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Wanda pov

I messed up, big time the dissapointment and the Hurt in her eyes are on repeat in my head. Her and Nat have a weird bond they Just trust eachother without ever having had a full conversation. I dont understand how Yn could keep so calm she was bleeding a lot, she must have sensed something wrong with Nat that she didnt go all angry supersoldier on her but stayed the sweet and caring gentlewoman that she always is. I have to apologise and explain about vision properly to her.

I made my way to the elevator and chose her floor. I knocked on her door but got no response. I opened the door and walked in. There was Yn with natasha sleeping in her arms. I got angry and jealous so i went to wake them up when i saw Just how peacefull they looked.

I felt guilty for wanting to ruin that, so i sighed and made my way out of the room but not before kissing them both on their heads

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I felt guilty for wanting to ruin that, so i sighed and made my way out of the room but not before kissing them both on their heads. I went for a walk and decided i would break up with vision when  he returned from his mission.

Natasha pov

I open my eyes and look up to see yn sleeping softly. Her arms protectively around my waist. I inhale her scent and snuggle deeper into her her chest. I begin to blush when i realise where my hand is. I carefully take my hand off her big round boob and place it on her abdomen. I can feel her abs trough her shirt and lightly trace them with my fingers.

I place a Kiss in the crook of her neck and gently stroke her cheek admiring her features. So delicate and yet shes so dominant. Her face littered with small cuts and bruises that are already starting to lightly fade. Guess she really heals fast. She is so different from her dad. Hes always been rough with me sexually and not in a enjoying way. He never really shows affection except when he wants something, i really cared for him but with him cheating and all im not going to stay with him. Not when i can have this, Just being in safe arms being held even tho not long before i Hurt her really badly, and she didnt  even get mad she understood, she listened. She showed me affection even in front of wanda. Shes also really protective and dominant but not overwhelmingly. Shes perfect. Shit im crushing, crushing hard. I can see myself falling for her. It scares me what if she doesnt want me anymore because i cant give her kids or if she chooses wanda. I dont think i can handle that rejection. Shit. Im down bad.

I snuggle even closer and close my eyes humming softly savoring the moment.

Steve pov

I know its a matter of time before they know.
Before they find out ive lied.
That ive got someone else.
And that im dying.
Ive seen the way natasha and yn look at eachother. Its the way i look at him.
With love....
They deserve eachother.
They can give eachother so much more than i ever could.
I dont have long
Im leaving soon...
I love you Nat and Yn, you deserved better.
Love eachother like iknow you do. Its soon, iknow.
But ths heart wants what it wants.
My time is almost up.
I love you Natasha, im sorry for the pain ive caused you. Take care of my babygirl.
Yn, i love you Princess. Your old man has many regrets but you arent one of them. Youve always been my light.
Now im going.
Im being called.
Youre mom is here.
My time is up....

Im sorry, i love you

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