The announcement - Part 7 - Tony x Scott x Reader

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"So (Y/n). What do you think?" Steve asked as the elemental surveyed the computer generated map of the landscape, that housed the latest Hydra base that the team had been sent to bring down. Steve had laid out the plan as he saw it. The Hydra base was set deep into some high, formidable cliffs. Surrounded and concealed by a vast forest and huge lake. And given this terrain, Steve knew that (Y/n) would be the best asset he had.

"I think that this is the perfect scenario. The only thing that's missing is a source of fire. But if Thor will bring down a little lightning, I could have some real fun." (Y/n) chuckled, more than ready for a fight after being on the sidelines for so long.

"I just need Thor, and Scott on the outside. The rest of you can enter the base, get whatever information we need, and destroy it. If all goes well, I will even be able to flood the base completely and ensure that Hydra will never be able to use it again." (Y/n) continued as Scott came up behind her and placed his hand on her shoulder. The god of thunder nodding in agreement with her suggestion.

Thor was used to teaming up with (Y/n) as much as the super soldiers were. The god often watching in wonder as the elemental would take his lightning and create some of the most monumental storms he had ever seen. He had stood with the rain lashing down on his face, the wind and lighting thundering around him as the elemental controlled the battling forces as easily as she breathed. The whole scene often leaving even the great god in awe.

"I'll stay outside too." Tony chimed in. All eyes tuning to look at him as he came up behind those around the table.

"We don't need you, Stark. (Y/n) just said that she only needs me and Thor." Scott growled, as he moved to stand protectively in front of (Y/n).

"Its alright, Scott." (Y/n) assured, as she moved out from behind him.

"You're better off inside the base with the others. We need as many bodies inside as we can get. There's no intel on how strong their forces are. And Nat will need time to download everything off their mainframe, so she will be preoccupied. I need Thor for his lightning, and Scott can grow big enough so that the tsunami that I'm planning, won't wash him away. If you get caught in my maelstrom, you might not be able to get out. And as the others will all be inside, Scott, Thor and I won't have the time to come and save your ass. So, I suggest that you go with the others." (Y/n) continued, as she turned back to the table. Scott still glaring at Tony, determined that the billionaire wasn't going to get to spend any more time with (Y/n) than he really had to.

"But you'll need someone watching your backs as well. Nat will have enough help with Barton, Rogers and Barnes. If ant boy here and Thor get distracted, you'll need someone to keep those Hydra assholes from getting to you. And let's face it, I'll be more use than the incredible shrinking bug here. Tell me Lang, how small are you really?" Tony scoffed, as he and Scott stood toe to toe. Both men already ready for a fight.

"Knock it off!" (Y/n) exclaimed as she pushed her way in between the two men.

"We have a job to do. So, save all that testosterone for Hydra. We have better things to do than watch you two beat on your chests like a pair of competing silverback gorillas." (Y/n) continued as she looked between the two men, before turning to Scott.

"Scott honey. Go with Cap and figure out if you can get me high enough up those cliffs so I can get the best view the landscape. Let me fix this" (Y/n) told him, placing a reassuring hand on his arm as she turned him and pushed him back over to Steve.

"And you. You come with me." The elemental hissed as she grabbed hold of Tony's sleeve and pulled him out of the way.

"What is it with you? You still pissed that I ruined your night with your latest walking advertisement for fake tits and fish lips. Or have you had another twenty just like her since?" (Y/n) asked, crossing her arms and glaring at Tony.

"Look. If you don't like me being with Scott, that's your problem. But I am not taking dating tips from a man that can't even remember the names of most of the women he's slept with. Scott is a good man.........."

"For a convicted felon, yeah." Tony huffed under his breath. The billionaire feeling a sting in his cheek as (Y/n) slapped his face.

"Why you arrogant asshole! He made mistakes and he paid for them. Scott is one of the nicest, sweetest, most caring men that I have ever met. He loves me, and he treats me with the respect that I deserve. I have been happier since I've been with him, than I have ever been before. And you know what, I love him as well. So, you are just going to have to accept it." (Y/n) scolded, as she turned to move back over to where the rest of the team were waiting.

"(Y/n). Please." Tony almost whispered as he reached out and grabbed at (Y/n)'s wrist, pulling her back towards him.

"That night. It was a mistake. I didn't.........I mean we didn' know. What Bruce told you was true. There haven't been any women at the compound. I've been sleeping, not drinking. Eating. Doing everything that I know I should be doing. Doing it all to get you back. But Bruce said that you were with someone. That you were happy with someone else. And when he told me that, I guess I eventually figured that, what the hell. If I had lost you, then what does it matter. So yeah, I brought her back to the compound. And I probably would have had sex with her. And no, I can't remember her name, or even her damn face. But you were already playing happy families with Lang over there, so what does it matter. (Y/n) I still love you. I want to be with you. And if you give me another chance, I will show you that I can make you just as happy as Lang can." The billionaire continued. His eyes closing as (Y/n) reached up and brushed her fingers over his cheek.

"You know something, Tony. Once, I would have given anything for you to tell me that you loved me. To hear you say that wanted to be with me. That you wanted to make me happy. But I never wanted you to do any of those things for me. I wanted you to do them for yourself. To not slowly kill yourself. I love you Tony. We all love you. But I'm not in love with you. That doesn't mean that I'll ever stop caring about you, but I love Scott. And nothing you can say or do is going to change my mind. I want to come home. I want to spend time back in the compound with the others. But if you can't accept that I love Scott, then the only time you'll see me is when we're on missions. I'm sorry." (Y/n) explained, as she kissed Tony gently on the cheek.

"Now, we have a base to bring down. Bad guys to kill. And we need Iron Man at his best." (Y/n) continued, as she took Tony's arm and led him back over to the rest of the team. 

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