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Time skip: 6 months

I wake up with my beautifull girls in my arms seeing elliot still asleep on the baby monitor. I Kiss both of their heads and get up. I strip out of my clothes getting in the shower. Just as im washing out the conditioner i feel 2 arms wrap around my waist from behind and soft kisses being pressed between my shoulder blades and the back of my next. "Goodmorning, baby." I husk "goodmorning amor how did you know it was me?" She rasps out. I chuckle softly turning around and pressing a light Kiss on her lips. "Your hands after the amount of times they have been on my skin i can recognise your hands and wandas."  She leans in and puts a little more pressure in the Kiss turning it into a fullblown makeout. Our tongues graze eachother and entwine i suck softly at her tongue and nip at her bottomlip making her moan out "Nat?" She hums in response still pressing kisses to my colarbone "We need to stop, or we will have an upset witchy." She chuckles "do you remember last time? She didnt speak to ys for two days and denier kisses and hugs Just because we didnt say i love you before going to sleep that night beeing too tired from our activiteit." She recalls the memory i shudder "she still hilds that to me everytime." We laugh and wash up before getting out of the shower. We are greeted with a redheaded sokovian sitting on the bed with covers Just under her breasts and her arms crossed with a headtilt. "Shit, youre in this alone amor." She whispers under her breath and boots out the door, that is flung closed right infront of her face by red whisp making her bump her head "ouch" i chuckle "what was it you said again baby." Wanda tilts her head "im not done with you either Rogers." I gulp. She pushes me with her powers against the wall and stands naked in front of me making my eyes rake over her. She uses her powers to remove my towel and chuckles "well well"

(If you want me to make a chapter about what happend let me know)

After the activities we went down to breakfast Nat slightly limping and wanda Just not able to walk i chuckle at the sight and they both shoot me a glare "how tf are you even walking right now?!?" I grin smugly "im a supersoldier baby" i say with an accent flexing one of my biceps because im still holding wands. They roll their eyes and Nat mutters "A sexy one at that." I smile then i smile mischieveously and wanda looks at me afraid "yn....whatever youre thinking about doing dont." I smirk and start running throwing Nat over my shoulder and going full speed down the corridors and jumping down from the railing of the stairs, i run to the commonroom and throw them softly on some couches before they can do anything i run to where the other are at the dinner table and hide behind thor. "What are you doing lady Rogers?" "Im hiding from my two angry redheaded girlfriends" and Tony chuckles "what did you do kid?" "Well they both kinda cant walk properly....anyways i picked both of them up ran full speed and i may or may not have jumped of the stairs railing and dumped them on the couch?" I smile awkwardly and the boys laugh "damn kid" Tony laughs "youre gonna be in some deep shit." "Thanks Uncle bucky i didnt know that yet" i reply sarcasticly while rolling my eyes.

"Where the fuck is that piece of shit that is our girlfriend?!?" Nat questions angrily "i dunno, nope havent seen her did you guys?" "Nope" "no ill tell you if we see her." "Shes hiding behind me" thor beams proudly i slap my head and look at him betrayed "no more poptarts for you" i scoff playfully offended then look at my girls wanda stands there eyes red woth a headtilt while nat stand with her raised brow and an angry/annoyed expression. I gulp and try to bolt out when im pulled back by wandas magig that makes me fly across the room. "Fuck, im okay" o say while dusting myself standing up, j gulp when i see the two redheads glaring down at me "On second thought, yall might want to plan my funeral!" I yell out to uncle T and B. Wanda grabs me by my ear and pulls me after her all thebway to the room i look at Nat for help and she Just shrugs "you brought this on yourself dumbass" and she flicks my forehead "auwie, taht hurts" "Oh hush you big baby" Nat replies rolling her eyes.

"Sit" wamda says as she pushes me in a chair "now watch, dont touch us or yourself." They put on a show undressing eachother to undergarments and having a heavy makeout. I groan in annoyance of not being allowed to touch them so i dont listen and stand up when im immediately tied down to the chair. "Now we will torture you like this. We are going to give you a lap dance while putting image in your head while you wont be able to move, you wont get lisses and cuddles for the whole day and you sleep on the couch tonight." "Nooooo no no nonono, to hell im not sleeping on the couch." "But thats where youre wrong, you are. Or no sex for a month." "This is not fair, this is girlfriend abuse im sure you cant torture me like that" i whine out "watch us." After being frustratedly turned up by the lapdance i sulk and walk away from them not talking anymore. Am i being overdramatic? Yes. Am i acting like the big baby Nat said i was? Yes. Am i i still gonna ignore them? Fuck yes.

Ive been ignoring wanda and Nat tje whole day and they have become whiney and clingy while ive Just been playing woth elliot. Right now im giving Elliot his babybottle for the night when wanda and Nat Come in kissing elliot "goodnight our beautifull babyboy" Nat cooes. And the three of us walk out and into my room i grab pjs and go into the bathroom locking it while blushing my theeth and changing. I walk out and Nat and wanda stand there with sad faces "you locked the door..." i hum and grab my cushion and a spare blanket walking out and making a bed on the couch ready to go to sleep. Im almost asleep when tao body's are flung over me cuddling into me leaving no space to get away. "Sorry amor for this stupid 'punishment' are you mad at us?" "Please talk to us bub" "ik not mad i was Just ignoring you for that torture as a way to get back to you at it." "Can we please promise eachother something?" Wanda asks softly and we nod "however angry or sad we are, we talk and at the end of the day sleep in the same bed." "I agree princess." "Me too." "I love you both, so much" i state softly "We love you too"

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