Let me help - Part 2 - Zemo x Reader

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"Help me? Look...pal! I don't know who the hell you think that you are talking to, but that so called Sokovian charm of yours ain't gonna work on me. It didn't work for Pietro, and most certainly isn't gonna work for a murdering asshole like you. And you caused more than some of my pain. You caused a whole shit load of it. So why don't you cut this, "let's be friends" crap, and leave me alone. It's bad enough that ya here and we have to babysit you, never mind anything else." (Y/n) hissed as she tore her hand away from his and almost jumped to her feet. The remaining Rogers making her way over to the high balcony, hoping that the former colonel of the Sokovian Armed Forces would just disappear, if she ignored him for long enough.

Part of her was sure that she could hear Steve's voice in the back of her mind. It was the tone that he had always used when she was little, and she was scared. It was fatherly, calming and (Y/n) couldn't help but close her eyes and sigh. A sudden soft breeze blowing her through her hair. (Y/n) sure, that in fact, it was Steve's fingers, combing through her unruly locks like he would do when he would tell her the story, as the heavens and its armies fought. She couldn't help but think that none of this would have happened if Steve had given the shield to Bucky or even her. It was true that neither of them could replace him. No one ever could. Yet at least they would never have given up the shield. But she knew why he hadn't. She knew that Steve believed that she and Bucky had already fought for so long and been through so much. That they had suffered enough already, and didn't deserve for him to ask them to carry the burden of the responsibility, that went along with the shield. Sooner or later, she knew that she would forgive Sam. She knew how much the former pararescue airman had cared for her brother. How much he cared for her. But now was not the time.


Zemo watched as (Y/n) stood by the balcony. He knew that this wasn't going to be easy. To most people it was Barnes that was the tough nut to crack. But Zemo knew that the real tough one was (Y/n). He had never seen her cry. Not once had a single tear ever come to her eye. Not once had she ever appeared weak in his presence. Since they had broken him out of prison, she had always been cool, calm and collected. Yet at this moment, he could see a crack in her tough shell. A chink in her armour. And he knew that if he could see it, then (Y/n) would know that it was there too. And he also knew that she wouldn't like it. Zemo sure that (Y/n) was stronger than either her brother or Barnes could even have hoped to be.

Slowly he got to his feet. He knew what it was to lose people you loved. Knew what it was to be so desperate to join them, that you would contemplate ending it all, just to stop the pain and loneliness that you felt. Yet since he had agreed to help (Y/n), Barnes, and Wilson with tracking down the Flag Smashers. With his own intention of bringing an end to the super soldiers for good. Zemo had begun to think that he had been given a second chance. Another opportunity to have a life as he had had before the Battle of Sokovia. A chance to have another family. A family that this time, he would protect. But getting (Y/n) to see all that was probably going to be the hardest thing that he had ever done.

"You still here? You don't get the hint do you, Zemo? Why don't you just leave me alone. Go bug someone else." (Y/n) hissed as Zemo joined her at the balcony. The Baron shocked to see the tears rolling freely down (Y/n)'s cheeks. Taken aback as he saw her body begin to tremble. The colonel hesitantly placing his arm around her shoulder. A soft smile pulling at his lips as she didn't reject his attempt to comfort her.

"I think I'm jinxed. It seems like anyone I ever care about, dies. Leaves me. My mother when I was a child. My friend's during the war. Natasha, Tony, and then.......... The next thing I know, it will be Bucky and Sam, and then I'll have no one. Nothing. It will just be me. Alone." (Y/n) suddenly said. Her voice thick with emotion as she threw herself into Zemo's arms. The Baron holding the soldier close, as she sobbed on his shoulder. Zemo happy just to have the chance to finally take her in his arms.

"You are not alone, . You will never be alone as long as I am here. All you have to do is let me help you." Zemo told her. (Y/n) looking up into his blue eyes. Not quite sure what to think about the Baron's words.

(Y/n) hated to admit it, but Zemo wasn't what you ever would call hideous. In fact, in a certain way, he was quite handsome. He was a tough, no nonsense kind of guy in the field. And in the strangest way remined her slightly of her brother. And underneath all the cutting comments that he directed at Bucky and Sam, there was honour and compassion. A man not without conscience. And even though he was certainly not her favourite person on the planet. Most of the time finding herself wanting to do nothing more than wipe the smug grin off his face. At this moment in time, even though she would probably hate herself in the morning. He was what she needed. What she wanted.

"You really want to help me?" (Y/n) asked hesitantly, as she reached up her hand and combed her fingers through his hair. Zemo, closing his eyes and nodding slowly, as his body shivered at gentleness of her touch.

"I need you, Zemo. I need you to show me that there is more to this life than death. That there is a point to carrying on. I need you to touch me. To make me feel something other than pain. I need you to love me, even if just for tonight. I need you to make me forget. Will you do that for me?" (Y/n) asked. Zemo pulling her close so that he could whisper in her ear.

"I would be my pleasure, meine geliebte." Zemo hummed. The baron taking her hand and leading her back into the building.  

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