Faith - Part 2 - Ulysses x Reader

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This was ridiculous. Why did she care so much about what she looked like? It wasn't as if she had agreed to go on this so called "date" with Ulysses because she liked him. Was it? Surely it was just that it was the only way to get her out of her current situation, and back to Europe, she reasoned. Yet, as (Y/n) looked at her reflection, for what felt like the hundredth time in the last ten minutes. The mercenary physically having to stop herself from making sure her hair was just right. She was beginning to wonder. She had quickly agreed to him taking her out. She had barely even protested. And despite her saying that she would wear nothing revealing, she couldn't help but finally notice that she had dug out her shortest, blackest dress. Finding that she hoped he liked it. But no. This was business. All business. It would all work out that Ulysses only wanted to use her to impress a client or something stupid. Maybe even finding herself caught up in one of his hairbrained deals. And she would just have to go along with it. Yet, it wasn't like the arms dealer not to want the money up front.........

"Well, don't you look beautiful?" A thickly accented voice suddenly asked. (Y/n) spinning around to see Ulysses looking her up and down. A broad smiling spreading across his lips as he took in her every dip and curve.

(Y/n) had to admit that she was pleasantly surprised. Instead of appearing like he always did, pretty much like he had been dragged backward by a wildebeest for several miles through the Madikwe Game Reserve. He was actually in a suit. A smart suit. And if she squinted, she might have even mistaken him for a gentleman.

"Thank you. But how the hell did you get in here?" (Y/n) asked. Suddenly realising that she hadn't heard a noise. A knock. Anything.

"I have my ways." Klaue replied with a chuckle, as he made his way over to her. Taking her hand and turning her around. Just to make sure that he had managed to see all of her.

"Oh great. I pay top dollar to supposedly be safe. And you just walk in like it was nothing." (Y/n) huffed, rolling her eyes as she thought about all the money she must have wasted.

"So, where are we going? I hope I didn't get all dressed up for nothing." (Y/n) continued, as she pulled her hand from Ulysses' and reached for her bag.

"Oh, you didn't get dressed up for nothing. But seeing you like that, (Y/n), I can't help but wish that we had made other plans." Ulysses hummed, as he pushed her up against the wall. His body pressed up against hers as he took in the aroma of her perfume.

"Hold your horses, Casanova. I agreed, reluctantly may I add, to a date. Nothing more. I will have you know, I'm not that kinda girl." (Y/n) replied. Despite feeling strangely aroused as he continued to press her up against the wall.

"Come on, (Y/n). Ya know ya like me. Don't try and pretend ya don't" Ulysses chuckled, as he took some of her hair, and twirled it between his fingers.

"Oh, please." (Y/n) retorted, finally pushing him away.

"Come on. Let's get this over with before I change my mind." (Y/n) sighed. Grabbing Klaue's arm and pulling him from the room.


The car pulled up outside a restaurant, downtown. (Y/n) staring in disbelief at the name above the door. She knew of this place, everyone did. It was infamous. It was a place where the leaders of the local gangs would come to meet to discuss business. To sign treaties, pay debts and exchange captured gang members. To say that these men were dangerous, would be the understatement of the century. And even (Y/n) liked to steer clear of these guys. Yet here she was, right in the heart of the lion's den. Only able to imagine what Ulysses was up to.

"Klaue. What the hell? When you said that you were taking me somewhere nice, this isn't what I had in mind. What have you got me into?" (Y/n) asked. Klaue smiling at her as he moved closer.

"Its just a little business, (Y/n). I needed a distraction. Something to take the old guys minds off what I'm really up to. And as you are the biggest distraction that I know, I thought that I would kill two birds with one stone. All you have to do is smile sweetly, giggle a lot and flash your cleavage. Oh, and by the way, do you have a gun." Ulysses replied. His eyes growing wide as (Y/n) pulled up her skirt and revealed the gun strapped to the top of her leg.

"I always have a gun, Klaue. That's how I've stayed alive for so long. And I swear, if they don't kill us. I am going to kill you." (Y/n) growled, as she opened the car door and climbed out, making her way to the entrance of the restaurant. Waiting patiently for Ulysses to catch up and open the door.


(Y/n) had been pretending not to understand anything that was going on, or anything that had been said, for what felt like hours. But as she flipped over the table and began to shoot, she wished she had told Ulysses where she could shove his deal. The mercenary ducking as a bullet whizzed past her head.

"Well, I will give you one thing, Klaue. You certainly know how to show a girl a good time." (Y/n) barked, as she reloaded her gun.

"If you had let me do some of the talking instead of just having me play, eye candy. We might not be in this situation." She added, as she fired off another couple of shots across the room.

"Where would the fun be in that? I got the guy I was after. I'll get my money. All we have to do now is get out of here." Ulysses replied matter of factly. As he proceeded to fire off some shots of his own.

"You've started a war, Ulysses, and we are in the damn middle of it. Getting out of this won't be easy." (Y/n) retorted. Trying to think of the best way to get their asses out of the restaurant. A restaurant that was now reminiscent of a scene from the gun fight at the O.K corral.

Suddenly she was flat to the floor. Ulysses covering her body as a burst of automatic gun fire rang out. The thunder of bullets almost tearing the table behind which she and Klaue hide, in half. The sound of Ulysses' pained moans alerting her to the fact that the arms dealer had been hit.

"Ulysses. Where did they get you?" (Y/n) asked, as she managed to struggle out from under him. Quickly examining his shoulder that was now covered in blood.

"Its nothing." Ulysses winced in reply. (Y/n) deciding that she had had enough of playing sitting duck. The mercenary ripping a strip of material from her dress and tying it around Klaue's shoulder.

"That's it! No more miss nice mercenary. And even though I should leave your ass here for dragging me into this shit, we are getting out of here, now." (Y/n) told the former Intelligencia member. (Y/n) placing his good arm around her shoulder and readying him to move.

"Ok. In!" (Y/n) exclaimed, kicking over the table and hauling Klaue up. The arms dealer, despite there precarious situation, unable to stop himself from smiling as he watched (Y/n) fire of shot after shot. Each deadly projectile finding its target as they ran to the door. (Y/n) pushing Klaue into the backseat of the car, before jumping behind the steering wheel. The rear tyres squealing violently as she slammed her foot hard on the accelerator. The vehicle speeding down the road as a mass of figures tumbled out of the front of the restaurant. The sound of gun fire fading as they made their getaway. 

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