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Third Person

Jay didn't mean to kiss her.

Not even a little bit.

Especially not when he saw her barging in his room despite his warning like an imprudent child that she was. He was enraged by her sight, it was like she had taken some kind of oath to disobey every single word that's escaped his mouth.

Not when he saw her stood there petrified as she read that damn threat written on his mirror, with fresh hot blood.

It should have scared him, frighten him but it didn't, he was a little shocked, yes but never frightened. It came out as something that's very common, very natural. Probably because it was.

He didn't even remember when Dhruv's vexation toward him started, it had always been there, since they were mere kids. Even though this time he went too far with his little tricks, Jay decided to let this go. It wouldn't matter even if he brings this to their father's notice and in all honesty it didn't unnerve him in a slightest way.

What actually did unnerve him was her

He had been staying away from his own mansion just so to avoid those wicked thoughts he was having about her. He was still sure he didn't like her. She was everything he hated yet everything that he desired.

Jay had to be insane because right then he wasn't making any sense to even his own self.

"Are you really sober?"

Jay clenched his jaw letting out an exasperated breath, he articulated "For the umpteenth time, yes"

"Then why on earth are you walking past your chamber?" Ishan asked incredulously with merriment flickering across his brown orbs.

Jay halted abruptly and let his eyes rove around his surrounding as realisation seeped in. He side glanced at Ishan who stood there with an unendurable amused expression before clearing his throat "I— I didn't notice"

Before Ishan could come up with his notorious statements he liked to call sarcasm, Jay swivel around and darted toward his room. As he pushed the door of his room open, an inaudible curse escaped his mouth.

There she was, the person who had awaken the most perplexing emotions he had ever experience, the person whose very sight vexed him, at least that's what he had been telling himself yet now after weeks when he finally layed his eyes on her, watching as she made his bed, the curly locks that managed to get out of the right bun droop around her face clearly annoying her in the process.

A voice screamed inside his head to look away but Jay was far too dazed to do that, especially not when she lifted her eyelids up letting those striking anthracite gray orbs collide against his, burning through his soul in the process.

Her eyes dropped on his lips and lingered on it for a split moment before she swiftly brought it down, settling it on her hands that was clutching the edges of her dupatta. His eyes trained at her face that was slowly turning red.

The fact she was recalling their previous encounter somehow made a sense of triumph sweeping over Jay while the corner of his lips twitched slightly.

"Rajkumar" She began, to his surprise in a subdued tone "I've done everything I was told, do let me know if you need anything else"

"You may go" Jay dismissed and noticed her releasing a breath of relief. Jay's eyes followed as she ambled toward the door where he and Ishan stood as she passed Jay closed his eyes inhaling the faint fragrance of rose that trailed behind her as she went out, it clawed his mind in a way that he felt he would remember it for quite a long time

"That" Ishan's loud voice boomed in the silent room hauling Jay out of his trance as Ishan added "was truly intense"


"The sexual tension" Ishan stated gleefully, throwing himself on Jay's couch, as if he just discovered his friend's deepest, darkest secret, which he probably did.

Jay snorted "Sexual what?" He walked toward his mirror while removing him armlet and whatever the little jewelry he was wearing "There is nothing sexual about that woman"

"Save that for some else, your highness" Ishan rolled his eyes "You two were practically making love with eyes, if that shit is even possible"

"What a load of crap" Jay couldn't believe what Ishan was sensing, he was just looking at her the reason being obviously the goddamn kiss.

Jay watch through the mirror as Ishan shaking his head clearly not buying his words "You don't believe me?"

"Yeah sure"

Heaving a sigh Jay decided to remain calm, he wasn't even sure about it himself. Did he really loathed Shri the way he convinced himself he does? Was there really nothing between them?

Then why Jay was unable to keep her away from his mind and soul, why her very sight made Jay lose control over his senses, something he was proud of having, why her ambrosial fragrance always haunted him?

And the kiss?

Jay have had enough women with whom he had done more than just kissing but he barely remember any of it right after the act.

But with Shri it was different. Probably because of the elusive spark that he had never found in any other woman. She was far too opinionated, far too obstinate and innocent to forget

She was different, bad or good Jay was yet to find out.

"... what about you?"

Jay snapped out of his reverie realising Ishan had been telling him something. Clearing his throat he questioned "About me?"

Ishan gave him a long suffering stare "What have you planned for the skill exhibition ceremony? I heard this time it is going to be more grand, you know for all the wars you've won"

"It is but there's another reason" Jay paused recollecting his father's words "Father said that day would decide who truly deserved the crown"

Even though it was something extremely private, Jay didn't scruple sharing the information with Ishan. Ishan was more brother to him than Dhruv ever would ever be

"That is great Jay" Ishan expressed his pleasure as he stood on his feet "Your moron of a brother deserves anything but the crown you earned with your blood. Aryanka is the most powerful kingdom only and only because of you"

Aryanka's crown had never been Jay's intention but he honestly didn't want someone like Dhruv to reign this land of his ancestors. But he knew Dhruv, he was blinded with greed and was capable of going to any extent to satisfy it

"We shall see"


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