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Lady Lara felt some kind of disturbance in the air around Lym. 

She rose from her seat and opened the gates. Around her, she saw trees beginning to turn black. The fresh air too, was beginning to turn into smoke.

"Whoever it is, show yourself," said Lady Lara, taking an attack stance.

Then the trees slowly turned back into normal, and the air turned to the usual. "Let me enter your castle," a broken voice called.

Lady Lara finally understood. "I've been expecting you for a long time now," she said. With a wave, she opened the huge gates of Lym. "Come in."

Once they were in, Lady Lara took her seat. "Can you see, or is the dust not working again?" she said.

"No," replied the voice.

Lady Lara sighed, and made a motion with her hand. Tiny dust particles flew into what was supposed to be thin air, but slowly, the body of a man appeared.

"At long last," said Corlys Frize.

"Yes, I should have known quicker," said Lady Lara. "Are you one of us now?"

"I guess," said Corlys. 

"Did you by any chance eat the bashed parts of the Anomaly Flower?" said Lady Lara. She walked up to a wall and projected the picture of the flower.

"Yes, I did," said Corlys. "After I fell, I felt like my life was over. I wandered about the area of Izel, and found this grove of trees bearing the flowers. I had no choice but to pick them and eat them to live."

"But your life's goal has been accomplished," said Lady Lara. "The Uprising has been won by your sister, the Princess Alyssa Frize, soon to be wedded to Prince Gryff Qisa."

"Alyssa and Gryff?" snorted Corlys. "But yes, I saw the final battle being won."

"Wasn't it you who stabbed Trisley and left her to die?" said Lady Lara.

"Yes," admitted Corlys.

"Then you must have heard of your father's death at the hands of a stray archer?" asked Lady Lara.

"What?" said Corlys. 

"Yes, Lord Rhaevon Frize is dead," said Lady Lara. "He was shot by a dishonorable archer, after he singlehandedly defeated Lord Gyros Deepwater in single combat."

"Was the archer killed?" demanded Corlys. "Or was he pardoned after the war?"

"I killed him myself," said Lady Lara. 

"Thank you," said Corlys. "Also, Lord Gyros is dead? Then who is the new ruler of Lovelake?"

"Your friend, Eloria Deepwater," said Lady Lara. "She is to be married soon, too. A double wedding will take place in Blizzard soon, which will see Eloria Deepwater married to Vaelor Mist, and your sister married to Prince Gryff Qisa."

"Vaelor," said Corlys. "Sounds familiar. How are my friends doing?"

"It is best for you to see for yourself," said Lady Lara. She walked to a stone wall, and whispered, "Alyssa Frize."

The stone gave way to glass, and it showed Alyssa sitting on a white balcony. Around her, snowflakes fell. Alyssa looked forward, and Corlys saw thousands of builders building a huge ice sculpture at the very gates of Blizzard.

"Alyssa has ordered an ice structure of you and your father," said Lady Lara. 

"I wish I could go to Alyssa," said Corlys.

"You know that you can't, right?" said Lady Lara. 

"I know," said Corlys. "But she saw me stabbing Trisley then, and I think she knows that I'm still alive, somehow."

"That's up to her," said Lady Lara. She whispered, "Gryff Qisa."

This time, Corlys saw Gryff in the brand new castle that the prince had built. It was near Limsay, and it was covered by trees all around. Gryff sat on his throne, listening to pleas of the common people.

"The prince wanted a castle which is centrally located in Ivaloria," said Lady Lara. "He chose Limsay."

"That's a good choice," murmured Corlys, who still could not get over the fact that the person he met in a dungeon would soon be married to his own sister.

Next, Lady Lara showed Eloria. Corlys saw both Eloria and Vaelor sitting in a room in the castle of Blizzard. They worked on a blueprint for the ice sculptures, and occasionally, Vaelor said something and Eloria laughed.

Corlys sighed. They seemed so happy, sitting together and working on something common. "So that's Vaelor," he said aloud.

"Vaelor Mist is the son and heir to Lady Kathryn Mist of Likemist," said Lady Lara.

"I know," said Corlys. "Show me Astryn."

"Are you sure?" said Lady Lara, hesitating.

"I'm sure," said Corlys. "Show me what Astryn is doing."

"As you wish, then," said Lady Lara, and whispered, "Astryn Sands."

The white ice slowly condensed away to yellow desert. Corlys saw the castle of Fyre, which seemed devoid of people, in a way. The glass zoomed in on the throne room, where Corlys saw Astryn sitting on the throne all by herself. As he watched closer, he saw tears on her cheeks, slowly falling down. 

"The poor girl asked me to search for you, the first time we met," said Lady Lara. "It was back at Mins, before the battle. When the rocks showed me nothing, I understood what had happened to you. I was forced to tell Astryn that you had died."

"You did what?" said Corlys. 

"That was the only option I had left," said Lady Lara.

"Why can't I go to my friends anyway?" inquired Corlys. 

"You have to learn to control your powers first," said Lady Lara. "I will help you with that, but until you have learnt everything you need, you cannot go outside and cause harm."

"How do you know I'll cause harm?" said Corlys. 

"Thousands of Anomalies have gone out and got themselves killed, without even understanding their power," said Lady Lara. "Ivaloria is a dangerous place for us. I was able to survive only through the guidance of my mother, the former Crimson Enchantress."

Corlys reluctantly agreed. "Alright," he said, trying to shrug off his guilt over Astryn. "What do we have to do?"

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