The announcement - Part 5 - Scott x Reader

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Scott looked down at his watch. He knew that when he left her downstairs, (Y/n) would leave and go wherever she normally went when she couldn't sleep. He knew that it was a difficult transition for the elemental to go from the compound where she could roam the grounds and surroundings whenever she wanted, to being enclosed in a sea of houses and nosy neighbours. But he had done all he could to help. He knew all too well what Stark had put her through. How unhappy she had been because of the billionaire. And now all he wanted to do was make (Y/n) happy. To make her see that even though he didn't have what Tony could offer her. He was the one that loved her.

Suddenly the house began to shake. The windows rattling in their frames. Scott knowing that the sudden furore could only be one thing. He was used to a (Y/n)'s gifts causing a little chaos, but this was something completely different, and Scott knew that something must have happened.

Sprinting down the stairs, Scott's eyes fell on (Y/n) sat in the middle of the room, her head dropped into her hands.

"(Y/n)?" Scott asked hesitantly. (Y/n) shocking him as she sprang to her feet and threw herself into his arms.

"I'm so sorry, Scott. I'm sorry I was so blind. I'm sorry I was so stupid. I love you Scott, I love you so much. I wish I'd never met Tony Stark. That I never wasted all that time with him, when someone as wonderful as you was always there. Can you forgive me?" (Y/n) asked, tears rolling down her cheeks as she looked up into Scott's eyes.

Scott gently brushed away the tears from (Y/n)'s cheeks with his thumb. He wasn't sure what had happened. Wasn't sure what had pushed the elemental to tears. But what he did know was that she had told him that she loved him. That she had finally said the three little words that he so desperately wanted to hear.

"There's nothing to forgive, (Y/n). We all make mistakes. All that matters is that I love you too. Now come on. Let's get you upstairs. You're freezing." Scott replied, kissing (Y/n) softly before taking her into his arms and carrying her to their bed.


"What the hell happened, Stark?" Steve asked as he stepped over the debris that littered Tony's rooms, making his way to where the billionaire still had his head in his hands.

Steve wasn't sure why he had asked such a ridiculous question. He had seen this kind of mess before, and there was only one force of nature that could have caused it. He didn't need to hear the panicked rambles of the scantily clad woman that lay shaking on the floor. He didn't need to hear her confused ravings about a wild haired woman that had destroyed all around them, to know that (Y/n) had finally seen all she needed to see to prove that Tony wasn't worth her time.

"Well?" Steve asked again as he stood over Tony and waited for a suitable reply. The captain indicating for one of the others to remove the billionaire's latest conquest, so that they could keep this in the family.

"It was nothing. I had an accident with a repulsor ray that's all." Tony said, as he finally picked his head out from his hands. Wiping his eyes with the cuff of his shirt.

"Cut the crap, Stark. I'm not and idiot. Even a blind man could see that none of this damage was done by one of your repulsor rays. (Y/n) was here, wasn't she? What did you do to her?" Steve continued angrily. The super soldier not wanting Tony to have caused any more damage than he already had to the elemental.

"I don't know what you are talking about. I told you. It was an accident." Tony replied, as he dragged himself from the floor. Defiantly looking Steve in the eyes.

"Tell us what you did Stark. If you hurt (Y/n) I'll......." Bucky began as he came up behind Steve. The two soldiers glaring at the dishevelled looking man before them.

"Okay, you two. Let's not make this any worse than it already is." Natasha interjected, as she stood between the three men. The widow turning to look at Tony.

"What happened, Tony? What happened with (Y/n)?" Natasha asked, as Tony turned to look out into the vast expanse of the compound grounds.

"I don't know what happened. I didn't even know she was here until......until, well until all this happened. She said that Bruce had told her that I had changed. That she had still hoped that I could finally love her like she had loved me. That we could still be close. But now she knew that there was no hope. That I would never change, and that my heart would always be empty and my life meaningless. I never meant for any of this to happen. I love her, Nat. I loved (Y/n) even when I was with Pepper. I've screwed up everything in my life. Anything important, or precious, I end up pushing away, or shitting on from a great height. And now I've done that with (Y/n). And no matter what I do or say, nothing is ever going to make this better." Tony confessed, as he tried to hold back the tears that were fighting to escape.

"Okay, Tony. Let's get you out of here. We'll figure out what to do in the morning." Natasha replied, as she took hold of Tony's arms and led him from the room.

"Do you think that we should phone Scott. Let him know what happened?" Bucky asked quietly as the two soldiers looked out onto the broken trees in the compound. The rest of the team following behind Natasha and Tony as they left the room.

"No. (Y/n) will be angry. Its best to let her calm down. Let her and Scott work this out together. If she wants him to know, she'll tell him." Steve replied, as he turned to look at Bucky.

"I know it sounds rough, but now that (Y/n) has realised that Stark isn't the man for her, we might actually get her back." Steve continued. The Captain knowing that Bucky had missed (Y/n) being around just as much as he had. And that hopefully now they could have her return to the compound, and the team could have back both the members that they had missed.


(Y/n) woke as the smell of fresh brewed coffee and blueberry pancakes filled the bedroom. The night before she had told Scott what had happened. Told him that she hadn't meant to go to the compound. That she hadn't meant to see Tony. She had confessed what she had seen, and what she had done and said. The elemental apologising again for everything. But Scott had just continued to tell her that he loved her. That as long as she loved him, he would never let anyone, or anything hurt her.

"Scott!" (Y/n) called out as she made her way down the stairs. The scent of breakfast luring her from the warm bed.

"Scott." (Y/n) chuckled, shaking her head as her eyes fell on the sweet man that was dressed in a frilly apron. His face covered in flour and pancake batter.

"Good morning sleeping beauty. Take a seat." Scott said, as he pulled out a chair at the dining table. Helping her sit down, before kissing her on the top of the head and walking back to the kitchen counter to retrieve a pile of pancakes.

(Y/n) knowing that next time she saw Tony, she would have to thank him for making her realise what she would have lost if she hadn't seen the truth.  

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