The announcement - Part 6 - Scott x Reader

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A giggling squeal filled the house as (Y/n) jumped over the sofa, trying to avoid the lumbering "snuggle monster" that was after her.

"Scott. You aren't going to catch me." (Y/n) shrieked, as she ran from the living room and up the stair. Scott closely behind her as she headed back into the bedroom.

"Now I have you where I want you. There is no escape." Scott said in a silly voice. (Y/n) bursting out laughing as she scrambled to the other side of the bed, pulling the comforter with her as she went.

"When I catch you, you naughty elemental, I am going to snuggle you forever. And the great Avenger will not be able to help you. Not even that handsome, intelligent, and completely awesome Ant-man." The snuggle monster growled. The elemental trying to clamber over him as Scott jumped across the mattress and caught her in his arms.

"Told ya I'd catch you." Scott cooed, as he pulled (Y/n) into his arms. Her head resting on his chest.

"Yeah right. I let you catch me bug boy." (Y/n) chuckled, wriggling in Scott's arms, as he tickled her sides.

Since the night at the compound when (Y/n) had wreaked havoc on Tony's rooms, the relationship between Scott and (Y/n) had strengthened beyond Scott's wildest hopes. His house now felt like a home. His life felt complete. And it had even got to the point where he felt comfortable with telling Steve and Bucky that that they didn't have to keep (Y/n) away from missions anymore. Scott no longer caring whether (Y/n) was around Tony. And he was also waiting for the perfect moment to take their relationship to the next level.

"Oh please. I'm the snuggle monster. You could never get away from me." Scott insisted, as (Y/n) shook her head and rolled her eyes.

"Fine. So now you have me, why don't you show me what a snuggle monster does with his victims?" (Y/n) told him, as Scott slowly leaned down to kiss her lips. The pair groaning loudly as Scott's cell phone suddenly began to ring.

"We could always ignore it." Scott said, as he rubbed his nose against (Y/n)'s.

"You know we can't. But the snuggle monster can always make it up to me later." (Y/n) replied, as she reached over to the bedside table, and grabbed the phone. Pushing it into the still grumbling Scott's hand as he reluctantly let her get up from the bed.

"This better be good." Scott huffed down the phone as he watched (Y/n) readjust her clothes, wishing he had had the chance to get them off, and keep them off.

"Oh, yeah. Right. We'll be right there." Scott said, suddenly sitting bolt upright as he heard Steve's voice on the other end of the line. (Y/n) turning to look at him as he hung up the phone and jumped from the bed.

"We're needed. We have to get to the compound. Steve will fill us in when we get there." Scott said, as he looked at (Y/n). Not sure whether he liked that her eyes had suddenly dropped to look at the floor.

"We don't have to go, (Y/n). I'm sure that they could do this without us if you don't want to go." Scott reassured, as he brushed (Y/n)'s hair out of her face.

"Are you kidding. I've been waiting ages to get back out there. And now that you, Steve and Bucky have decided that I'm not going to fall apart if I set eyes on Tony Stark, we might actually be able to do what we are supposed to do. I can't wait to kick some butt again." (Y/n) replied, kissing a slightly shocked and embarrassed Scott on the cheek.

"You knew about that? You knew that we kept you apart?" Scott asked nervously, hoping that (Y/n) wasn't going to hold it against him.

"Of course, I did. Firstly, I know all three of you well enough to know that you'd do something stupid like that. Secondly, you can't be quiet. It was easy to hear you conspiring with Steve and Bucky. All I can say is that it's a good job that the boys got the serum, and you have that suit, because none of you would make silent assassins like Nat and Clint. And thirdly, I know you all love me, and even though I don't need shielding from Tony, I understand that you were trying to protect me. But now I want to get back out there. So, let's go before you change you mind." (Y/n) told him, as she grabbed hold of his hand, and pulled him out of the room.


Clint made his way into the cockpit of the Quinjet. Reaching for the button to close up the back as he made sure that all of the team were onboard.

"Not yet Clint. Just one minute." Steve called out as he stood at the ramp, his eyes trained on the elevator doors.

He was the only one, apart from Fury, that knew that (Y/n) and Scott were on their way. He was still hesitant about bringing (Y/n) in on the mission but given what he had seen in Tony's rooms. Given what Scott had said about her being ready. And the fact that Fury had said that he wanted the entire team on this operation, Steve knew it was time that the family was finally back together. And after all this time, he couldn't wait to see (Y/n) himself.

"What are we waiting for Steve? We need to get going." Clint called out, as he spun around in his pilot's chair and looked over to where Steve was still stood.

"You'll see. Just wait." Steve called out again. A wide smile spreading across his lips as he heard the chime of the elevator. The rest of the team turning to see what was going to come out through the doors.

"(Y/N)!" Peter called out, as he raced out of the back of the Quinjet and bundled up the elemental that had just walked out onto the pad.

"Hi Pete. How's my little spider?" (Y/n) asked, as the younger man happily pulled her by the hand over to the plane. The rest of the team crowding around to greet her and Scott. The only one not moving being Tony.

"Are you not going to say hello?" Bruce asked, as he looked down at Tony. The billionaire messing with the buttons on his jacket like a nervous child.

"Has she been with Lang all this time, Bruce? Is he the one that you meant when you said she had someone that was making her happy?" Tony asked, as he finally looked over to where the others were hugging (Y/n) like they hadn't seen her in years. Scott coming up behind her and placing his arm protectively around her waist as he glared back at Tony.

"She's been with Scott ever since the night she left. And yes. Scott is the one that she's with. Admit it Tony, have you ever seen (Y/n) look so happy. And I'm sorry to say this, but whatever happened that other night, you brought it on yourself. Don't mess this up Tony, because the rest of us want her to come home. Its not the same without her in the compound." Bruce replied, as he made his way over to hug (Y/n) himself.

"Hello Tony." (Y/n) said, as she came to stand next to him. Scott, Steve and Bucky watching the interaction like hawks.

"Are you coming back to us? I mean, are you coming back to the team, back to live in the compound?" Tony asked, not really wanting to look up at the elemental.

"Scott and I are back, yes. And I'll probably spend most of my time at Scott's, but I don't see the need to stay away from the compound anymore, as long as you'll let me come back that is." (Y/n) replied, Tony finally looking up at her.

"You've always been welcome to come back, (Y/n). I've........we've all missed you. It really isn't the same without you." Tony told her simply, despite knowing that there was so much more he wanted to say. So much more that he wanted to explain.

"(Y/n) sweetheart. Steve wants to talk to us." Scott said, as he came up behind her. Pulling her close to his side. Kissing her on the head before turning her in the direction of the waiting Captain.

"She's not yours Stark. You had your chance, and you ruined it. She's happy, and I won't let you do anything to change that. And as soon as I can, she's going to be mine in name as well." Scott said gruffly before turning around and making his way over to where Steve was filling (Y/n) in on the mission. Leaving a wide eyed Tony with the idea that Scott had every intention of asking (Y/n) to marry him. 

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