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3 months later....

Yn pov

Its been 3 months since the funeral and a lot has happend. I started training, wanda broke up with vision and Tony kicked him off the team after wanda came back crying and with a couple bruises.
I went on a few small missions but nothing too big. Tony and pepper got engaged. Peter now fulltime stays in the compound and pietro fully healed.

Im Just making my way to the training room when jarvis calls. "Miss Rogers you are requested to suit up and go on the quinjet within 10 minutes." "Thanks jarvis." I sprint to the lockerroom and put on my suit

(Instead of the heart necklace its a necklace with steve's dog tags

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(Instead of the heart necklace its a necklace with steve's dog tags. Also the leather is fire proof)

I put my comms in and secure them on the right channel and board the quinjet where Uncle bucky and uncle tones already are. A couple moments later Clint and Wanda enter too. Knowing Natasha has another mission for shield, Thor is probably the one left to supervise Peter.

"Okay it shouldnt be too crowded we are going to infiltrate a HYDRA base for shield intel. In and out. Barnes and Maximoff take the left. Barton from the sky and Me and little Rogers will take the right. We should be there within the next 2 hours."
Everyone nods and relaxes a little before hell breaks loose.

We arrive at the Base and immediately are greeted with flying bullets i run into the building and take down all hydra agents in my way. I make my way to the room with the files when i get stabbed in my arm. I punch the guy knock-out and let the knife in. I upload everything on a stick and then destroy all the files, the paper ones and the digital ones. I back out and am closed in  by 13 hydra agents. "Well shit" i unclip my gun and start firing while throwing the nearest soldier into a couple others. I get hit in my stomach but i go on. I decide to use my powers and throw fire at them while punching and kicking them dead or knock-out. I get punched a couple times but nothing really too serious after the gunshot and the knife thats still in my shoulder.

"Wanda, bucky you guys done?" Its silent for a couple momenteel "No little help here please." Wanda grunts out. I use another power, teleportation. I teleport behind wanda and stand back to back with her i make a fire ring surround us so they cant get to us while wanda keeps snapping their necks with her powers. When the last one is out i pick wanda up and superspeed to the quinjet where Tony and bucky already Were waiting for us. Tony pressed a button and the whole building collapses down. I sigh and sit down while grunting a bit.

"Omg Yn! Youre Hurt! Why didnt you say something?!?!" I smile "its not that bad wands, relax" she panics "yn you have a litteral knife standing out of your shoulder and your shirt is drenched in blood by your abdomen!!! I think i have a reason to freak out!" I roll my eyes. "Thanks for stating the obvious." She walks over to me fuming and slaps me across the face. I Just look at her with a blank expression. I pull the knife out and take off my jacket and shirt leaving me in my sportbra. I grab a towel and a medkit and stitch them temporarily back up. While keeping a blank expression pointed on wanda.

I pull a spare jumper out of my zip up bag. And throw it on. Wanda keeps staring at my stomach so i lift her head up and look her in the eyes "you done staring?" She looks in my eyes and starts crying confused i take a step back but she jumps forward making me catch her. She starts hitting my chest while sobbing loudly "i i was freaking o out i tthougght i wass gonna lllose y you..." i rub her back "i wont die on you anytime soon wands." I put her down seeing as weve arrived and there stood another Infuriated redhead. "Hey Nat." Oop that got her even more mad." "Dont hey Nat me! What are you stupid?!" She janks me down by my jumper and slaps me  across my face on the same side wanda did. I stand up back again and throw the blank expression on. "You couldve died you asshole." I shrug "i didnt." She glares at me but i dont back down and wanda goes and stands next to her tilting her head. I roll my eyes and walk past them when red whisps wrap around me. Now im pissed too. I look at wanda and grit my teeth. "What do you want maximoff." I spit. She looks taken aback. And Nat walks up to me pulling me down harshly "what you gonna do? Slap me again? Seems like both of you like to do that." She blinks "I - what?" "Go on. Hit me. Thats what you wanted to do right. Hit me then. Cuz im done with this conversation." She takes a step back with tears in her eyes. I snap my fingers and the red magic dissapears. I walk away to the medbay and get checked out. Like i thought nothing serious a grazed bullet and a not even deep stab wound. Just had to stitch it up and do bandages around it then in a week or so the stitches will Come off and it most likely wont even scar. I go to the kitchen craving food seeing the both redheads standing there with tears i Just turn my back to them and grab some fruit out of the fridge a bottle water and a cereal bowl and take it back to my room. Hearing the light footsteps of two women following behind me. My redheads....

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