The Harbinger - Part 3 - Bucky x Reader

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Tony was down and disabled, something that HYDRA had fired at him had left his suit not working, and all methods of communication had completely broken down; he had no way of knowing where the rest of the team was, or whether they could get to him, given the fact that the number of HYDRA agents and their fire power was greater than the team had expected.

As much as he tried to move, his suit was like a dead weight and he felt like a turtle that had been flipped onto its back, weak and vulnerable.

Pulling the mask from his face he tried to look around, hoping to see one of the others coming his way, instead, all he caught was the sight of four heavily armed HYDRA agents rushing his way.

Tony closed his eyes and with all every last ounce of strength, he tried one more time to move, expecting at any moment to be taken be the enemy agents; but suddenly he felt a body over him and within an instance his eyes flew open, a figure dressed completely in black covering his broken form, an energy shield surrounding the pair as the four HYDRA men were thrown, unceremoniously, across the field of battle.

Tony couldn't help but groan to himself, he knew that there was on only person that this could be, and since her meeting in the forest with Bucky, she had always appeared when the team had needed help the most, turning the tide in their favour before disappearing as quickly as she had appeared once the battle was won.

"All this armour is very fancy, Stark, but one blown fuse and you are nothing more than a useless waste disposal unit; so why don't you just stay here and let me take care of all this for you." A beautiful voice with a melodious Russian accent told him, the figure above him removing her hood to reveal the Harbinger.

"Waste disposal unit? Hey! I'm Iron Man." Tony declared with a disgruntled tone as he once again tried to move but failed abysmally.

"That may be the case, but at this present moment in time you are nothing more than a bucket of bolts; so old man, just stay were you are and let me save your ass........ again." The Harbinger told him, smacking the chest plate of his suit as she rose and turned to look at the oncoming agents.

"Pathetic HYDRA creatures." (Y/n) growled to herself as she ran forward, her eyes quickly scanning the carnage for her old partner.


Bucky spun around as he felt something drop behind him, his eyes widening as he saw (Y/n)'s face.

"What are you doing here, coming to save the day again?" Bucky almost laughed, as he continued to fire round after round into the onslaught of HYDRA agents.

"You need someone to watch you back, Soldier; now call your team together, the old trash can is down and there are too many agents for even the world's greatest heroes to deal with. Sometimes to defeat the bad guys, you need another bad guy." (Y/n) said with a subtle smile, as Bucky nodded and called out for the rest of the Avengers to reassemble.

Steve and the others rushed over to where Bucky was fighting, Bruce dragging Tony along as best he could, the teams staring in disbelief as the Harbinger stood quietly in the middle of the chaos, bullets flying passed her head as she seemed lost in the moment.

"What the hell is she doing?" Clint shouted out, as he fired off another arrow, his projectile finding its target as it lodged itself into the chest of an agent.

"I don't know, but whatever it is, just be thankful she's not on their side." Bucky called out, watching as a huge shimmering shield suddenly surrounded him and the rest of the team, leaving the Harbinger on her own, and at the mercy of the hoard of enemy agents.

(Y/n) dropped to one knee, her hand resting one the floor, feeling the tremor of the earth beneath her as the footfalls of what felt like hundreds of boots thundered towards her. Closing her eyes, (Y/n) smiled as she took a deep breath before a powerful psionic blast emitted from her body, sending a huge shockwave through the legion of agents, the attack knocking every single HYDRA crony to the floor, a trickle of blood flowing from (Y/n)'s nose as she too crumpled to the ground.

"(Y/N)!" Bucky called out as he rushed to her side, the protective shield having vanished as soon as the Avengers were no longer in danger.

"Are you ok doll?" Bucky asked, as he helped her to her feet, carefully wiping away the blood from her face.

"I am fine. The bigger the blast, the more energy it takes, I will be well again a few moments." (Y/n) explained reassuringly, smiling at the concerned soldier.

"Ah Captain, I think that you will find that these particular agents will cause you and your team no further problems; but may I suggest that you take those two in for interrogation, I believe that they have some information that you may find useful." (Y/n) told Steve as he rushed over to join Bucky, looking at the two HYDRA agents that the Harbinger was pointing to that had been rendered unconscious rather than dead like the rest.

"You're not leaving, are you?" Bucky asked, as (Y/n) opened up a portal next to her.

"My work here is done; your tin can is safe, and the rest of your team unharmed, I have no further business here." (Y/n) told him as she made her way to step into the swirling vortex, only to find two sets of hands holding her back.

"Stay." Natasha said quietly, as (Y/n) turned to face her and Bucky.

"You've proved yourself, (Y/n). You are more than what HYDRA and the Red Room created, you're one of us." Natasha told her, as she and Bucky looked at the rest of the team, hoping for their agreement, both of them smiling as Steve began to nod.

"I don't know what Fury will have to say; but for me, it looks like the Avengers might just have got themselves a new member." Steve said, shaking (Y/n)'s hand.

"Hang on, what about my opinion, she called me a waste disposal unit, and a bucket of bolts." Tony complained, as he was being supported under each arm by Clint and Bruce.

"You are! And from what I saw, she saved your ass Stark, so stop bitching." Clint told him, as he nodded in agreement at Steve's suggestion.

"As far as I'm concerned, she's in." Clint said, as he let Tony go, smiling as Stark fell to the floor despite Bruce's best efforts to support him.

"That's settled then, there is a room on the same floor as Bucky and Steve, you can move in any time you like." Natasha said with a soft smile as she and (Y/n) embraced for the first time since the Black Widow had been young.

"Well Soldier, is that all right with you? Partners again?" (Y/n) asked, as she turned her attention back to the man by her side.

"I can't think of anything I'd like more, doll. Now let's get you home." Bucky said, putting his arm around her waist and escorting her towards the Quinjet, as the rest of the team followed quickly behind.

"It's my tower, yet no one listens to me." Tony grumbled, as Bruce and Clint dragged him to the jet.

"No one listens to you full stop, Stark; so, suck it up and get over it." Clint told him, as he dropped Tony down in the back of the plane, before taking the controls of the jet and flying the Avengers back towards home."

"Don't ever leave me again, ok (Y/n)?" Bucky said quietly, as he took (Y/n)'s hands in his.

"As long as you promise never to leave me, then I will do the same, Soldi........ I mean Bucky." (Y/n) told him, as the two sat next to one another.

Natasha smiled at the pair as Bucky pulled (Y/n) to his side; she knew that the Avenger's family had just got a little bigger, and the missing part of her and Bucky, was finally back in their lives. 

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