In the heat of the night - Part 3 - Sam x Reader

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"So............" Sam began, as he nervously looked between (Y/n) and the soda in his hand. No longer noticing or caring about the bright lights of the big city so far away.

He wanted to say so much. To tell her so much. He wanted to say that he thought that she was wonderful. That he was sure that she was the most amazing woman that he had ever met. That the mere thought of her made him smile. And at this very moment he was sure, as she sat next to him, her leg touching his, his heart was going to burst from his chest and surrender itself to her. Totally and unequivocally. He wanted to tell her that he was in awe of her abilities. That watching her fight was a privilege. To stand by her side, an honour. Yet as the words fought for prominence in his mind. Demanding that he spoke of them first, he found that none would come to his lips. And instead, he just sat there, opening and closing his mouth as if he were doing an impression of a goldfish. The embarrassing fact that he was just sitting there like a stunned mullet, making it even harder for him to say anything.

"So..........I was talking to Bucky earlier. And he was telling me something interesting. Something I wasn't sure that I could believe, but........but really hope is true. And I thought, seeing that you are here, and we are all alone. I would get it straight from the horse's mouth, as it were." (Y/n) said. Trying to stop herself from laughing as she saw the look of horror on the Falcon's face. Sam dreading what the one armed bandit could have told her.

", ok. But if its anything about that mission in Moscow. Or that I brushed my teeth in the shower, then it's all a lie, and I only did that once because I was in a hurry." Sam quickly replied. Hoping to cover some of his tracks, as his mind filled with all the stories that Barnes could possibly have come up with.

"No, it's neither of those." (Y/n) chuckled.

"But now you've mentioned it, I'll have to remember to ask Buck about Moscow." (Y/n) added. Laughing again as Sam groaned and planted his face firmly in his hand.

"No, he was actually telling me that........well that you might.......that you might like me. Sort of thing. That you might be interested in getting to know me better." (Y/n) explained. Her tone more serious, as Sam finally looked up from his hand to her nervous looking face. The ex-pararescue serviceman not sure whether to kill or kiss the Winter Soldier next time he saw him.

"If you don't. If Bucky was wrong, I'll understand. But........I feel like I need to tell you something. Something that has been eating away at me since we first met. And I know that if I don't tell you now while we are alone, I'll probably never will. Because I'll chicken out like I have done so many times before. And even if you don't feel the same, I know I will regret never taking the chance. So, here goes...........I.........I like you, Sam. And when I say like, I actually mean more than like. I think that you are funny, kind, and sweet. I think that you are brave, loyal, and wonderful. You make me smile. You make me laugh like no one ever has before. And when we're on missions, even though I know that the others are all there. That they have my back as much as I have there's. It's not until I see you, that I see you in the sky, that I feel truly safe. That I know everything is going to be alright. I think that you're handsome. And I think, no, I know that if I was given the opportunity, that I would like to get to know you better, away from here. Away from the compound and all the others. It's not that I don't love them, but......well, I would like the chance to get to know you. The real you, without all the others looking over our shoulders. So........I think that that's all I have to say. I'm sorry if I embarrassed you. But I had to say all that. I just hope that it doesn't make working together in the future, awkward in any way. And now I have made a complete fool of myself, I think that I should probably go back to my room." (Y/n) explained, as she slowly climbed down from the wall, and made her way over to the door that led back into the compound.

Sam sat there. Dumbfounded. His mind now completely and utterly mixed up. Had he really just heard right? Had (Y/n) just said all the things to him, that he had wanted to say to her? Had she really been able to voice all the words and feelings that refused to leave his lips. And if she had, why the hell was he still sat there like a damn idiot, letting the girl of his dreams think that he didn't care?

"(Y/n) wait! Hold up!" Sam exclaimed as he jumped to his feet and raced over to her. Catching her arm before she could open the door.

"I........I'm an idiot, (Y/n), for not telling you this sooner. For wasting all this time. But for once in his life, Barnes is right. I do like you. More than like you. And I'm just sorry that I've never been able to pluck up the courage to tell you before now. I think that you are amazing, wonderful. I wake up in the morning and my first thought is you. I close my eyes at night, and my dreams are filled with your face. I'd like to get to know you better too. So, maybe we could start now." Sam told her. (Y/n) turning around to look at him. His hand reaching down to take hers as he escorted her back over to the wall. The Falcon picking her up and placing her back on the cushion, before joining her once again.

"I think that I would like that, Sam." (Y/n) replied, as he handed her back her soda, and placed his arm around her shoulder.

"And I will be sure to tell Bucky that you said he was right. I'm sure that he would love to know that." (Y/n) added with a chuckle as Sam looked down at her.

"If I kiss you, will you promise not to tell him?" Sam asked, as he brushed his fingers through her hair. (Y/n) smiling as she looked up into his big, beautiful, brown eyes.

"I think that I could possibly be persuaded. But it better be a good kiss, fly boy. Because I know that Bucky would never let you live that down." (Y/n) replied. Her eyes fluttering closed as the Falcon rested his forehead against hers. His warm breath fanning over her skin.

"Oh, it will be, I promise. And this is only the first of many more to come." Sam told her. His lips finally meeting hers as he pulled (Y/n) into a loving embrace. Sam knowing that things were only going to get better. And it was all due to the heat of the night.  

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