steamy shower 🌶

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Yn pov

I wake up with wanda and elliot in my arms. I Kiss both of their heads and wanda stirs awake. "Hey princess." She smiles "hey babe." "Come on lets get out of bed." Wanda groans "noooo five more minute" "If you wake up now we can shower together." Wanda shoots up out of the bed "im awake" i chuckle softly. I put elliot in the crib that Tony had ordered and walk to my bathroom. I pull off my shirt when wanda grabs my hands "Mommy let me do that please." My breath hitches "okay princess" she slowly takes of my sportbra trailing her palms over my boobs painfully slow. Then she turns me around and drops to her knees in front of me pulling down the shorts while trailling kisses down my thigh "can i pleasure you mommy?" "Not right now Princess." She whines "but im really horny." "Dont be a brat now, undress and get in the shower." Reluctantly she gets her clothes off and steps in. I step in behind her and pull her flush against me kissing her neck and teasing her boobs with a gentle touch "mommy please, i want you hard dont be gentle mark me as yours again, please mommy." I Bend her over against the shower wall "spread your legs, ass up" she obeys immediately "mommys litlle slut arent you, such a good girl." I spank her again and she moans out "be quiet, you dont want to be punished do you?" She shakes her head "words, la mia principessa " (my princess)  she moans loudly "fuck, no mommy im sorry" "brava ragazza" (goodgirl)
I get on my knees and eat her out from behind. My tongue running up and down her slit flicking over her clit. I suck harshly on her bundle of nerves and stick my fingers in her hole teasing her. "Please mommy, please!" I slap her ass "dont shout, amore mio" "sorry mommy" i add another finger and she moans loudly i speed up my tongue over her clit pressing harshly,  sucking and ocassionaly biting down gently on it.  I curl my fingers deep inside her and speed up "mommyyyy..ughhh pleaseeee i-i ccan i cum? Fuck" "cum for me amore mio" i husk she moans out and comes on my fingers. I lap her juices up and stand up kissing her. "Mmm mark me pleasee mommy" "as you wish principessa"

I trail kisses down her jaw sucking harshly making dark purple marks appear on her jaw and neck, i go down to her colarbones and mark them too. When im done her boobs chest shoulders neck and jaw are littered in purple and red marks. "Thank you mommy." She kisses me deeply and passionate i pull her closer "what about you mommy?" I smile "you really want to please mommy?" She nods furiously "yeah please mommy!" I chuckle and Kiss her nose "after the date if all goes well ill hold you to my promise but for now you can please me with your pussy" she gasps "please mommy" "Allright my love" i picked her up and she immediately wraps her legs around my waist and starts grinding on me making our sexes touch i squeeze her ass and she moans she grinds faster and harder i moan and she looks me in my eyes while speeding up and moaning my name "fuck yn!!" Im sure the whole compound could hear that i began to grind up into her and i voupd feel my orgasm building up. "Im close Princess, good ...fuck" i pant and she moans out loudly "me too babe...omg" We cum at the same time and i Kiss her deeply i set her down and she wobbles on her legs. I pull her flush against me and give  a Kiss on her shoulder "Come on love, lets clean up" she hums in response i grab some shampoo and lather it in her hair massaging softly. I put bodywash on my hands And carefully clean her body being carefull for her sensitive parts. I wash myself and we get out drying with a towel and me giving some clothes to her while putting on clothes on myself.

 I wash myself and we get out drying with a towel and me giving some clothes to her while putting on clothes on myself

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Yn's outfit

The clothes wanda borowed

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The clothes wanda borowed

I brush my theeth and spray some cologne on before waking up my baby boy "hey little hero, elliot baby wake up for mama" he slowly opens his eyes yawning cutely i chuckle and change his diaper i grab some clothes for him and change him into it giving him his paci

I brush my theeth and spray some cologne on before waking up my baby boy "hey little hero, elliot baby wake up for mama" he slowly opens his eyes yawning cutely i chuckle and change his diaper i grab some clothes for him and change him into it giv...

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He is so damn cute, i love him with all my heart. "Aww he is adorable, Just like his mommy." Wanda says while hugging me from behind i place a Kiss on her cheek and pick up elliot.
"Lets go eat some breakfast." I smile at wands and we go down being greeted by the others already awake and with annoyed faces "couldnt yall be quiet, or soundproof your room?!" Tony asks wanda blushes furiously and Nat scoffs i look her dead in the eye "you got something to say Romanoff" she looks Hurt "actually i do, Just not here" i nod "after breakfast, my room" she nods slightly we all eat breakfast and i feed elliot some mashed bananas. I signal Nat and wanda and we make our way to my room.

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