In the heat of the night - Part 2 - Sam x Reader

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Sam slammed the side of his fist into his thigh, hoping that the force would be good enough to make the stubborn limb move. Though, as he continued to watch (Y/n), he wasn't sure that he actually wanted to disturb her. She looked quite perfect. A thin, short, light summer dress covering her form. The slight breeze moving the fabric that draped itself loosely around her body. The sight of the glow on her bare skin. The light shimmer of glistening sweat in the moonlight, doing wonderful things to Sam's insides. The Falcon happy that he had decided to wear his clothes rather than just wander up to the roof in his shorts. Knowing full well that if he hadn't, that this could be very awkward. And at least now, (Y/n) wouldn't be able see his body betray his feelings for her. The lust that coursed through his veins whenever she was close.

He knew that (Y/n) had had a boyfriend. One of the other mutants that she had left behind. But according to Wanda, that had been some time ago. The affair long since over. And as far as Sam was concerned, whoever he was, he was far from the kind of man that deserved to be with someone as special as (Y/n). And anyone that was willing to let her go so easily, wasn't the right man for her anyway.

Sam, despite his unusual nervousness around her, always did his best to "accidentally" bump into her whenever he got the chance. Even watching from his window, waiting for her to come back to the compound from her daily run with Natash and Clint, so that he could rush down and meet her out in the courtyard; pretending that he himself had only just got back from his run with Steve and Barnes. The ex-pararescue airman knowing that his best day had been when he and (Y/n) had been in the gym alone. (Y/n) happily agreeing to spare with him. Sam amazed as he found himself knocked to the floor, (Y/n) straddling his hips doing her best to stop the bigger man moving. Sam finding himself praying that (Y/n) would remain in that position for the rest of his life. His heart pounding violently as she pushed her body against him. Her eyes looking deep into his. The Falcon embarrassed to admit that he had had to cover certain parts of his anatomy with his towel, just so that no one noticed how much he really had enjoyed the brief encounter on the gym room floor. Sam shuddering at the thought of what Barnes would say, if he had seen him in such a state.

"You do know that you can come and talk to me, don't you, Sam? I promise I don't bite. Well......I haven't bitten anyone recently." A chuckling voice called out. Sam looking up to see that (Y/n) had turned her attention to him. The subtle smile that she gave him, forcing him to gulp at the large lump that had just formed in his throat.

"Am I really so frightening, that you don't want to come closer? I find it hard to believe that a man such as yourself, would be intimidated by a mere thing like me." (Y/n) added, as she gracefully climbed down from her lofty perch and made her way over to were Sam still felt he was rooted to the spot.

"Not for one moment would I ever describe you as a mere thing, (Y/n). You are the furthest thing from a mere anything that I have ever seen. In fact, the truth is, that you are far more wonderful than any other woman that I have ever met. And not only are you beautiful, but you're also smart and funny, and you can kick my ass. Which I must admit is a serious turn on." Sam managed, though he was not sure how, to finally say as (Y/n) came to a standstill before him. His eyes now able to take in the true magnificence of the woman. The moonlight shining through her thin dress as it wasn't even there. A nervous Falcon sure that he could see every dip and curve of her form beneath. Sure, that he could see her heaving bosom, and everything else that he had only been able to imagine in his lonely bed at night. If she knew what he had dreamed of doing with her. What he had dreamed of saying to her as they lay there. She would probably think that he was some kind of creep. But as it was, she didn't. And if he could just keep his gaze on her face, he might be able to get to know her better without ruining his chance completely.

"Well.........I think that was either a compliment or a come on. Either way though, I think that that was nice of you to say." (Y/n) chuckled, as Sam finally realised what he had said. His cheeks suddenly burning, but not from the warm night air.

(Y/n) had always found it impossible not to notice Sam. It wasn't just that he was handsome, which of course he undoubtedly was. It was also that he was funny and sweet. Well, that's what he seemed to be whenever he could summon up the courage to actually talk to her. And despite his bravado with the others, especially poor Bucky. (Y/n) could tell that underneath all that flash and show of the Falcon, there was a good man. A man with a loyal and kind heart. And the day in the gym where she had managed to bring him to the floor. Her legs straddling his waist, fighting against the bucking man. (Y/n) sure, that at any moment she would lose her mind, and kiss the glorious man right on the lips, just cemented in her mind, the fact that she had more than a passing fancy for him.

"Hot, isn't it? I couldn't sleep, it was awful. It was like the seventh circle of hell hot in my rooms. I swear that Stark is on an economy drive and has turned the aircon off. It will be killing poor Bucky. So, I thought that I would try the roof. Looks like great minds think alike, huh?" (Y/n) continued. Feeling a warmth in her cheeks, that was not due to the weather, grow as Sam managed to smile at her. His perfect brown eyes shining in the bright moonlight.

"I don't suppose that you would like to join me, would you? I mean, it seems a little silly both of us being up here and not sitting together. My little spot on the wall gives a great view of the lights of the city. And I have a couple of ice cold soda's if you would like one. They aren't much, but it should cool you down a little." (Y/n) added, as she looked at the still quiet man. Desperately hoping that he would agree to join her.

", yeah. I.......I'd like that. Thank you." Sam replied. His heart beating faster as (Y/n) gave him the biggest smile that he thought that he had ever seen.

"Oh, great. Come on then. I think I must have known you were coming. I brought an extra cushion for some unknown reason. That wall can get a little uncomfortable if you sit on it for too long." (Y/n) chuckled, as she took Sam's hand in hers and pulled him across the roof. The Falcon gratefully taking one of the frosty sodas, before accepting a seat next to (Y/n). Sam positive that no matter how beautiful the scene before him was, it was nothing compared to the vision that sat right by his side.  

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