Chapter 18

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"We need to start by requesting more lords and ladies to join our cause," began Alyssa. "Many rulers have stayed out of this war, picking neither side and staying neutral. We need to grow our strength and then attack Qis."

"So we dispatch riders to each and every lord who stayed neutral throughout?" said Eloria.

"What if they still want to remain neutral?" asked Vaelor.

"We need to convince them," said Alyssa. "If they still don't want to join us, we will leave them a message. They must not join Trisley's cause either."

"I agree," said Lady Jade. "I will let my riders go to Ril, Stoneland and Li. It is highly probable that these rulers are disappointed in Heirland's cruelty too."

"Thank you, my lady," said Alyssa. "Then we're leaving those territories to you."

"What about the others?" said Gryff.

"We need to make a list," said Astryn. "Starting from the top, what about Blizzard?"

"Blizzard, Frostland, Glace, Fjordfi, and Burg, I leave to you,  Vaelor," said Alyssa. "You will take the jet and fly to Blizzard to parley with my father."

"Isn't it better if you go yourself?" said Vaelor.

"No," said Alyssa. "I will go to other places, and I do not wish to see my father again, without Corlys."

"The matter is settled," Gryff said, before Vaelor could raise any questions. "Vaelor, you will fly tomorrow at dawn."

"Skipping Heirland, next comes Dune," said Astryn. "I'm afraid we have a lost cause there. Lord Dusklyn supports Trisley."

"But does Oakplace? Thorn? Sonir?" asked Alyssa. "This I leave to you, Astryn. You will take the other jet, and fly to Thorn first. Do not risk Fyre, Sinara might be waiting there and I don't want you to get kidnapped again. Go to Thorn, Sonir, and Oakplace. Enter under a peace banner, then you can be sure no one would do you any harm. Try to convince them that Trisley is an usurper, and see if they join our cause."

"As you wish," said Astryn. "Next is Lovelake."

"We need every technological support we can get," said Alyssa. "Eloria, you will go to Mans from here. You will travel to Likemist, Lors, and then Prova. Avoid Lovelake. Try to do the same as Astryn. We need help from them too. You will go as soon as either Astryn or Vaelor comes back, and take their jet.

"So a lot of talking and a lot of arguing," said Eloria. "I'm up for it."

"Limsay is next," said Astryn.

"They have stayed out of this war," said Alyssa. "Gryff, this is yours. You will travel to all the territories under Limsay, and convince them to join us. If Limsay consents, then our number will be twice as big as it is now. Gryff, you'll leave as soon as the other jet returns."

"Alright," said Gryff. "Sounds interesting."

"Last is Lym, excluding Qis," said Astryn.

"I'm going there myself," declared Alyssa.

"Lym is said to be a land of witches and sorcerers," said Eloria. "Are you sure we should be taking their help?"

"We need every help we can get," said Alyssa. "I will go whenever a jet comes back. I will travel to Lym, and request Lady Lara Lym to join forces. If she agrees, our numbers will swell."

"That's final, then," said Lady Jade.

"For a final reading," said Alyssa. "Lady Jade, you have Heirland. Vaelor, Blizzard. Astryn, Dune. Eloria, Lovelake. Gryff, Limsay. And I will go to Lym."

"Let's roll," said Astryn.

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