The first date pt1

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Holy shit thank yall so much we've passed the 2k and are really good on the way to 3k i Just realised ... that while ik writing this the counter is on 2.69k (see what i did there;) anyways thank all of you for your patience here is the chapter, love you ♡♡♡

Yn pov

Its been two weeks and natasha, wanda and i have worked on our communication so we could figure out if this is really what we want, because its not that easy anymore seeing as my lil hero Elliot is also in on this matter because if shit got serious they would be parents to my son too. Tonight ive decided to take them on a date, elliot is with aunt pepper and uncle Tony. Natasha is with Clint and wanda is with pietro. The idea of the date is still a surprise so ill pick them up by 7 and we will go from there. I make a couple Phone calls arranging the last things i need. I take a Quick look at my watch 3.15pm i decide to train a bit and arrange the babyroom for Elliot at 6.20pm im done with the whole room and take a shower in my bathroom. Elliots room is now next to mine so he can begin to sleep on his own seeing as He is turning 2 in a couple weeks. I take a Quick shower and change into my clothes. I decide to wear a dress for change and put a Black leather jacket on top of it.

I spray my signature cologne on and grab a bag, i put 2 of my favorite hoodies in after i sprayed a bit of my cologne on it

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I spray my signature cologne on and grab a bag, i put 2 of my favorite hoodies in after i sprayed a bit of my cologne on it. I grab my Phone, wallet, watch and put a charger in the bag and make my way to the garage where my New car is a
Chevrolet Camaro ZL1.
(Im a geek with cars sooo yeah there might be some changing around with cars and stuff in the future, Just saying ;)

 (Im a geek with cars sooo yeah there might be some changing around with cars and stuff in the future, Just saying ;)

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The car 🫣🔥

I put the bag in the small trunk and glance at my watch, 5 minutes i start walking back inside to pick them up and go to Nat first. i walk to the bar sensing shes there because she is with her best bud right now and those two drink a lot more than you would expect rhen to and i know Nat drinks a lot shes russian but damn she really exceeded my expectations, she can handle her drink and isnt addicted so its Fine. "I had a feeling you two would be here." I chuckle and take a minute to admire her outfit. "Holy shit youre so fucking hot goddamn." If i was a guy id deffinitely have a hard on right now.

(Obviously not that face, i was too late when i saw i didnt cut it out but im too lazy to change it)

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(Obviously not that face, i was too late when i saw i didnt cut it out but im too lazy to change it)

She chuckles and says bye to Clint when we round the corner she smashes our lips together kissing rough and deep "fuck youre so sexy, i dont know if i can wait till after the date" she groans out i chuckle "i dont know what youre talking about baby, is someone a little sexually frustrated?" I taunt her "yes, and its your fault" she huffs i grab her hand giving akiss on the palm of it and walk to pietro and wanda Who are most likely watching sitcoms or movies together in the theatre, i look at wanda and my mouth waters i groan wanting nothing more than Just  eat and Kiss al of it, all of her.

With her short dress reaching mid thigh i have a wonderfull view of her long silky legs and almost moan out at the sight

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With her short dress reaching mid thigh i have a wonderfull view of her long silky legs and almost moan out at the sight. I decide to tease her too and speak in her mind "god if only those long silky legs were wrapped around my head, fuck the things i would do." She chokes on air and glares at me while i Just innocently smile at her
She folds her arms and tilts her head at me and i wont lie but that was terrifying and super sexy at the same time. I look to natasha for help Who Just raises her perfect eyebrow at me god, they fucking know what they are doing to me so i decide to get myself out of this situation like an adult...

...i ran supersoldier speed to the garage. Hey dont judge me they can be really intimidating allright.

A couple minutes later both of them stand in front of me arms crossed i chuckle nervously "Step in my beautifull dates." They roll their eyes and wanda smacks me over my head "dumbass." I groan "hey now, dont be so rude." She uses her wiggly woos to throw me away but its so unexpected i land wrongly on my wrist and scratch my brow. Fucking god that shit hurts. That was a little unnecesary. I groan "dont be such a wimp stand up get in and stop teasing." "Oi, fuck off wanda." I roll my eyes groaning and walk back inside.

With wanda and natasha

"Whats her deal?" I question Nat hums "maybe you threw her too hard she landed on her face i think." "She wouldnt drop our date for that right?" Nat thinks "i couldnt read her i dont know if shes angry or not. It could be a joke?" I humm "i really hope i dint really Hurt her." Nat nods in agreement. "You look really hot wands." "So do you nat." They Kiss passionately "We have to show yn shes ours tonight." "Fuck yeah, did you see how sexy she looks all dressed up for our date. She even had the nerve to tease me." Nat says "me too, thats why is was so frustrated she looks like a fucking goddess."

Yn pov

I walk back out the medicalroom having had some painkillers and a cast on my left wrist, luckily it isnt my dominating hand but this still sucks ass. I walk out of the compound and get in the car. Met with two annoyed redheads. "Why the fuck did you leave us?" I ignore it and start the car i drive out of the garage and onto the road and highway after a Quick stop at a gasstation i go on outdoor roades that go up on a hill. I park the car and get out. And im immediately pushed against the car "We were talking to you detka" tasha huskes out in my ear. I roll my eyes "answer us" wanda grits. I scoff "both of you are sexy when youre angry but if you opened your damn eyes you could see that the wiggly woos made me break my wrist on 2 places, but im a wimp so its probably nothing right?" "Im so so so fucking sorry yn i didnt know i threw you that hard." She engulfes me in a hug and leaves kisses on my neck to my shoulder all the way to my broken wrist then gives me a soft Kiss on my lips "its alright princess, i Just landed wrongly and the pain got me in a mood. And not the good one" she chuckles a bit "Come on girls, i wanna show you both something."

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