Green eyed monster - Part 2 - Scott x Reader

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Scott made his way into the compound. He had to admit that he didn't know how long it had taken him to get there. In truth, and worryingly, he had gone into autopilot and the whole journey had been a bit, well......a lot of a blur. It wasn't that had meant not to be watching what he was doing. And in hindsight, it might have been better if he had chosen another way of getting to the celebration, other than driving himself. It was more that there had been something sitting inside him the entire trip. Something gnawing at him like it had been gnawing at him since he first saw (Y/n) and Steve together. Scott quickly realising that it was what Shakespeare had coined "The Green Eyed Monster." Scott sure that for once, he had a slight inkling about how Bruce felt. Anger and jealousy equally dangerous emotions to try and control. The ex-con having a feeling that if he continued to let his own monster grow and get the better of him, then the Hulk might just find that he had some competition on his hands.

Scott knew that he shouldn't feel jealous. That the whole thing was a little counterproductive. But how could he not be? Steve had what he wanted. He was a true hero. Respected. Admired. Loved. And most of all, he had (Y/n). And what was he in comparison? In fact, as much as he hated to admit it, there was no comparison. He had wasted his intelligence. Turned to crime. Struggled to pay child support so that he could stay in his daughter's life. And had become a "hero" by "accident". Scott having to confess, if only to himself, that he wasn't surprised that (Y/n) was in love with the dashing Captain, and not him.

But the worst thing was, that recently Steve seemed to have taken it upon himself to try and talk to him about (Y/n), every chance he got. About how wonderful she was. How kind and caring. It appearing to Scott, that the captain was rubbing salt into the open wound in his emotions. Taunting him with the fact that (Y/n) was his. Like the old soldier somehow knew exactly how Scott felt for his girl and was proving that he had no chance of taking her away from him. And even though the logical side of Scott knew that Steve would never do anything like that, the little green monster growing inside him was telling him something completely different. It was mocking him. Teasing him. Making him think things that he never normally would. And that was one of the reasons that he looked like he did at the moment. Scott determined to show (Y/n) what she was missing out on. That with just a little bit of help, he too could rival even Captain patriot pants, himself.

Turning to look at himself as he made his way through the halls to where he could hear the sounds of the party that was already underway, he had to admit that he brushed up quite well. Normally, he would just turn up to these things dressed in his best pair of denims and a t-shirt. But tonight, he had gone all the way. Tonight, he was dressed in a smart suit that Cassie had helped him pick out at the store. He had had his hair cut and had even bought a new tie. Scott deciding that wearing the one that he had worn in court, probably wasn't the best thing to do, given the bad memories attached to it. Scott stealing himself, as he determined that even if (Y/n) said no to his declaration of love. That even if he had to make a run from the compound with a Captain and Winter Soldier hot on his heels. He was going to make a fool of himself in style, rather than make a fool of himself like he normally did. Now all he needed to do, was decide how he was going to declare that love. How best to tell his dream girl that he no longer wanted her to be just a dream.


"Wow, doll. Not bad." Bucky exclaimed, as he watched his old friend escort (Y/n) over to where he and the others already sat. The spot set out for the team a little away from all the other party goers, allowing them a little peace.

"Are you talking to me, or Steve, Bucky?" (Y/n) replied jokingly. Kissing the old soldier on the cheek as she took a seat next to him. (Y/n) quickly finding herself as the filling in a super soldier sandwich as Steve took a seat by her other side.

"Definitely you, (Y/n). The punk doesn't have the legs to pull off a dress like that." Bucky answered. Grinning as he heard a unamused huff from Steve.

"For once, I find that I have to agree with old grumpy the snowman. You look beautiful, (Y/n). If I didn't know all that was intended to attract the eye of someone in particular, I'd be asking you to join me at a private party that I would be throwing in my room." Tony chimed in. The billionaire grinning wickedly as both soldiers gave in a death stare. Neither of them liking the notion of Tony taking (Y/n) to a private anything.

"Well, thanks for the tempting offer, tin man. But you haven't got the heart that I'm interested in."

"Who said anything about my heart, sweetheart? What I was thinking of offering you, comes strictly from south of the border." Tony retorted, giving (Y/n) a sly wink as Steve and Bucky moved closer to her sides as if try to create an anti-Stark forcefield around her.

"So, you actually gonna tell the bug tonight, or are ya gonna chicken out again?" Sam enquired, as he came up behind (Y/n) and the two super soldiers. The ex-pararescue man handing her a drink, before draping his arms over her shoulders and placing his chin on top of her head.

"Hey, Tweety pie, I do not chicken out! What is a girl to do when every time I try and talk to him, he runs off like a startled bunny rabbit? One minute he's there, and then POOF! He disappears. I swear that he must have David Copperfield hidden around here somewhere. Either that, or he's learnt how to move faster than Pietro." (Y/n) replied with a soft sigh. Part of her knowing that Sam was more than right, and that she had on the odd occasion chickened out of saying anything to Scott when he hadn't up and made a run for it.

"Er.......well. It seems a shame to waste the band that Stark has probably paid a fortune for. Why don't you and I go and dance, (Y/n)? I mean, it doesn't look like Scott has got here yet." Steve suddenly interjected as he got to his feet, hoping to keep (Y/n)'s mind off things until Lang finally made his appearance. The soldier knowing how important to (Y/n) tonight was.

"That sounds like a great idea." (Y/n) agreed. Happily taking Steve's hand and letting him lead her to the dance floor. The other guests parting ways, as the two Avengers made their way through.


"Fashionable late I see, Lang." Tony said, looking down at his watch as Scott made his way over to where the billionaire and the others sat.


"Jeez, Scott. A suit? You feeling ok? You just been to a funeral or something?" Clint joked, as the archer and the others turned to look at him. All of them quite surprised to see Scott in anything other than his usual "dad" attire.

"Leave him alone, Clint. You look great, Scott. What's the special occasion?" Natasha interjected. Shooting her friend a scolding glare, before turning her attention back to Scott. Scott not really seeming to hear anything that anyone had said, as he eyes scanned the rest of the partygoers for the woman he wanted to see.

"I.........has any one seen (Y/n)? Is she here? I need to talk to her." Scott replied, finally turning his attention to the others.

"(Y/n)? Yeah, she's here. She and Steve are on the dancefloor. What do you want to talk to (Y/n) about?" Bucky answered. Smiling slightly at the others as Scott left without an answer. Finally knowing what he was going to do as he made his way over to where the band was playing.

"You don't think..........?" Nat began, as she and the others watched Scott disappear through the crowd.

"Could be. And if he does, why the hell are we still sat here? This could be good." Tony interjected as he got to his feet and followed after Scott. The others following suit as they made their way to see what Scott had to tell (Y/n). 

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