Let me help - Part 3 - Zemo x Reader

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The door to the room flew open. (Y/n)'s body pushed up against the wall. She would never have claimed that Zemo was her Mister Right, but he was definitely her mister right now. The touch of his hands on her body, as they moved up under her shirt were making her feel alive. Making her mind fill with things, other than loss. The sound of the Baron speaking softly in her ear. The hum of his Sokovian accent as he kissed her neck, making her feel weak at the knees.

Not for one moment would she have thought that she would be pulling at the clothes of the former Colonel of the Sokovian Armed Forces. Her fingers ripping at the material that covered his body. Not for one moment would she believe that she needed the man that was currently tearing at her own clothes. Whose hands were groping at her flesh. Whose teeth were nipping at her skin. She hated what Zemo had done. For what he had done to Bucky, what he had done to her family. But at this moment, as he lifted her up into his arms and carried her over to the bed. As he lay her gently down onto the crisp white sheets, his eyes looking deep into hers. She found that the hate was being replaced by need. By want and desire.

"Beautiful. You are just so beautiful." Zemo hummed, as his body pushed (Y/n)'s deeper into the mattress. His form now hovering over hers, as her legs wrapped themselves around his waist. As she pulled him to her. A lewd moan leaving her lips, as she felt his hard cock rub up against her. As she saw the look in his eyes. A look of want and longing that she was sure was mirrored in her own orbs.

Could this man, out of all the men in the world, need her as much as she needed him? Could this man, a man that she thought that she hated more than most, be the man to give her the reason she needed to go on. As ludicrous as it sounded in her mind, as his lips met hers. As she felt his body move inside hers, she couldn't help but think so. She couldn't help but think so, as he began to move. As his body pushed into hers. As Zemo let out his own moans. As he whispered softly into her ear. The words a mix of English and Sokovian. Each word speaking of love, of need and desire. Of hope for a future. A future that she herself could at this moment see. (Y/n) finding herself replying as best she could through the loud groans that were leaving her lips.

"Helmut, please. Please don't stop. I want to be yours. Just yours." (Y/n) told him. The Baron moving her body so that she was now straddling his lap. (Y/n) holding him close as she felt him push inside her again. The younger Rogers, moving slowly, favouring the feel of him. Zemo's fingers gripping into her hips, as (Y/n)'s grasped at the muscles on his back. Their heavy breaths. Their moans and calls. Their begging one another to not stop. The pleading to show one another that they cared, mixing with the pungent odour of sweat and sex that now hung heavily in the ozone. The duo exploring one another in ways that they would never have expected.

"Don't let me go.......please........" (Y/n) begged, as Zemo held her tight. His head on her chest, as they continued to move as one. As they continued to pour every ounce of loss, of love. Of hate, pain, grief and need into every kiss. Into every touch. Both of them knowing that they had never felt like this before. That the feeling of euphoria that was pulling at the tightly wound knots in their stomachs. Knots that were threatening to unravel at any moment, was more glorious than either of them had ever experienced.

"I swear to you, meine liebe, that I will never let you go. I will not lose you, nor you I." Zemo replied, as he pushed her back. Her body once again enveloped by the mattress beneath her. (Y/n)'s balling up the sheets in her fists, as the Baron continued to promise her his undying love. That neither of them again would have to face this world alone. That he would protect her with his life. The super soldier screaming out his name as the knot in her stomach finally released. Holding her lover tight, as he did the same. The world around them no longer seeming to exist. Their differences and squabbles no longer seeming to matter, as they looked into one another's eyes. A huge clap of thunder ringing out, as Zemo sealed his words with yet another loving kiss before falling to (Y/n)'s side and holding her close. His hand reaching up and brushing the sweat soaked hair from her face. Her eyes closing as his fingers gently caressed her skin. The super soldier fighting back the tears, as the Baron rested his head against hers. The pair savouring the warmth of one another, as outside the rain continued to fall. As lightening lit up the sky and the distant rumble of thunder, filled their ears.

"This doesn't mean that I have forgiven you. That I will ever forgive you." (Y/n) whispered softly, as she lay her head on Helmut's chest. Her fingers absentmindedly drawing patterns on his naked flesh.

"I know. But hate me or love me, (Y/n). It does not matter. All that matters is that you know I am here for you. That you know that you are not alone. And that I will be by your side, no matter what. All you have to do is let me help." Zemo replied. A small smile coming to his lips, as he felt her move further into his side. Her heart beating in time with his. The colonel promising himself that this time, no one and nothing would take away from him something that he cared for. No one and nothing would come between he and (Y/n). 

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