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"I've asked you something!" Prince Jay hissed making me jump a little as I turn around slowly keeping my gaze low.

"You were trying to run away" He questioned, more like stated

"I.....N—No" I voice came out in whisper as I stuttered. I was expecting something like this, then why I felt so scared, pathetic and guilty?

I glanced at the sword which was still pressed against my neck and another line of hot blood which joined others, then looked up at the man in front of me whose blazing hazel eyes looked even fierce in the dim light, or was this the fury, I caused him?

His gazed followed mine and I felt like I watched a wave of regret flushed over him as he removed the blade off of my neck immediately

"And you thought you could escape? Silly" His voice filled with mockery , stated as he shoved the sword back into the scabbard

"I didn't... wasn't " I couldn't help as my voice chocked. I never felt this vulnerable in my whole life, I tried to stop my tears but in vain as they continued to flow.

"Don't you dare lie on my face" He warned walking closer to me. Through my lashes I saw him crossing his arms over his chest as he leaned on the tree nearby

"How stupid you are? I saw you trying to escape" There was no anger in his voice but mockery and amusement, he further continued "Now tell me.."


"Yeah Shri, why are you so desperate to get out of here despite being told that it's matter of few days? Is there something about you I should start worrying over?"

The knot in my stomach grew stronger as I looked up with my terror filled eyes.

"No! Please believe me, I wasn't"

"SHUT UP!" He cautioned making me gasp, I took a few step back as he came closer, too close for my comfort

"I. Hate. LiarsHe said hovering over me, every word came out in a seething whisper.

I closed my eyes feeling his hot breath fanning on my cold skin making it difficult for me to breath. It was becoming harder to endure his intensity

After what felt like ages he finally removed himself and putting decent amount of gap between us he stated

"Go back to your room and have some rest" His voice was softer

"you're letting me go?" Uncertainty took over me as eyes widened a bit and brows joined together.

"Yes because I'm no one to judge you. It's my father, be ready to be present at the royal court!" He iced glowering down at me.

It took me a second to accept everything he had just said and I nodded silently before wending my way to Sudha's room.

"Shri! Where have you been? " A bewildered Sudha inquired as soon as I stepped into the room.

"I was worried sick, if you needed to use washroom you could've just—" As if almost sensing my lack of will to hear her rant she stopped as I sat on the small couch

"I was trying to escape" I admitted blankly looking at the diya distantly while I felt Sudha became stiff

"You were what?" She barely whispered.

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