounded heart. They could make you as quickly as they could break you.

"Shri" A familiar soft voice hauled me out of my thoughts as I looked up to found Sudha standing at the door, her lips curled into a small smile.

"Sudha" I rose on my feet as she came in, I noticed there was a plate in her hand.

"How are you Shri?" She asked placing the plate on the small table.

"I'm—" I took a sharp breath before resuming "alright"

"I brought you food" She made me sit on the couch.

"That's so sweet of you Sudha but I genuinely don't feel like eating anything right now"

"Shri, you look like you're going to pass out any moment now. Besides—" Her eyes lingered on me for a moment before adding "It's Prince Jay's order"

My lips parted and eyes widened not believing what I just heard, after what happened earlier I expected anything but him to be concerned about me "What?"

"Yes and he looked really angry" Sudha said "Did something happened? Did he hurt you, I mean—"

"No" I denied immediately "Nothing happened"

I didn't want to reveal how I slapped their dear Prince in front of his men and accused him of things, he never did. I was already so abashed about it, I didn't want to make it even worse. Sudha nodded not quite believing me but didn't drag the matter further.

She put on a bright smile and hold the plate before me "Now try this delicious Khichdi by your one and only friend and tell me how is it" She then paused, her eyes narrowing in dismay as she added "Don't tell me you're one of those kids who hate khiladi. Seriously I would never understand how can someone hate something as tasty and healthy as Khichdi, it's like—"

And she continued blabbering, I could not help but smiled at her innocence. Once upon a time, I used to be like this; bubbly, carefree and always thinking positive untill a dark night took snatched everything away from me. My family, my innocence, my happiness even my identity.

"Back to earth Shri" Sudha's chirpy voice grabbed my attention as she continued "It's past evening Shri, you got to eat"

"I will after sometime" I tried to convince, the drink yesternight Nidhi had given me wasn't just milk but something else and my head was still throbbing from it and the very smell of food was making me nauseous.


"Sudha leave" A deep voice interjected grabbing our attention as we looked up to find the youngest Prince of Aryanka staring down at us, his hazel orbs cold as usual

Sudha immediately stood up while I sat there, frozen on my sit. Jay's cold amber eyes bore into mine, the rage his features reflected earlier was replaced by an uncanny calmness, and my instinct warned me, It was the silence and calmness before storm.

"My Pri—" Sudha halted when Jay fixed his eyes from me to her and without another word she darted out, not before giving me a pitied glance.

An awkward silence prevailed around as Jay continued to stare at me, I felt exposed under his heated gaze even though I was fully clothed. I shifted uncomfortably and cleared my throat waiting for him to break the silence and soon he did.

"Get up"

"Huh?" I repeated but regretted immediately as I watched him gritting his teeth, he had told me numerous times that he hated repeating himself so I rose on my feet.

"Do you need something, My prince"

"I never did, nor ever will 'need' anything from you" He stepped closer and it took everything from my side to not flinch or step back , as he continued "I hope Sudha has explained everything you are supposed to do as my slave?"

I nodded, my eyes glued to the white marble floor

"Good" Through my lashes, I watched him making himself comfortable on the arm chair before resuming "There's certain rules that you need to know as well, that Sudha haven't told you"

This time I looked up at him and saw a sly smirk playing across his pathetically gorgeous face "Rules?"

"First, never talk back to me or make me repeat myself, I absolutely loath it. "

Surprise, I wanted to roll my eyes.

Still watching me intently he added "Second, You're not allowed to step out of the mansion without my permission"

"What?" He couldn't be serious.

"And last, You'll be punished for disobeying any of these rules or my orders" Ignoring me completely, he concluded as he slowly rose on his feet "Since you just disobeyed my first rule and already disobeyed my last one by refusing the food, you'll be punished"

My eyes widened while lips parted "You can't do that"

"Except I can and I will" His smirk just grew intense and I wanted nothing more than wipe it off of his pretty face.

Apology my ass, There was no way I was going to apologize to this heartless cold shell of a human. He didn't deserve it, not at all.

"And that punishment would be?" I asked looking defiantly into those mysterious hazel orbs, trying to hide how intimidated I actually felt as he came closer, close enough for his spicy scent to sail through my system. I waited for him to reply.

"Clean this whole mansion except my room" He paused, his eyes darting from me to the Khichdi Sudha had brought "No food until you're done"

"Clean the whole mansion?" I couldn't believe my own senses "Are you out of your freaking mind, do you know—"

My words came to an abrupt halt when he lunged at me and backed me against the pillar before slamming his fist right beside my face, on the pillar, making me flinch.

What's with him always pushing me around?

Once again our bodies were almost touching, once again our breath mingled as he loomed his tall frame over me. Swallowing the lump I tried to look away but he refrained me from doing so by placing his forefinger under my chin and lifting my face up, My heart was pounding so hard against my chest that I was afraid he was going to hear it.

"You have no idea what you've gotten yourself into, do you?" He drawled "You cannot disobey and get away with it. This silly punishment is nothing, you can't imagine what you'll go through if you keep throwing these tantrums. Don't bring the worst of me, Shri"

I closed my eyes, unable to bear the heat of his intense gaze anymore, our noses were almost brushing and as he spoke his minty breath fanned my face, sending electricity down My spine,leaving nothing but chills.

After a long suffering pause, he finally decided to step back making me release a breath of relief. My ear was burning so were my cheeks. When I opened my eyes he was already gone.


Shri and Jay in their "Chipi chipi chapa chapa" phase hehe

Hope you liked it 😊 I'm in Guwahati and boy the weather is so good that I don't wanna go back to Kolkata 😭😭

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