maximoff twins back together

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After getting a couple coffees and filling the tank of the car we were on the road again, wanda is sitting next to me frowning and pouting adorably ever since we got in again. I chuckled and entwined our hands while driving and gave a soft peck on it.

After a long drive we made it to my house and parked the car, wanda gasped "omg yn, its sooooo beautifull!"

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After a long drive we made it to my house and parked the car, wanda gasped "omg yn, its sooooo beautifull!"

After a long drive we made it to my house and parked the car, wanda gasped "omg yn, its sooooo beautifull!"

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"Thanks wands, lets go pickup your brother and my stuff." Wanda squeeled and ran to my door while me and bucky follikel at a normal pace. When we got there wanda stood frowning with an adorable pout. "The door is locked" she mumbled. i swear shes Just too cute. Suddenly she blushes and looks down. Seems like she read my mind.

I chuckle and unlock the door "finally, i missed my best friend did you find any leads on my sister." The voice of pietro sounds booming trough my house. I sign for wanda to be quiet and respond. "Well if my asshat of a bestfriend would Just Come down here to talk to me i could tell you what i found." He stumbles from the staircase and turns to me. "So did you find her?? I need to find her she probably thinks im dead!" I keep my arm out for wanda to Come from behind my back. And she stands next to me cuddled into my arm. "I have something better than a lead." They both have tears in their eyes and run to eachother and hug while sobbing uncontrollably. Wanda starts hitting pietros chest "How could you do that, why did you have to be a hero, you died, i couldnt feel you." She croaks out he tightens his arms around her "dont worry baby sis im okay, yn saved me, i would do it again in a heartbeat if it meant keeping you and that kid safe." I nudge uncle b as a sign to give them their moment and start packing up my stuff and lading them in the jeep.

After 2 hours everything is packed and we go back to the siblings. "Hey wands, everything is packed." She smiles "wait youre leaving!? I thought it was Just till we found my sister!" Pietro yelled upset "Piet do you remember how i told you my dad was an avenger and i could find her trough him? Shes an avenger too i Just didnt know she was your sister, im one too. And i spoke to stark and you are allowed to Come with us and if you want when youre recovered you can be one too"

He hugged me really tight "thank you" he whispered then he hit my shoulder "thats for kissing my sister without my blessing." I chuckled "well do i have your blessing now?" I asked slowly looking up at wanda Who was blushing furiously. "Yeah but if you break her heart ill break you." I chuckled "sure thing Piet, i dont want to Hurt her. Why dont you and bucky pack your stuff we'll go back in a bit. They nodded and sent upstairs

I made my way to wanda and pulled her in my arms "hey.." she said sotly.
"Hey cutie." I leaned forward and connected our lips jn a slow Kiss it got heated quickly and i pushed my tongue jnto her mouth. She released an airy moan and jumped up with her legs around my waist and my hands on her sexy firm round ass. She leaned even more into me so her perfect round boobs pushed into me and i squeezed her ass. "Fuck daddy." I froze which she noticed and she teased me "Daddy please ill be a goodgirl for you." Then she moaned in my ear. I looked at her im sure my eyes were Black with desire because she gasped. I passionately kissed her and slept her ass. Then i put her down.

"If youre really daddys goodgirl you are gonna behave right now and maybe daddy will give you a reward tonight." I husked in her ear while biting softly. She looked really flustered. And nodded. "Words little witch." "Yes....daddy" she breathed out and i gave her a Kiss on her forehead.
"Come on, i think they are done by now." We walked out the house and everything was loaded they were already in the backseats and we got in aswell.

Halfway into the drive the backseats were silent. They fell asleep and i put my hand on wandas leg and turned the radio on softly and hummed along.

Wanda pov

I was a little emberassed when i called her daddy i didnt mean to but i would be lying if i sadi it wasnt hot how turned on she got her eyes were completely Black with lust and i knew my panties were ruined. But like right now she is so soft and sweet i can honestly see myself falling for her. I decide to snap a picture of it and record her humming softly the video is Just for me but the picture i put on my insta and send it to natasha seeing as shes my best friend in the compound.

The pic:

I close my Phone and look at her with a soft smile "what?" She smiles at me "youre Just cute" i tell her

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I close my Phone and look at her with a soft smile "what?" She smiles at me "youre Just cute" i tell her. She grins and pickups my hand enteining it and softly kissing my knuckles. "So are you Princess." I feel myself driftig off into a slumber with our hands entwined, a smile on my face and to the sound of her soft tunes.

Tried something New, let me know what you think New chapter will be up in a few days. Happy early easter <3

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