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Yn pov

I turn my radio up while driving slowly because of the uncontrolable weather, it really represents my mood. I drive and drive, my Phone blowing up with calls and texts from natasha and wanda i ignore it because im driving and stop at the redlight. I miss my girls... this isnt howit was supposed to go, hopefully once we all calmed down we can talk about this but i doubt theyll let me even tho i didnt even do anything wrong.. the light turns Green and i drive when i hear the sound of screetching tires and see headlights approaching really fast i turn my steeringwheel but before i can react the car rammed into the side of my car. My head hurts and im pretty sure my car is flipped, fuck this shit stings. My left arm is dislocated and probably broken my left leg is stuck and my right arm is dripping with blood. Slowly i try to pick up my Phone and i dial Tony.
After 4 rings he picks up "hey kid whats up?" "Uncle T..... i i need medical assistance...i ...i. idont know how long ive got left. Pleasee tttake care of my baby boy.... also of my two girls please....tell...tell them i love them..... i love you uncle tones.....i...fuck it hurts...."
Tears spring in my eyes "im so sorry....."  "KID Hang on we will save you" "Just promise me..... promise to take care of them.....and tell them i love em...."
I feel my consciousness slip away and the last thing i see is the background of my Phone with our family on it....





Tony pov

"Fuckkkk!!! AVENGERS ASSEMBLE WE GOTTA SAVE YNN!!" Nat and wanda rush in full suited up "whats wrong with yn Tony?! I keep silent and board the quinjet the others Come in all full suites with concern on their faces. "We...we gotta save yn.... she needs medical attention she is most likely rammed by a drunkdriver and her car is toppled over..... i....i needed to tell you she loves you both wanda and Nat, she didnt cheat.... she sounded like she was giving up so whatever happens we gotta be strong for her and expect the worst...." i feel tears run down my cheeks as soon as we near the scene i fly out of the quinjet and to her wreckage, i try toppling it over but it doesnt work then Steve and bucky land next to me and we get the car straight again. There lies an unconscious yn covered in cuts and bruises and a lot of blood. we slowly and sdcurely get her out and lay her down on the ground immediately Romanoff and Maximoff are next to her cupping her face and crying their hearts out. "Friday medical status of yn Rogers." "She flatlined 10 minutes ago sir, im sorry." I feel numb and fall to my knees " yn please....ethan needs you...." i cry softly and leave to give Romanoff and Maximoff some space.

Wanda pov

No this cant be true, she cant have died, she cant we were supposed to work this out marry eachother and have kids, we were supposed to be forever...
she cant leave us! I sob and clutch my chest while slowly falling to my knees.  I grab her hand thats already cooling down and give it a little kiss. i just sit there silently crying. ive lost one of the love of my lives. im devestated yet i almost feel numb...

nat pov

emotionless, thats how i feel right now. ive never been good with emotions but it changed when i met the avengers after meeting her i also understood true love, true love thats what i feel for her and wanda. thats what she showed us every morning. except the last two weeks. i inspect the car hoping to find a clue as to who was the driver, but then i see a paper, a lot of receipts and her dufflebag. i grab them all out and start to read the letter. thats adressed to her father.

¨hey dad, i havent visited your grave in a while... iknow. i havent forgotten about you so dont worry, ive just been busy. saving the world and doing triple the missions, you probably wonder why i would ever do too. especially when i sometimes come home to angry or sad redheads. i want to tell them that im doing this so we can go on a vacation but then they will suspect something is up. which there is but they will have to wait for only a couple days longer. im finally going to propose to them, ive had the rings ready in the store for a while now. but 3 weeks ago i got the last push i needed i even got the blessing of their brother and sister. i cant wait to marry them, im really nervous tho. i havent been giving a lot of attention to my loves lately cause ive been busy planning and doing missions but im almost done, the last thing i got to do is pick the rings up and wait till its saturday. i just hope nothing goes wrong. i love them so much, and im really nervous. when i do it ill probably bring your grandson Ethan, my baby boy to moms niece Sharon Carter Ethan adores her its really cute. i love you dad and hopefully next time i write a letter for your grave im engaged with my two loves of my lives.
with love, your daughter yn Rogers. xxx¨

i wipe the freshly fallen tears and grab the receipts, a lot are for flowers, new perfume, a suit, a reservation and.......two engagementrings..... with shaking hands i grab the letter and the two boxes and carefully sit down next to wanda. ¨ this¨ she reads it and slaps her hand for her mouth to silence her sobs. i shakily hand her the box with the golden W on it and grab mine we both open it at the same time and completely break down in eachothers arms. ¨she really wanted to marry us...she never cheated on us. she still loves us.¨ i nod ¨yeah she did¨ and the moment i say ´did´ we break down again. it wont ever be the same without her...

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