Goodgirls pt1 🌶

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Couple hours later, back at the compound...

Yn pov

As soon as we are in my room they push me against my door. "Its time to fulfill your promise mommy..." Wanda whispers as she nibbles on my ear and Nat sucks on my colarbone leaving a mark. "Then have your way with me my loves....Just remember what i said, you will get the double orgasms as that you give me. So dont give me more than your able to handle sweetgirls."

As soon as i said that my jacket and heels were off not long after my dress was long forgotten and bare ass i stood fore them, this was the first time they were able to please me themselves and they were going to take advantage of it. I accidently read wandas mind Who was communicating with nat silently.
'She never gives up the control.' Wanda thought 'iknow but if we Just give her so many orgasms she wont try and please us back, so that way we have full control.' 'Good idea, nat' 'iknow im great, look how sexy she is. Her pupils are almost Black. Fuck thats hot.' 'Lets ravish her like shes our last meal.' 'Fuck yea.'

I smirk to myself. Nat walks over and sits herself on my lap grinding softly on my thigh. Wanda comes behind me and cups my breasts leaving kisses on the back of my neck. "Mhmm" i hummed out at the light pressure.
Nat pushed my chest back making me lie down with my head in wandas lap. "Open your legs mommy." Nat says with a dominant voice its kinda cute. I slowly spread my legs and she lunges forward kissing my thighs up and down her breath hitting my pussy ocassionaly. "Fuck baby, fuck mommy like the goodgirl you are." And Just like that i have the control over Nat  back again. She moans at my choice of words and licks long stripes then sucks at my bundle of nerves "fuck baby, dont stop." Nats redhair sticks to her forehead while she looks up trough her eyelashes at me from between my legs her tongue now length deep in my hole. Speeding up i match her rythm by jerking my hips up and down into her face. She gives another harsh suck at my clit and i Come in her mouth panting and shaking lightly "such a goodgirl, that was so good." I Kiss her passionately but wanda throws herself on my lap and tugs at my nipples with her thumb and index fingers. "Mhm princess." She smiles devilishly and sucks on my neck leaving deep dark bruises while Nat does the same on the other side then wanda bites and sucks hard on my troath and i moan out "mhmmm fuckkk" they go on like that nipping, biting and sucking at my skin for another 10 minutes, im sure that i look almost as purple as thanos damn (in this book thanos is already defeated without any deaths)

Then Nat gets off the bed and goes into a drawer in my closet i had given her and wanda for their clothes and important stuff for when they stay in my room, and she walks out with a couple ropes and some oil. "Lay down on your stomach" i hestitate a bit but turn around and lay down Nat ties my hands and feet to the bed in a starfish position with enough room to sit up but not to be able to touch myself. Wanda slips before me and kisses me passionately slipping her tongue in and biting down on my lip softly. I feel Nat sitting on my bare ass and moments later i feel her hands with oil gliding from my shoulders over my back making me tense my muscles. "Relax my love, it will feel better like that." I hum in response and relax slightly she continues to massage my back and shoulders making me moan at the tension that leaves my muscles. She glides down and does the same to my thighs and calves then putting a lot of oil on my ass making it drip down on the sheets. she places kisses on the non oiled parts and then rubs the oil all over my ass while wanda sucks hickeys on the back of my neck Just as i feel a hard slap on my ass i also feel theeth sinking down in ths side of my neck making me moan "mmhmm fuuuuckkk." They giggle cutely and wanda uses her magic to turn me around she goes to sit down Just above my pussy making her wetness drip down on me. Now its Nat who sucks on my collarbones while wanda uses the oil and traces my abs. Wanda moans out "fuck youre so sexy and strong." I tense my muscles and she traces her nails down "mm keep going like that princess." I Kiss Nat full off love and she kisses me and deepens it turning into a needy and rough Kiss. She pulls away and sinks her theeth into my shoulder while wanda tugs at both of my nipples "godd babyyyy.... ugh princess. Thats so good." I throw my head back and i feel fingers plunging into my core without warning making me groan i look down to see wanda knuckle deep ramming two of her fingers into my pussy. My eyes roll back and i feel my orgasm building up the longer and harder she goes while Nat plays with my boobs. Nat leans down to suck on my boobs and scratches my abs making long red lines appear. I moan out and i finish for the second time. I pant and my body comes down from my high i pretend to be exhausted. they untie me Kiss me and cuddle into me. Now its time for my turn...

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