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Rajyashri's POV.

Sun was flittering through the nearby curtain as I slowly and painfully forced my eyes open. I tried to examine my surroundings but my vision was way too blurry to see anything.

Where was I ? Why my head was hurting so bad?

Placing a hand on my throbbing temple I tried to remember everything, Just then the images of previous night flashed before me.

All the gut wrenching screams, Mani and other maids taking to me to another room then a guy came and...

Oh no!


"Mani" My voice was barely audible.

"Mani!" I tried to get up as warm tears started flowing from my eyes. I removed the blanket and got down.

But as soon as my feet touched the floor a wave of dizziness flushed over me and unable to balance myself I fell back on the bed.

"Oh my! You're awake. Please don't get up" I heard an unfamiliar voice but didn't bother to look

How could I be so selfish! Mani is gone, she would never come back, ever. If it weren't for me-

"Lay down dear. I'm going to inform Mayi" The girl made me lay down and went away and I didn't even glance at her.

It was so hard to accept that I had no one left... No one to share my pain with, no one to call my own.

I remembered how I killed that man.

It sounded so weird even in my head

I killed someone.

As I was mourning at my own thought I felt a rough hand on my left cheek and looked up to see an old woman smiling down at me warmly.

Her wrinkled face was screaming royalty yet her dress wasn't even close to what a Royal woman wears.

"Who are you? " I asked bluntly, I was way too drained, mentally as well as physically, to start a polite conversation.

"My introduction can wait, how are you? Your temperature is down now "

"I-I'm " I gulped down the knot and averting her dark eyes replied "good"

"Not good but better than you were, if you take rest for a day or two, you'll be fully recovered" She caressed my forehead gently then turned to a young girl standing beside her

"Take care of her. I'm going to Dhriti's chamber"

The girl bowed. After the lady disappeared she came closer to me with a huge grin

"Thank God you're awake. we were so scared when you didn't open your eyes for two days"

"Two days? "


"Yes. Even the prince was extremely tensed"


"Where am I ? H-how I came here? I-" I started panicking and tried to sit up.

"Hey calm down! You're safe here okay? I will tell you everything" The girl shook her head while readjusting my blanket

I tried to ignore the storm that was going on inside my head for a moment as I closed my eyes. My breaths were unstable so was my heart beat.

All I could think about was the man slicing Mani's throat. Mani who never gave me chance to miss my mother, who was my best friend, my mentor and my shelter.

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