Olli Bearman [57+69]

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A/N Wished by LilyHeseltineNew. I hope you like it! First time writing Olli 🐻 I have adjusted this request slightly because Olli is under 18 and I wanted to make the reader having a similar age (:

WORDS: 1361

[57]-I could listen to you all day
[69]-Sometimes being with you feels like a dream that I don't ever want to wake up from (changed this one a bit)

Being a Ferrari Academy driver and driving for PREMA has some benefits. One of them is that you do not have to travel to different countries to fulfil all of your duties for the team and your academy. Together with Olli Bearman you share an apartment Ferrari is renting for their juniors. They don't want you to live alone and usually stick at least to drivers together that no one is living alone.

Since Olli is a terrible cook, you are doing it most of the times, even though you are the same age, you feel like you have to care for him sometimes. You don't eat together all of the times, often you just cook and place the food in the fridge for Olli to eat it later but today you don't feel like eating alone, so you decide to go and ask Olli if he wants to have dinner with you.

"Olli, do you want to eat with me or...?" You ask Olli when you enter his room but stop in the middle of your sentence when you realise what Olli is watching on the screen of his computer. One of your videos is opened and playing but as soon as Olli sees you, he stops the video and closes the browser, but it is too late, and you have already seen it.

"You watch my videos?" You ask with curiosity and maybe a little bit confused because you think nobody of the other drives, who already know what is going on, on a race weekend would be interested in seeing your vlogs, but it seems like Olli is really interested in them.

"Yeah, I really like that you give a look behind the scenes, plus I could listen to you all day." He explains and blushes furiously when he realises what he just said. You smile at his words, but before you can say anything Olli starts talking again.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have said that." Voice and gaze lowered, not willing to look into your eyes. You walk a few steps closer to Ollie, trying to get his attention, because this isn't something to be embarrassed of and you don't want him to feel bad about speaking out what he thinks.

"Don't worry, I think it is cute." You reveal him, his head shots up directly and he looks at you like he is trying to figure out if you are lying or not. It is the truth; you think his behaviour is cute and there is no need for him to hide that he is watching your videos. It fills you with pride and maybe he is willing to make one in the future with you.

"Just that I like to watch your videos or me in general?" Olli asks, tilting his head to the side and your heart stumbles because this direction is nothing you intended with calling him cute. The other thing is that Olli is normally more shy and not as bold as he just acts, what makes you curious where his brave behaviour comes from.

"Where is the shy Olli from five seconds ago?" You ask him with a soft laugh, trying to make him feel as comfortable as possible in this conversation and don't scare him away with anything. It is not like you don't enjoy him being braver, but you kind of like the shy person Olli is. Of course, he has his moments where he is more outgoing but usually, he is the quieter kind of person.

"Sitting in the corner, scared of your answer." He points to one of the corners in his room and you need to supress another giggle because you do not want to make him feel uncomfortable. This is just a really sweet situation, and you decide if Olli is able to be brave you want to gather some courage too and finally ask him out.

"You know what? We should discuss this during our first date." You can observe how the emotions on Olli's face change within seconds. Happy, confused, full of unbelief, panic, happiness again, before he stays with a hesitating expression.

"Date?" He asks, voice squeaking slightly, and you nod to confirm his question. "Yes, a date." You add and suddenly Olli begins to smile softly, blushing when he realises you just asked him for a date, and you decide to give him some more instructions.

"Give me five minutes to put on fresh pair of trousers and a clean shirt and we can have a dinner date in the kitchen." You say and can observe how Olli nods and looks down to his own clothes. Jogging pants and a Ferrari Shirt. He stands up, probably to change into something more date likely.

"See you in five." He smiles at you, and you can't do anything but smile back at him. You stay like this for a bit before you manage to look away and disappear into your room to get changed into something which is more fitting for your spontaneous date.

Quickly you walk back into the kitchen, check on your food, before you start to set the table. Olli helps you and then your first date starts. It is a little bit awkward at first, both of you not really sure what to say, but the longer you sit there the more you relax. Start to laugh about random topics and make each other giggle from time to time.

Dinner is over quickly and then there is another moment where both of you are way to shy to make the next step. Olli gathers some courage again and ask you if you would like to cuddle on the sofa. You confirm his question happily and you lay down on the sofa in the spacious living room which is usually used when friends come over to play games or just want to use you as their personal cook.

"You know what?" Olli asks, fingers just lightly touching your back in circulating movement. You hum softly because the movements lull you in and the present of Olli is really relaxing for you. "Hm?"

"Being with you like this feels like a dream I don't ever want to wake up from." He mumbles, barely audible but you hear him. You sit up slightly to look at him and Olli follows you with his eyes, observing closely if you stay with him or if this is the moment you will disappear, and he realises it is really just a dream.

"Lucky you that this isn't a dream but pure reality." You remind him that this is really happening and not just something that happens in his head. Just as Olli you also thought that this is a dream and pinched yourself to make sure you will not wake up from it with your next alarm.

"Still feels like one." Olli sights and you get an idea. You bite on the inside of your cheek, heart beating faster in your chest and you decide this is really the day to be brave, to gather courage to make sure that this is going to evolve into a relationship and not an awkward friendship.

"I have an idea to prove you this is real." You grin at Olli who has a confused expression on his face, but before he can say anything you lean down and press a sweet kiss on his lips. They do touch, but not with too much pressure, just some light to make him realise you are touching him.

"Feels real now?" You ask Olli who has a dreaming smile on his lips while his cheeks are decorated with some nervous red spots. Feeling your own heartbeat in your ears you can only imagine how he is feeling and when he bites down on his lower lip your heart stumbles slightly.

"Not a hundred percent, might need some more convincing." A cheeky smile is on Olli's lips, and you need to giggle. This is way better than you expected it to be, you think while you lean down to connect your lips for another sweet kiss on which hopefully many will follow. 

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