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3rd person pov

Yn shifts wanda so she is on one arm then pick ups nat with her other arm and gets off on the floor her room is, she had forgotten which rooms belonged to the two women so she took them to her room. She gently put both of them down on her bed and took two bottles water out her mini fridge and a couple advils for the redheads Who definitely will be able to feel the amount of alcohol tomorrow in the form of a hangover.

"Come on, you two need to change." The only response she got from them were tired groans and disaproving expressions. She sighed and carefully took the heels off of the two women. They still made no effort to move so she went to her closet and got two pair of comfy shorts and shirts that would be big on the women. She tried letting them change herself but without succes

"Guess im doing this myself then...." first she went to wanda Who immediately clung to her neck, she thencarefully took the dress off and put her shirt on that fell mid thigh on the taller redhead. Then she swiftly clipped the bh from under the shirt open and without having to say anything wanda pulled it off her chest and threw it across the room. She put the shorts on wanda and got some make up wipes and carefully took the make up off of wandas half snoozing face. She then tucked her in under the duvet on the left side of the bed and cautiously made her way to natasha Who was following every move of yn with her eyes.

"Hey romanoff, cam you change into it on your own?" The woman looked at her with mischief in her eyes "I can... But what if i dont want to?" Yn was kinda take aback by that answer but responded in a playful manner.
"Well then id Just have to do it myself i suppose." She shrugged with a smile. Nat bit her lip "go on then.." "dont look at me like that." Yn stated.
"Like what?" Nat asked with her perfectly atched eyebrow. "Like you want me to undress you, without putting clothes back on." Nat blushed a bit. "What if thats exactly what i want." She pushed. Yn calmly responded "it shouldnt be.... youre with my dad. Besides you are clearly drunk, i would never take adventage of someone. Especially not someone like you...." yn spoke the last part in a whisper still Romanoff Who wasnt as drunk as she pretended to be heared her loud and clear and it made a weird feeling appear in her stomach. As an answer Nat gently took the clothes and stumbled to the bathroom with a little help of yn and came back out without make-up and the sweats on. The shirt falling as a dress to Just above her knees and covering the shorts.

When Nat made it out she almost fell of exhaustion but the reflexes of the younger Rogers kicked in and scooped the sobered up but now sleep drunk widow up into her arms. With smooth movements she tucked the sleeping fighter under the duvets next to wanda and made her way into the bathroom herself and changed into a sport bra and some soccer shorts. She brushed her teeth and washed her face beside there was no make-up, she still felt the need to wash it. After she finished her nightly routine she got a spare blanket and pillow and sleept on the floor next to her closet. She looked at the women one last time and closed her eyes falling asleep.

Several hours later when the first rays of sunshine were to be seen at the horizon, a  desoriented spy woke up with a banging headache she carefully sat up and noticed a body next to her. Upon realizing it was wanda she shot up realizing neither were in the clothes they were the night before. But seeing as she wasnt naked she calmed down a bit. She got out of the bed and saw another body but on the floor. Stepping closer the events of the night prior came flooding back. Frowning she made her way to a stack of clothes on a chair with a note:

Hey Romanoff,

I hope you slept well. Iknow you always wake up really early my dad let it slip when asking me to take care of you for the night. He had somewhere to be with director Fury he said. There is a towel, spare toothbrush and an glass of water with advil next to it in the bedroom for you. Feel free to take  a shower and borrow some clothes. If you must know, nothing happend last night and you changed into my clothes on your own in the bathroom.

Ill see you later if you decide you dont want to stay. I would understand.


The redhead had  a small smile on her face it was very thoughtfull and sweet of the little sleeping Rogers. However when she read the part about Fury again she frowned. Fury always told her when there was a mission or problem. And normally Steve would tell her about his dutys, but she was sure he didnt mention this. She knows she wouldve remembered. She took a mental note to ask Fury and Steve about it and took her clothes and made her way into the bathroom.

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