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Third Person

Jay's brows tangled in a slight frown for seeing the sister of Shubham at his door step was the last thing he was expecting. Pushing down his curiosity he asked "Princess Shalini, how may I help you?"

"There certainly are many ways you can help me with, Jay" The provocative smile that lingered on her lips made a wave of realisation washed over Jay as she continued "But first, let's drop the formality, shall we?"

Without wasting a minute or giving Jay any opportunity to reply Shalini walked past Jay making sure their bodies brushed in the process as she bit her lower lip to control the smile of the small victory but it faded as soon as her eyes landed on the woman standing near his bed.

Her dark brown eyes hardened while her body went rigid as she gazed at her, soon realised she was the same maid Shalini had bumped into earlier. Shalini's eyes scrutinised her face as that girl looked anywhere but at her or Jay, Shalini dared guessing what might had happened before she came in the room.

Spite clawed in her heart as she looked back at Jay before demanding "What is she doing here?"

Shalini immediately regretted her words when Jay's otherwise monotonous expression hardened as he stepped in the room "And I need to explain you anything because?"

"N-no I—" Shalini started stuttering "I came here to know when you'll reach the Nrityashala"

"It was not the answer to my question" Jay crossed his arms over his chest while Shalini's jaw clicked as she frantically looked around with her head bent low. She couldn't believe she, the Princess of Ujayastra, was being humiliated by the man she cherished since forever that too before a damn maid who probably was laughing at her state.

Still busy forming an answer she heard a third voice and much to her dismay it belonged to that cretinous maid "Rajkumar"

Jay's eyes shifted from Shalini to Shri who clearly appeared uncomfortable by the whole situation as she came close "I shall take my leave now"

As Shri tried to pass Jay caught hold of her wrist and gazed down at her countenance while she made her silly attempt of winning over him in physical strength by trying to snatch her wrist, her skin still flushed from her natural shyness making her appearing more alluring and Jay wanted to just kiss her senseless and then—

A small pinch on his waist from Shri brought him out of his reverie and Jay watched her indicating at Shalini through her eyes and he reluctantly looked at her. Shalini's eyes were zeroed at his grip on Shri's hand and Jay could see resentment flickering across her eyes but when she lifted her eyes and settled them on Shri, the resentment was replaced with something darker which somehow bothered Jay who tightened his grip on Shri.

Shalini drew in a sharp breath and masking all her anger ambled toward Jay and Shri, her eyes glistening with the pain of humiliation as she smiled through them and looked at Jay "I will be awaiting your presence, come soon"

Her eyes again dropped at her wrist that was being held by Jay and lingered for several seconds before she lifted her eyes and gave Shri a brief glance which screamed nothing but aversion. Tearing her eyes off of them she stomped out of Jay's chamber.

"You shouldn't have hold my hand in front of her" My tone almost came in a complaint as I looked at Shalini's disappearing figure "What if she guessed..." I trailed off feeling my cheeks growing hotter than they already were

"Guessed what?" Jay questioned still holding my hand making me look up at him. I noticed a now familiar impish smile flickering across his hazels orbs.

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