Let me help - Part 1 - Zemo x Reader

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Suddenly, the dark sky outside lit up. The crack of lightening closely followed by a deep rumble of thunder. Years ago, when she was little more than a babe, and the sky would argue and grumble, (Y/n) would spring from her bed and race across the dark landing of their little home in Hell's Kitchen. Making her way to find Steve. Her older brother always waiting for her as she pushed her way into his room, before jumping onto his bed and hiding under the covers. It was the only place that she felt safe when gods tore at the sky. She hated to disturb their mother. And their father had been taken from them in the Great War. So, the only one she could look to, was her little hero. For despite the fact that even as a small child, (Y/n) was strong and healthier than Steve. He had always known what to say, and when to say it. The young frail man the only father she had even known.

To calm her teary trembling, Steve would tell her a story of a great castle in the sky. A castle that was more wonderous than any other. He would say, that whenever the sky seemed angry, it was in fact, the armies of many great knights fighting for the wonderous castle and the princess that lived within it. That the rumble was the sound of the hooves of thousands of horses. And the light was the glint from the armour of the knights. The flash from their swords as the warriors fought to claim the hand of the princess.

(Y/n) could remember that she always asked about the names of the lords and their armies. And Steve would always had a ready answer. The little boy even able to tell her how the great men looked and dressed. That their mighty armies had warriors that were made of fire, and water. Of earth and air. As a child she had never known how that was possible, yet never minded, as her thoughts filled with images of the waring elements. But one thing in the stories always stayed the same. And that was the princess. A princess that would always look like (Y/n). And coincidentally, had the same name. A fact that made her love her brother all the more.

At this moment, she would give anything to be that child again. To be able to huddle under Steve's blankets and listen to him tell her the story. It was then that she realised how much she truly missed her brother. How she would give anything to have followed him back in time, so that she didn't have to live a long life without him by her side.

"(Y/n)? Is everything ok?" A voice suddenly asked. The younger Rogers turning to see Bucky's concerned face.

"Yeah.........I-I'm fine. I just.......I just miss everyone that's all. Not just Steve, but Tony and Natasha too. Thor is in space with the Guardians, and the Avengers are no more. I have had enough of losing everyone I care about. And I'm angry too. Sam surrendered my brother's shield like it was nothing. Now we have these fools running around claiming to be Captain America. And I hate them. There will only ever be one Captain America, and that was my brother. The name should never be used again by anyone else, at least out of respect for all that he did for this damn world. Sam betrayed my brother. He betrayed me, and I don't know if I can ever forgive him. Steve trusted him, that's why he gave him the shield, and Sam just gave that trust away. I know Steve would tell me I was wrong. That Sam did what he thought was right. But Steve was always better at forgiveness than I was. He was always the better person." (Y/n) replied harshly. Harsher than she meant to when talking to what felt like the only friend that she had left. Bucky slowly and silently coming up to her side and taking her hand.

"And now, now we have to put up with that damn Zemo. I can tell you Bucky that I am getting pretty sick of treating that bastard with kid gloves. One more of those smug smiles of his, and I swear that I am going to wipe it off his face. Permanently!" (Y/n) added. The old soldier able to hear the venom in her every word. He was not used to (Y/n) being like this. It was as if the last few days had broken her, and he didn't know what to do.

Before Steve had passed, he had asked Bucky to watch over (Y/n). Steve knowing that his little sister had already taken the loss of Tony and Natasha badly. Steve explaining that when his time did come, (Y/n) was going to need a friend more than ever. And Bucky had done all he could. But at this moment, she seemed to have lost that beautiful (Y/n) Roger's spirit, and he needed her to get that back. He needed her help with the Flag Smashers. Yet what he could do, he didn't know.


"Its okay, Bucky. I'm sorry. I know I'm not the only one to have lost. To feel the pain that their deaths have left behind. Steve was as much your brother as he was mine. And Tony and Natasha were your friends too. Its just I need something, anything that will make me remember that there is more to this world than the death that constantly seems to surround us." (Y/n) interrupted with a heavy sigh, as she turned and hugged him. Bucky wishing that he could think of, or do something that would give (Y/n) the help that she needed.

"I'm just going to get some air. I'll be back soon, ok." (Y/n) continued, as she kissed Bucky on the cheek, and he watched her make her way outside.


Zemo had been watching and listening to the two super soldiers interact, from the shadows. He couldn't blame (Y/n) for not liking him. In the past, he had tried to frame the Winter Soldier. And her brother's defence of his old comrade had been the cause of the Civil War between the Avenger factions. Also, he had to admit that he had hurt a lot of people that she loved in his attempt to bring about the an end to the Avengers. And normally he wouldn't care. The Avengers and the Battle of Sokovia had killed his family, and he had sworn to destroy them. Yet, (Y/n) had made him feel things that he hadn't felt since his wife had died. Made him feel things that he never would have thought he could feel again. Zemo finding it hard to believe when he had realised that he liked the Avenger. That he actually........well, loved her.

He hated seeing (Y/n) like that. It reminded him of himself when he had given up all hope. And he didn't want (Y/n) to go down the same path he had. He didn't want her to consider joining her brother, as he had his family. He knew he had to do something. To tell her that she wasn't alone. That there was more to life than the death they faced. That there could even be love in both their futures if he could just persuade the soldier that he wasn't all bad. Yet it was going to be a big order. Though if he was going to help, now was a better time than any to start.


(Y/n) sat on the small bench. Her eyes still firmly trained on the heavens above. She couldn't help but smile a little. Part of her wondering if Thor was up there causing all this trouble. That he and Stormbreaker were lighting up the sky somewhere deep in space, as he and the Guardians fought off all manner of beasts. It was comforting in a sense. Knowing that somewhere out there, her old friend was somehow watching over them.

"Drink?" A voice suddenly said. (Y/n) rolling her eyes at the sound of the thick Sokovian accent. And grumbling as a glass of scotch and ice was pushed in front of her eyes.

"What do you want, Zemo? If you have come to get out your daily dose of snide comment and supposedly cutting remarks out, I have already told you that I'm not interested. And I assure you, that whatever you think that you can come up with, it pales in comparison to what I had to put up with Loki and Stephen Strange. So, forget it." (Y/n) huffed, trying her best not to punch the man that had just sat next to her.

"No, no. I thought that I would merely take the air and hoped that you might like to join me in a nightcap." Zemo replied. Holding out the glass for (Y/n) to take.

"What? Got poison in it, has it? Keep your nightcap to yourself, Zemo, and go and take the air somewhere else. I'm not in the mood to be nice to you, tonight." (Y/n) grumbled, as she pushed the glass away. Zemo sighing heavily as he placed the crystal tumblers to the floor. Sure, that he could hear the voice of Barnes, in her tone.

"I know how you feel. I know the pain that you are going through. What you are feeling. I know that I was the cause of some of that. But I want to help you, (Y/n). Please let me help you." Zemo said softly, as he took (Y/n)'s hand in his. Her eyes flying up to meet his as she stared at him in disbelief. 

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