Circe shares information with Casa and Cassidy

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Saki and Hanabi stood against Circe who smirked down at them.

Circe: *put her hand under her chin while having a mocking smirk* What? Mad that I hurt your friend?

Her eyes widen slightly at feeling a similar pressure and stared down at them in shock.

Circe: *had a serious tone in her voice* You can't serious now.

Her eyes turn red and begin using conqueror's will against the two girls's own, causing the multiverse to tremble.

Circe: *thoughts* If those two can uss conqueror's will, *glance at Shion's body* then she can have as well along with her friends.

Noting this information, she would send this to Casa and Cassidy.

Annie deflect multiple blasts from Casa and felt something wrapped around her leg before being pulled into a punch from Cassidy who turn around and blocked a kick from Izuma.

Casa and Cassidy had froze briefly at getting information from Circe telepathy and flow back from the females.

Casa: *had look of amusement* How interesting but then again it's not.

Cassidy: *nods* Indeed. Should we go all out now?

Casa: *smirks* Sure.

Four spiked chains form behind their backs as a yellow aura form around Casa and black aura around Cassidy.

Annie: *sweats slightly at feeling both of their power and grips her fist tightly* This could be troublesome.

Meanwhile, with Hilda
Hilda and Nermuri gripped each hand as they shook planet with a grin with Nermuri using hellfire and Hilda using hakai energy.

Nermuri: *her grin grow slightly* Not bad, Hilda. You actually landed some hits on me.

Hilda's grin grow as well before both use conqueror's will against each other, trying to overpower each other putting a intense crushing pressure against each other as Yami would wake up and struggle to get up.

Hilda: *to Yami's mind* I recommend you get out of here, Yami if you don't want to get sent light years flying away *smirks with a devilishly look* because this universe and others universes are going to be gone!

Yami looked over towards her daughters then over to Esdese and Asuka.

Yami: *nods her head* Alright.

Struggling a bit to get up, she would open a portal behind her daughters and maids before noticing Lolita as an idea popped into her mind and did the same to the demon.

Yami: *looks over at Hilda and thanked her though their mind as portal open up* Good luck, Hilda.

Hilda: *smirks* Like I need luck.

The tall women went through the portal as it closed behind her.

Hilda: *had jumped back away from Nermuri with hakai around her fist that morphed into a dragon* Get ready bitch! Hakaishin dragon fist!

Nermuri: *her smirks grows more bloodlust with more hellfire growing around her fist that morphed into a phoenix* I'm fucking am! Hellfire phoenix fist!

Both females rushed at each other and clashed their fist, destroying the universe and a few others.

Meanwhile, with the emporers
Maurice crashed deep into the ground and look up to see Hexia coming down to stomp but was stopped a magic blast from Jun with Misery firing multiple god ki blasts at her but both were surprised to see she wasn't effect.

Hexia: *looks at Jun* Not bad, that actually string a bit. *looks over at Misery* Your blasts didn't do nothing to me. *stretches her arms* I'm immune to all type of ki.

Maurice: *rolls over, getting up while hearing* Just like Nermuri.

She had hear him and smirked slightly.

Hexia: *put her hands on her hip while staring down Misery* You are free to leave if you want.

She blinked slightly and look down to see herself wrapped around creation chains before sent through multiple mountains and stopped herself and smirk more to herself before looking up, seeing the sun coming down that she held back with both her hands before it exploded, taking one of her arms, and made a hole in the planet.

Hexia: *look up at Misery with a small frown while her arm regrow* That's was something guess I should expect from you, solar goddess.

Misery stared down at her before both clashed.

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