welcome party

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I unpacked my stuff and decorated my room a little. I Hung some things up on the sides of my bed and put some more stuff away. After an hour or so it looked like this:

Then i got some clothes out of my closet and went to my own bathroom

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Then i got some clothes out of my closet and went to my own bathroom

I took a Quick shower, did my favorite perfume on and changed into this

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I took a Quick shower, did my favorite perfume on and changed into this

I took a Quick shower, did my favorite perfume on and changed into this

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Then i went down to the party it was 8

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Then i went down to the party it was 8.45 pm  so i was on time. I greeted Tony "hey stark, thanks for letting me join and everything youve done for me already." He smiled "no problem little Rogers, i feel like you and i will trouble your dad a lot." I chuckled "yeah stark youre now officials my partner in Crime." We both laughed and i went over to the bar to grab a beer. When i turned around my dad arrived with Romanoff. "Hey dad, Romanoff." I nodded at them "hey looking good daughter." My dad whistled "Who you tryna impress?" I chuckled "nobody but if it turns the head of a certain redhead, i deffinitely wouldnt complain." I smirked. I could feel Romanoffs eyes burning on me but i payed her no attention.

The Doors opened once more regeling Wanda in a beautiful sage Green dress with lace she was absolutely breathtaking, "Wow..." i muttered and dad and his girlfriend looked at me to see me looking at wanda. "Shes beautifull..." i murmered i heard the redhead that stood next to my dad scoff and my dad chuckled

I walked over to wanda and bowed to her "Good evening Princessa, can i offer you a drink?" I spoke with a teasing smile. She blushed and chuckled "yeah please dork." I winked at her and kissed her hand. I got another beer for myself and a mojito for wanda "m'lady" she smiled at me "thank you dork in shining armor." I laughed we chit chatted some more and finished our drinks. "Wanna dance?" I asked her she gently smiled "it would be my pleasure." I took her hand and escorted her to the dancefloor.

When i looked to my right i saw dad and romanoff dancing. Romanoffs eyes already on mine. I looked back to wamda smiling gently at how cute she looked. A upbeat sexy song started to dance and we slowly moved to the rythm when i put my hands on her hips she gained confidence and started grinding on me and loosely and smooth rolling her hips against mine her head thrown back onto my shoulder we kept dancing like that for a while occasionally stopping to grab a drink. It was now around 1 am when Tony shouted "AVENGERS ASSEMBLE WERE PLAYING TRUTH OR DARE!" i chuckled at him "Allright uncle tones keep it down will ya?" I yelled back

He smiled soooo wilde "DID YALL HEAR THAT SHE CALLED ME UNCLE, MY BEAUTIFULL NIECE! GET YOUR ASS HERE I WANT A HUG" everyone looked at us laughing and smiling i chuckled running up to him and hugging him while lifting him into the air. He patted my head, "too tight..kid...." i chuckled softly and let him down he ruffled my hair a bit
"So whose ready for truth or dare?!" Tony asked with excitement the circle erupted in woos and yeahs

"Okay Old Rogers, you start"
"Sure, truth." Clint spoke up "why did you hide your relationship with nat from your daughter?" I sighed softly having wanted to ask that question knowing my dad didnt give me the full reason earlier. "I was worried, her mom died shortly ago, she was in a lot of danger and Nat is closer to her in age than me, besides my daughter has a thing for redheads." He smiled and winked at me. I looked at wanda seeing her blush and romanoff looking down frowning. "So you were afraid she would steal your girl?" Clint asks Steve (dad) chuckles "well she probably could, shes a Rogers after all."

"Truth or dare wanda?" My dad asks with a smirk. Wanda looks at me in the eyes "dare." My dad and uncle buck chuckle and look at eachother.
"I dare you to make out 30s with the most attractive avenger." Wanda blushes and stands up she slowly walks over to me and sits on my lap.
I put my arms around her waist and smile gently at her "hey" i whisper "hi..." she blushes she slowly puts her hand on my cheek and the other one Just above my breast. I push a hear behind her ear and trail my hand down to her neck. Slowly she starts to lean in. Her lips are on mine, its as if a warm blanket is wrapped around me a heat, a comforting warmth, slowly moving my lips against hers i hear a faint "20" but i pay no mind. I gently pull her closer and Kiss her a little firmer. I feel her parking her lips waiting for me to make the next move leaving it up to me to take control. Slowly i nip at her bottom lip earning a soft moan. My tongue gently slips inside and makes contact with her warm wet muscle, dancing to the rythm of our breaths. "3..2...1..." We dont stop tho the Kiss goes on for another 30 sec Just lost in the feeling of the others lips around our own until i hear a scoff next to me. I slowly pull away eyes closed and slowly open them staring right into Green eyes but except the beautifull light Green her eyes were they are a stormy dark Green and i see a hint of red but maybe thats Just my imagination.

She slowly gets off my lap and goes back to her seat. I take a swing from my beer and look at my dad. Who gives me a knowing smirk. I see a scowl on his redheads face so i Quick my eyebrow at her but she ignores it. I roll my eyes and avert my attention back to the game. After a few more rounds having had to lapdance and take a Quick row of shots we move on to play never have i ever.

"Never have i ever slept with the same sex." Sam asks

Me, Nat, dad and sam drink

"Never have i ever cheated on someone." Wanda asks while looking at me. I softly smile at her.

Nat and Tony drink.

When wanda doesnt see me drink she smiles back to me.

"Never have i ever done BDSM." Natasha says

I wait a few seconds then i take a drink. And i see People raise their eyes at me and wanda looks blushing red as if she could see what i did.

Natasha quirks her eyebrow and smirks before taking a sip "kinky"

I chuckle at her "you have no idea" and i chug my bottle down.
We play some more but no interesting questions get asked. Wanda is completely hammered so is natasha, Tony and sam.

I walk over to wanda "Come on bubs, time for bed" she pouts adorably "nooooo.....pwease ill bwe a goooodgrlll for youu daddyyy" my breath hitches damn, that was hot but shes drunk off her arse amd she most likely wont remember shit when she wakes up, i chuckle softly "Allright bubs Come on." She dramatically lets herself fall in my arms. And pouts "onwy if i get my kissy." And she puckers her lips.

I shake my head with a smile and peck her lips three times till she happily sighes and jumps in my arms.
I lift her up and walk to the elevator there stands Nat holding to the railing with my dad next to her on his Phone. Natasha almost falls but i catch her in time qhile still holding wanda. Natasha smiles softly up at me and cuddles into my arm. "Dad yoir girlfriend is drunk off her ass." He looks at me and then her "could you get her please i have to meet fury right now." I frown. "Its 3 am?" He sighs "yeah iknow something about a private mission tomorrow" i nod "sure i can do that." He smiles "thanks  ill make it up to you." He gets off the elevator and im left standing there with two beautiful redheads.

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