Chapter 10

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"Tell us where Corlys is," snarled Alyssa. 

Sinara looked up, defiant. "You will not get me to forsake my loyalty to the rightful Queen Trisley," she said.

"Well, let's see if this helps," said Eloria. She pressed another button on her remote, and Sinara screamed as electricity burned into her flesh.

"Tell. Us." said Alyssa, just stopping herself from drawing out her sword and killing Sinara then and there.

"I won't," Sinara said with difficulty.

Alyssa gestured at Eloria to press the button again.

"At this rate, we might kill her," said Vaelor.

"Shut up, new person." replied Alyssa. Now that Sinara was in her hands, she cared about nothing except for Corlys.

"What about Astryn? She'll surely be upset if we kill her mother," said Eloria.

At the name of Astryn, Sinara's head jerked up. Astryn had been absent from the others as she preferred the company of her room. She only came out once or twice, either to eat or to see others about special matters.

"Is Astryn.. doing well?" croaked Sinara.

Alyssa saw an opportunity. "She still remains our hostage. If you don't start telling us what we want, she will come to harm," she said menacingly.

Both Eloria and Vaelor looked at her, but Alyssa looked back at them with stubborn eyes. "Do I need to warn you that if Astryn finds out, she'll be mad?" whispered Eloria.

Alyssa just shook her head. Sinara was cowering before her for real now, afraid that harm might come to her daughter.

Vaelor came forward. "Why do you even care what happens to Astryn, seeing that you stabbed her with a dagger?"

"I did not want to do that," Sinara said. "The Queen has powers - powers beyond your imagination. My loyalty to her is untarnished."

Alyssa kicked Sinara. "Well, if you don't tell us where Trisley is keeping Corlys hostage, Astryn will face consequences."

Suddenly, an alarm burst through the ship. Blinded by the flashing red light, Alyssa shouted, "Eloria! Go check the sensors!"

Eloria scrambled up the deck and ran to the control room. It didn't even require a glance at the control screen to see that they were being followed. An engine of the Clandestine had already been hit.

"We're being followed!" Eloria cried out. 

"Up in the air?" asked Vaelor, puzzled. "Isn't that impossible?"

Alyssa grunted. "Lovelake," she said. "They must have developed the technology to make another plane just like ours to give chase."

"Well, does this plane have guns?" said Vaelor.

"I don't think so," replied Eloria. "This plane was designed specifically to travel long distances, not to defend against attacks."

"Well, blast it," said Vaelor. "Can we go to another destination then?"

"I think one of our engines got hit," said Eloria. 

"I'll take my chances," said Alyssa. "Clandestine is supposed to have a high speed. We might be able to fly into a nearer spot with only one engine."

"What if we can't?" asked Vaelor.

"Just do it," ordered Alyssa. "Eloria, where are we flying right now?"

A blast shook the ship again. "We're currently flying over Heirland, I think, approaching Mins as we talk," replied Eloria.

"Then land in Mins!" shouted Alyssa. "Vaelor, go back to the rear and see who's following us!"

Vaelor scurried up to the rear, and what he saw would stay in his mind for days. Three long and slender ships, with golden markings upon them and high-range guns at their sides were tailing them. As he watched, the central ship turned and fired. Vaelor just had time to catch a drawing before the blast blinded his eyes and almost hit their ship.

"You're correct, Alyssa! It is Lovelake!" screamed Vaelor, running back to the interrogation chamber. Alyssa stood guard over Sinara, sword drawn.

"Any time now, Eloria!" Alyssa shouted.

"On it!" said Eloria. She pulled the throttle of the ship, causing them to sway and almost fall. She hit the voice button and shouted, "Set course for Mins!"

The plane obeyed, and with a wrenching turn, plummeted down to Mins.

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