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I threw my palm over my mouth  as I stared agape at the mirror, the almost black thick blood appeared fresh considering it was still trailing down the mirror. I removed my palm from my mouth and placed it on my heart to tame the wild heart beats

Someone was trying to murder the prince and had the guts to sneak into his room and write that down that too with blood and of all it had to be me who found it out.

"You've got to be kidding me"

I spun around and found Jay standing right in front of me, his brows tangled in an accusatory frown as he demanded in a low icy voice "What are you doing here?"

I opened my mouth to say but nothing came out, I just turned my head and side glanced at the bloodied mirror. His gaze followed mine as they darted from my face to the mirror.

I sensed him growing tensed as he read the letters. He clenched his jaw, the usual coldness replaced the aggravation he had a few moments ago seeing me in his room.

He suddenly grabbed my wrist and stared dragging me out of the room "You should have never stepped in my room"

"Maybe if it weren't for you making me your personal slave, I would—"

"Shut up" He bellowed halting as we stepped out of his inner chamber. This room was attached to his inner chamber and was much bigger.

I flinched as his voice boomed in the silent hall room, I frantically looked around to see if anyone was there and my heart dropped when I found none.

"That message, I—"

"What were you doing in my room?" He cut me short, his voice low yet vehement as he advanced toward me while I took some steps back. He kept walking toward me and I kept walking backward until I stumbled upon a couch and sat on it.

I watched as he stood right in front of me in all his glory, my eyes roved over his perfectly sculpted naked chest, drops of water were still lingering on it indicating he had just taken bath.

He leaned in dangerously, his piercing hazels appeared few shades darker than they usually were as they were ablaze with exotic emotions. I wanted to look away but I felt trapped under his feverish gaze.

"I asked you something" He drawled sending electricity down my spine, leaving nothing but chills

"To arr-arrange it" I managed to stutter.

"Is that so?" He purred into my ear.

My whole body felt on fire when I felt his hot breath teased the crook of my neck. I closed my eyes while repeatedly reminding myself to breath.

"But I think you were in my room for something else altogether" This time his lips were brushing my skin and my sinister of a body tilted its head to give him more space.

"No" I denied, more like breathed. It didn't even sound like my voice.

"Are you sure"

Our breathes mingled, I had no idea where his breath ended and mine begin, we were just breathing into each other's breaths. This time my head betrayed me, it didn't deny his absolute absurd claim.

The heat of his body seeped through my clothes when he pressed his body against mine, a gasp left my lips before being shut with his as he slipped his tongue in between them.

I went still, completely and utterly and I knew it was of surprise and nothing else. One of his hand was on the back of my neck holding my head in angle steadily while another roved over my back until they cupped the curve of my bare waist.

"What are you doing to me?" He mumbled against my mouth before continuing to ravish me thoroughly.

My answer was a muffled moan for my brain didn't register a single word that left his mouth. I was too aware of his body pressing hard against mine, of his tongue fighting with my own, of his cold rough hand on my waist.

I felt a tension building up at the core of my being as I threw my arms around his neck before pulling him closer. The closeness didn't feel enough, I wanted more of it, more of him. I slowly started imitating his lips move for I had no idea how to kiss.

A distant voice inside my head screamed at me for letting the youngest prince of Aryanka ravish me like this, for enjoying his body on mine but it all felt right.

He felt right.

When the need of air reached its peak we teared apart, but before I had the time to understand what had just happened, his lips were on my neck.


"Don't talk" He groaned while fastening on my collarbone while I let out another low moan.

"Jay y—" I tried again.

"Not a single word"


As soon I spoke again he let out a curse and removed himself from me with such an abruptness that left me baffled. I immediately moved away from him and rose on my feet. Closing my eyes I gripped the arm of the couch. I could practically heard my heart pounding hard against my chest as I breathed heavily while wiping the cold sweats off of my forehead.

Opening my eyes I peered at the prince who was now standing a few feet away with his arms crossed over his chest. I waited for him to say something, anything this awkwardness was absolute torture.

"Are you going to stand here all night" He finally broke the silence "go back to your work"

The audacity!

"Excuse me?" I couldn't believe my own senses "Are you going to act like you didn't just kiss me?"

"And?" He arched a brow "how do you expect me to behave"

Shame consumed my whole being as I stared at him incredulously. I couldn't even blame him for anything, it was me who let herself fell prey to his wicked game and I hated myself for that. This jerk of a prince was probably just playing around and this would probably be something he would share with his friends to have a good laugh.

Tears burned the back of my eyes as I marched over him before slamming my palm against his cheek. His head was still turned around from my slap when I spat "You have no honour, revered Prince"

With that, I darted out of the room. All the while cursing and blaming myself for  proving myself to be a whore. So what it was him who initiated the kiss? I could have pushed him away, instead I had reciprocated to his action and to my horror loved it as well, while he was basically just making fun of my naivety and innocence.


Thank you for 17 votes on the previous chapter 🥹 now please give 20 votes on this 😘

My best friend yesterday told me I'm a red flag and god is just protecting guys from me and after re reading this chapter I think she might just be right 🤣🤣

This is the first kiss I've ever wrote, lol. And yes even before writing ArDi kissing scene in Vajragni I wrote theirs 😆And I feel like it's kinda cringe 😬 but wtv.

Anyways, just hope it didn't make my dear readers laugh but made them feel something else ;)

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