Chapter 15

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The first week of school flew by Izuku was surprised by two things. Firstly he didn't know as much about heroes as he thought he did. Second he was so far ahead of the other students it was almost unfair. When Friday rolled up Izuku was surprised by his father walking into the classroom in his hero costume. I'll be in charge of your training today and it's going to be combat training All Might said. But but first you need to look like heroes All Might pushed a button and briefcases slid out of the walls. Our hero costumes a tall student with glasses named Tenya Ida said. That is correct All Might said with his trademark smile in place now you have ten minutes to change and meet up at training ground beta. As All Might waited the students began to arrive showing off their costumes for the first time. He couldn't wait to see his son in his for the first time. All Might was talking one of the students when he heard Ochaco gasp in surprise when he looked up he saw his son and he couldn't have been more proud. Ochaco walked up to him and said I barely recognized you. It looks great on you Tsuyu said. Izuku blushed and said thanks its tighter than I expected I'm just glad that I don't look silly. Then he got a good look at them and said you both look great. Both girls smiled when All Might cleared his throat and began to speak. He explained that this is a team battle and the rules heroes VS villains. The student's then drew lots to select their partners and opponents. Ochaco and Izuku were on the same hero team and they were against Bakugo and Ida villains. Bakugo couldn't wait to finally be able to pay back Izuku for abandoning his class. Bakugo told Lida to guard the bomb and that he would handle the other team. 

When All Might said begin Ochaco used her quirk to lift both of them through a window on the second floor. while they were going over their changed strategy thanks to the open window Izuku realized his mistake all most to late. he was so caught up with Ochaco he wasn't aware of his surroundings. he grabbed Ochaco and jumped to the side as an exploding attack hit them. Bakugo wasn't pulling his punch's he wanted to knock them out at the least hospitalize them at worst. Ochaco saw Izuku's costume was torn and still smoking but she was untouched by the attack he protected her with his body. His whole demeaner changed he was now completely focused like when he fought the giant robot. Ochaco carry out our plan I'll join you shortly. Ochaco hesitated for a second then she sprinted down the hall. Izuku looked at Bakugo for the first time and asked him what's your problem with me. you could have hurt Ochaco with that attack. Bakugo went from anger to rage are you saying that i can't hurt you fine let's put it to the test. Bakugo charged in swinging Izuku rushed in as well countering all of his attacks. Bakugo wasn't expecting this he was in marshal arts since he was ten and he couldn't land a clean shot. that's when he began to cut loose with his explosions but Izuku was flowing through all of his attacks. Bakugo jumped back and said your great at dodging try dodging this and pulled the pin on his gauntlet. Izuku used his quirk and diverted the explosion around himself and lunged forward punching Bakugo in the chest then the jaw. Bakugo instinctively raised his hands for the next shot. Izuku hit him just under his ribs causing him to drop to his knees.  The last thing Bakugo herd before he blacked out was I'm sorry. Lida was fast he was moving the bomb around the room so quickly Ochaco couldn't keep up when she heard a chime through her ear piece. Izuku asked for her location when she told him she was three stories up and they were running low on time. Izuku used his quirk and began going through the floors to save time he let Ochaco know that he was coming up through center of the room to be ready.  Lida was sprinting away from Ochaco when the center of the room bubbled up then bursted like a zit with Izuku in the center yelling now. Ochaco jumped towards Izuku as he extended his hand out she grabbed it and he turned and threw her at Lida. Lida was so stunned at how well timed the attack was that he lost a step allowing Ochaco to grab the bomb with seconds to spare. All Might's voice came over the intercom shouting the heroes win. 

Izuku reflected on his mistakes as they joined the rest of the class to observe the rest of the trials. he got sloppy because he was paying too much attention to Ochaco. Ochaco on the other hand was very happy that they won. Bakugo was devastated this was the first time that he has lost a fight since his loss in his freshman year of middle school to a villain. when all of the students were in the observation room All Might asked who did what right and who made mistakes and who was the MVP. A tall girl wearing a ponytail Momo Yaoyorozu chastised Bakugo for his massive explosion destroying a huge chunk of the building and his lack of team work. In his heart Bakugo knew she was right. Then she chastised Izuku for the structural damage from going through the floor but complemented his teamwork with Ochaco. She only faulted Ochaco for her lack of forethought before entering the room with the bomb but complemented her for trusting her partner. Lida won MVP for being able to keep his opponents away from the bomb for as long as he did. All Might was stunned by her insight. this is why he loved training Izuku because of his keen insight now there was another with the same type of insight this was going to be an interesting class. 

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