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"I'm sorry" hurriedly I backed away and wiped my face "I just—" I searched for a proper word to cover my embarrassment up. Crying in front of the man I admire was not something I wanted, especially when I couldn't even explain him the reason behind.

"It's alright" Jay assured taking my hand in his "You don't need to apologise for expressing your feelings. I understand everything that has happened to you is overwhelming, to say the least"

My heart jolted and I looked up "Wh-what do you mean everything that happened to me?"

My question seemed to confuse him "You becoming imprisoned in this palace and then turning into slave?"

I regretted my choice of words. Closing my eyes I took a sharp breath trying to calm my senses that were all over the place. If Jay stayed near me one more second I would end up revealing who I actually was and that was the last thing I wanted.

Fluttering my eyes open I forced a small smile looking anywhere but at him while my fingers fidgeted with the edge of my dupatta "ye-yes, of course. It's really getting and late and you need to rush, I'll also go and see if Mayi need any help"

As I took a step Jay came before me forcing my eyes up as I  settled them on his striking hazels while he drawled "I hate leaving unfinished business Shri especially this one"

I bit my lower lip feeling my stomach doing summersault and closed my eyes as he tucked a strand of my curls behind my ear "Tomorrow is the first day of the skill exhibitions and I've decided to fight against five lions at once and I—"

"What?" Barely trusting my own ears I asked incredulously, gaping at him. Surely I had misheard him or he was just insane "You can't possibly do that!"

"Well, I apparently can" The smug was well evident in his voice and something about it told me he wasn't bragging.


My sentence died in my mouth when he placed his thumb on my lips and slowly stocked it on them before wiping the moisture off of my lips "And I want you there"

My breath caught in my throat when he removed his thumb only to lick it slowly, looking deep into my eyes, his hungry stare made me feel like a prey as I gulped down the knot and before I had the time to recover and reply he had left.

And that moment I knew he would be the death of me.
Third Person

"Dhruv, you've got to do something about your brother" Shubham fumed taking a sip from his golden wine glass, recalling the ignominious behaviour Jay dared showing that too before a damn maid.

Dhruv whose eyes prolonged on Jay who was being introduced to the guests by their father and even blind could sense the pride the King had for his youngest son. It had not been like this, never. Dhruv had always managed to be the favoured son of Mahendra, he had made sure of it by doing everything that was possible, of course the rumour about Jay's mother helped. Dhruv had always been clear about he knew what he wanted

The crown of Aryanka.

But since Jay had returned from his Gurukul, he had been started participating in all wars, formerly as a mere soldier but soon his insanely good skill in warfare made him lead wars and win battles effortlessly and the last one, win over Visala was a personal win for their father, something he had been only dreaming of achieving.

"He is not my brother, for the last time" Dhruv almost hissed side glancing at his brother in law "His mother was a whore, he is probably not my father's, for all we know"

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