Oh Doctor! - Part 1 - Bruce x Reader

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"Oh, Doctor." A sultry voice called out. Bruce looking up to see a bare leg hooked suggestively around the frame of the door to his lab.

"I think that its time for my physical." (Y/n) purred, as she appeared in the doorway, dressed in little more than a tiny silken bathrobe.

"But you're not due for your physical for months yet, (Y/n). And anyway, you know I don't handle the physicals. Plus, they don't do physicals at this time of night. But if you are feeling ill.........."

"NO BRUCE. I AM NOT FEELING ILL!" (Y/n) exclaimed as she looked at the clueless doctor in disbelief.

"What I am doing, is trying to get you to notice that I am a woman. I'm trying to put a spark back into this so called relationship of ours. I'm trying to get you out of this lab and into bed. I want you to do filthy, dirty, depraved things to me, Bruce Banner. I want you to make me scream. For god's sake, Bruce. I want you to fuck me." (Y/n) continued in complete and utter frustration as she walked up to the wildly blushing doctor who had no idea what to say.

"This damn bathrobe cost me a fortune. The underwear that I put on, to try and get you to look up from your bloody microscope must be made of solid gold. Because it depleted my bank account severely. But none of that would matter if I suddenly found that you had picked me up, put me on the bench and were removing my underwear with your teeth. Or that you just realise that I am frustrated out of my mind." (Y/n) growled, as she pulled off the bathrobe and threw into Bruce's face. Leaving her standing in the labs in nothing but the very expensive underwear about which she had been speaking.

"That's it! I give up. I am not going to try and compete with your work anymore. I hope that you and your equations make each other very happy." (Y/n) finished with a huff as she made her way back out of the labs. Not really giving a damn if any of the others saw her in her state of undress.


"Er......(Y/n), sweetheart." A voice called out. (Y/n) turning to see a wide eyed billionaire that couldn't help but stare.

"Oh. Hi Tony. Sorry about the underwear." (Y/n) said apologetically, as she made her way over to him.

"Tell me. You wouldn't be in the mood to entertain a very, very frustrated and horny lady, would you?" (Y/n) cooed, as she reached up and straightened out the collar of his jacket. (Y/n) on one hand, knowing that she shouldn't be saying such things. But on the other, no longer feeling like she should care.

"Oh, boy..........er.........under other circumstances, (Y/n), believe me when I say that those bra and panties would be on my bedroom floor, and I would be very happy to entertain you all night long, and then again in the morning." Tony hummed as he placed his fingers underneath the straps of the bra. Before remembering who (Y/n) was and backing away.

"But........I know that Bruce loves you. And I learnt long ago never to mess with another man's, girl. Cos it hurts when the guy punches you in the jaw. And I don't really like the idea of being punched by Bruce, never mind the Hulk. But let me guess. The big lug isn't paying you any attention. He hasn't left the labs. And he didn't even notice you like this, right?" Tony said. Not sure where best to put his hands as (Y/n) threw herself into his arms and began to cry.

"." (Y/n) sobbed, as she gripped to Tony tightly. Tony still not sure where best to touch, just in case all this did get back to Bruce.

"Come on, sweetheart. You know that's not true. Well, maybe the part about the theorem is, but not the rest. I know Bruce loves you. He worships the ground you walk on. And if he ever lost you, he would be devastated. Believe it or not, he's always talking about you. How amazing, funny, and smart you are. It's just that sometimes he doesn't see beyond the end of his nose." Tony told her, as he managed to take off his jacket and place it around (Y/n)'s shoulders. Feeling a little more comfortable now that she was partially covered.

"I tell you what. Why don't you let me talk to him? Maybe I can lock him out of the labs. Refuse him entry after a certain time." Tony offered, as he was finally able to give (Y/n) a hug.

"I don't know, Tony. I don't think I know what to do anymore. And even if you did do all those things, its not guaranteed that he will notice me. He'd just end up hating me because I was the reason that he got locked out of his precious labs. I just need some love. Is that too much to ask? If I was your girl, would you leave me alone all the time? Leave me frustrated and unsatisfied?" (Y/n) sniffed as she looked at Tony. Tony trying to look anywhere but down at the two alluring breasts that were currently pressed up against his chest. The material of his Iron Maiden T-shirt, the only thing keeping them, and him, apart.

"N-n-n-o.......no I certainly wouldn't. Believe me that you would be the furthest thing from frustrated, sweetheart." Tony moaned, as (Y/n) pushed herself further up against him.

"Look. Let's get you back to your room before someone else sees us like this, or something happens that we will both regret in the morning, but for very different reasons. Cos, I know that you love Bruce as much as he loves you. And you would hate yourself if you made a mistake like this." Tony said, as he placed a reassuring arm around her shoulder, and led her down the corridor to the rooms that she and Bruce shared.

"Thank you for being so sweet, Tony. I really appreciate you being so nice. I owe you." (Y/n) sniffed again, as she opened the door and passed him back his jacket.

"You don't owe me anything, sweetheart. Just leave everything to me." Tony replied. Giving (Y/n) a soft smile as she closed the door.

"God, I hate having morals." Tony groaned, as he slumped up against the wall. Sure, that it was going to be a long time before he forgot about (Y/n) in that underwear. Or the fact that he had thought about (Y/n), out of that underwear.

"Now to go fix the big lug." The billionaire continued under his breath, as he pushed off the wall and put on his jacket. Tony finding it impossible not to smile as he felt the material that was still warm from (Y/n)'s body heat.


Bruce looked up as the door swung open. The doctor hoping to see that (Y/n) had returned. He had thought about going after her, but knew that it probably wasn't the best idea, given the fact that her temper was a little fiery at the best of times. And when she had left the labs, she had looked positively livid. It wasn't that he meant to stay away. Wasn't that he didn't want to take care of her frustrations. It was just that he got so focused on work that he forgot about everything else. He knew it was wrong. He knew that he had to make up for it. But how?

"Have you absolutely lost your mind, Banner?!" Tony exclaimed as he walked into the lab. Bruce not quite knowing what to say in reply as the obviously annoyed billionaire stood before him. Arms firmly crossed.

"What? .......... Lost my mind about what?" Bruce enquired. Quite unaware of what the billionaire was referring to. Tony having to only say one word in reply for the penny to drop with the doctor.


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