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Third Person

"I'm not yours"

Startled Jay looked down and found Shri's eyes half opened. He couldn't believe she was actually arguing when she could barely stand on her own

"I—I'm not yours" She kept stammering. Jay wasn't even sure she was talking to him or just blabbering in her dream.

Jay decided to remain silent, the last thing he wanted was to argue with a half conscious stubborn woman. Walking in his room Jay placed her on his bed and covered her with a blanket before stepping away.

His stomach did a somersault as he watched her lay there, on his bed. Her long wavy curls were all over the bed and her lips slightly parted and the slight frown across her face indicated her, perturbation.

His eyes landed a little lower, on her exposed cleavage and his mouth went dry. He immediately averted his eyes, was he actually staring at a unconscious woman's cleavage?

He clapped his hand and after a minute two maids entered "My Prince?"

"Change her into something more comfortable" he ordered and started walking out of the inner chamber but halted at the door as he added "and decent"

"As the prince wishes" The maids bowed and Jay darted out the room.


I let out a low groan placing a hand on my throbbing forehead. Forcing my eyes open I looked around, although still dark, the dim light emitting from the oil lamps helped me to realize it wasn't the room I shared with Sudha or the room I stayed yesterday.

I tried remember what happened last night which only flared my headache. I only remember Nidhi telling me something about the punishment and then everything started to become foggy. As I tried harder the images of Ranga introducing me to some men, then Jay—

I sat upright, clutching the blanket close to my chest, as the vague image of Jay taking me with him floated back in my mind and now I was probably on his bed.

Oh Kanha!

Removing the blanket a little away from me, I peered at my body. Instead of the bright green lehenga, I was wearing a sari, that too with no blouse on.

Tears burned the back of my eyes and a weariness swept over me, sucking all my energy with it while a sob escape my mouth. I closed my eyes letting the tears trail down my cheeks.

After what felt like forever, when rage replaced my sorrow I got down the bed, founding the blues on the side table I wore it instantly before heading out.

Following my instinct I went to his garden and found him there lifting weights. As if sensing my presence he put those down and swiveled around.

Without wasting any more second I walked straight up to him and before he could say or do anything my palm slammed against his cheek.

"How dare you?" I chastised, my voice thick with tears "Is that why you saved me? Is that why you stopped me from escaping? Is that why you let your father know about it so he could make me your slave and you can have your way with me whenever you'd want?"

I watched his face going from confusion to pure fury and I couldn't care less about it so I resumed "I knew you were an arrogant beast, who thrives on human blood but now I realise you're actually a monster, a mons—What the hell are you doing!" I shrieked as he grabbed my elbow and started hauling me through the garden.

"Leave my hand this instant, you moron" I tried to set my arm free but his grip only tightened.

He didn't stop, maintaining his silence he kept dragging me and when we reached his inner chamber he almost threw me inside and slammed the door behind.

My terror mounted with every step he took toward me, I started stumbling backward untill my back collided with a wall. Soon I found myself captivated between him and the wall. I tried swallowing hard "A-are you seriously going to rape me?"

"According to you I already did it yesternight so I don't see how it is any problem if I do it again" His voice sounded as cold as his face.

He loomed over me making my heart fluttered as his spicy scent filled my senses. There was barely any gap between us, I felt his hot breath burning my skin and lowering my eyes I placed my palm on his bare chest to push him away "please—"

"Monsters don't listen to pleads, do they?" He mocked.

The words were strangled in my throat, I just looked up and found him gazing at me intently with pure fury and resentment. My eyes landed on his pumped kissable lips.


I gritted my teeth, feeling an urgent urge to smack myself hard, so hard that my senses could come back.

"Listen and listen very carefully you ungrateful brat" He spat, breaking my trance as he continued "If I wanted to have my ways with you I could but I didn't because I don't want to, trust me when I say the very sight of you repulse the hell out of me"

His words were like sharp arrows that pierced my heart, ignoring the humiliation I managed to keep a straight face as he resumed "I saved your little ass last night from being someone's sex slave"

"By making me your slave? You sure did an amazing job" I scoffed and felt his grip tightening. I knew the last thing I should have done was getting on his nerves but right then I was too mortified to think straight.

He stepped even closer making my skin tingle, I was hypersensitive of his nearness. Too aware that the only thing separating our bodies was my clothe since he didn't even have his upper garment on.

"You know what" He began, his voice came out in seething whisper "I remorse saving you last night so now I'm going to make up for my mistake. You will be my slave"

"I'm not your slave or anyone's as a matter of fact" I gritted out.

"I will help you to realize it soon" He promised releasing my arm he pushed me aside harshly before darting out of the room.

I stood there staring at his disappearing form, the tears I was fighting for so long finally won as they trailed down my face, soon I collapsed on the floor and cried my heart out.

'You have to live Princess, for me'

Mani had said, it was her last wish and I was determined to fulfill it, but it was getting harder and harder. I struggled with every breath, with every heart beat.

Life and death both seemed to have tiff with me for I was welcomed by none.


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NGL, Shri IS kinda annoyingly stubborn😂 but I had already warned about the protagonists being flawed :)

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